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Kunoichi I

Kunoichi I

Autor: Menchikatsu



Kunoichi I PDF Free Download


Kunoichi is the hottest Japanese girl group around with a hit album and millions of fans around the world, but cracks are beginning to show. Cracks centered around their genius songwriter and singer Akari that threaten to tear the band apart and send them spiraling out of control. Danger, music, girls' love, sex and an exploration of celebrity in a world where control is the one thing no one will give up.

Chapter 1

  “If I died tomorrow

  Would you even know my name?

  In my depths of sorrow

  Have you ever felt the same?

  If I told you that I love you

  Would you feel my love is wrong?

  Or would you love me, too

  And help me sing this song?”

  The applause and screams thundered through the TV studio as the lights faded to black. My lungs burned from singing and dancing and my muscles felt like they were thrumming with exertion. I stood, head down, one hand still holding the microphone aloft, the other holding Yukiko’s hand tightly as the applause and screams continued to echo in the now darkness. This moment was the culmination of everything I’d worked for. The song I wrote and we all sang on top of the charts in eight countries, a world tour beginning on Monday with stops on four continents. I glanced over, surreptitiously at Sachi and felt a tinge of pain. Sachi was my one regret. If I’d been more obvious. If I’d been more insistent, then maybe…I sighed and glanced over at Yukiko and smiled at the feel of her hand in mine in the darkness while the screams of our fans echoed in my ears. It really can’t get any better than this, I thought.

  One of the stage hands directed us toward the interview area as the studio lights were coming back up. Once the studio was lit, wisps of smoke could be seen, still hanging in the air from the pyrotechnics of our set we were seated on the couch, me in the center flanked on the left by Yukiko and the right by Sachi. On Yukiko’s left sat the fourth member of the group, Mari. The fans called to us and screamed our names as we waved at them excitedly.

  “That was amazing!” the interviewer, an excitable woman in her mid thirties with stylish glasses, gushed, clapping along with the enthusiastic crowd.

  “Thank you!” We all called back, grinning from ear to ear.

  “It’s so great to be able to sing our new material to such a great audience!” Mari called and the roar from the crowd increased. “We are so grateful for your support!”

  “So, is it true, Akari, that you wrote all the songs on the new album?” The interviewer turned the glare of her lip gloss on me and my practiced smile flicked up another notch.

  “Well, I wrote the words but we all wrote the music and we all worked on the arrangement! It was a real team effort! The whole album was really an amazing experience and we really worked hard and hope everyone enjoys it!”

  “We love you, Akariiii!” Calls from the audience rose to a crescendo and I blushed and waved back excitedly.

  “I love you all, too!” I called and the audience screamed louder still, seeming to shake the entire building with their enthusiasm.

  “So you’ve got your first ever headlining world tour coming up, Sachi! How excited are you?” The interviewer turned to the acknowledged leader of our group who grinned broadly, her dimples flashing cutely. I couldn’t help myself and pinched both of her cheeks and turned my head to the crowd and cameras.

  “How cute is Sacchan?” I called, making the crowd squeal even louder and a blush spread across Sachi’s face.

  “Tickle attack!” Sachi called and poked my side below my ribs. I leapt back into Yukiko’s lap and squirmed. “Akari’s horribly ticklish, everyone! Right under her ribs!”

  “Th-that was a secret!” I cried as jolts spread out from where Sachi was tickling me. I tried to slither further away from Sachi’s attack while Yukiko laughed and held me tight. “Help me! I’m being bullied!” I cried, writhing under Sachi’s onslaught.

  “Take your medicine!” Sachi laughed, taking as much joy in tickling me as the audience did in watching.

  “I’m s-sorry!” I gasped. “I won’t touch your cheeks again!” The audience and interviewer laughed. Sachi nodded and smirked in satisfaction before turning back to the camera and winking conspiratorially.

  “We’re so excited! This is a dream come true for all four of us and we can’t even believe how amazing this is!” Sachi enthused as I giggled, crawling off Yukiko’s lap and returned to my seat. I cast a playfully wary eye Sachi’s way which caused fresh waves of laughter to ripple through the crowd.

  “What are you all looking forward to the most on the tour?”

  “Well, for me I think seeing all of our amazing fans that have helped get us to where we are today and putting on the best shows we can possibly do to repay them for their faith and all the energy they give us!” Sachi looked out past the cameras to the crowd and clapped loudly for them. Predictably the crowd went wild. The interviewer turned to Mari who touched her lower lip with her finger as if deep in thought.

  “I can’t wait to try the food everywhere! To taste the different flavors of each city! And to maybe take in some of the night life!” Mari finally said with a lascivious grin and waggle of her eyebrows. The crowd roared and whistled in appreciation.

  “I think seeing all of the amazing places we’ll be playing. Each city and town is so amazing with a different feel to each one. I love listening to the traffic and seeing the night skyline and kind of hearing the city breathe!” Yukiko enthused with a wistful smile. “It’s like magic, isn’t it?” The audience seemed carried away in Yukiko’s reverie and clapped loudly in response. Yukiko could definitely work a crowd on an emotional level, I marveled. The interviewer looked to me and I grinned.

  “I can’t wait to nap in every city and get a new T shirt from each one, too!” I pulled my black T shirt with a Led Zeppelin logo printed on it away from my chest for their approval. “T shirts are the best and naps are even better!”

  “That’s terrible!” Yukiko teased me, puffing out her cheeks playfully.

  “Well, you all took the good stuff!” I insisted. “Besides, I really do like T shirts and, don’t worry, you can all nap with me!” The crowd ooh’d enthusiastically at the insinuation.

  “Ok, so,” The interviewer shifted in her seat and leaned forward toward Yukiko. “I have got to know, since it’s everywhere! What is it like dating Jin Nakamoto of Hansamu?” I blinked, my smile stuck on my face. The crowd had grown silent in anticipation and in this new, surreal quiet I could almost feel my heart drop into my belly. I looked over at Yukiko who kept her eyes forward, a blush spreading across her face. I felt Sachi grab my hand in hers tightly as all the air seemed to have been knocked from my lungs.

  “Eh?” I squeaked. Surely that was a joke. Yukiko and I were dating. We had been for almost three months, now. We’d slept together two days earlier, enjoying the dawn after a night spent in each other’s arms. This was a joke, and not a good one. Right, Yukiko?

  “W-well, it’s still very early so I can’t really say much,” Yukiko replied haltingly, her eyes darting to our management staff standing off stage, looks of horror spreading across their faces. Why is she letting this hateful jest go on? She should laugh and roll her eyes at the absurdity of this farce, right?

  “Does he come around often? I mean, did he help with the album?” The interviewer pressed eagerly.

  “We haven’t really talked about the album,” Yukiko said, her voice trembling. She was not debunking this rumor. Could it…my mind recoiled in horror. I turned my face away from Yukiko to Sachi.

  “Eh?” I breathed again. She looked almost as lost as I was.