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A Night With A Billionaire

A Night With A Billionaire

Autor: Pen Warriors



A Night With A Billionaire PDF Free Download


In her twenty-four years of existence, Freya Davis has been living smoothly. Not until fate twisted her life into something shaky, and leads to her own downfall. After she found out that her best friend betrayed and snaked her boyfriend, she fell into her traps that night, which led her to sleep with a stranger and lose her virginity to a billionaire. Meanwhile, after her father kicked her out of their house, unexpectedly, the person to whom she lost her virginity, had crossed their path once again. She loathes him to death. Nonetheless, despite her suffering, it was he who helped her to raise again. But what will happen when Freya finds out that the man has something on her? The reason why her life has fallen apart?

Chapter 1

Feeling sore and uncomfortable, that's what Freya Davis felt her body when she woke up in the next morning. Bearing the intense pain in her head, she still tried her best to move.

She turned over her body and rolled into the pillows around her but then, confusion suddenly surrounded her when she noticed something rough. Eyes were still closed, feeling lazy to open it she tries to figure it out by touching the rough area of the bed not until realization hits her.

She immediately opened her eyes, and surprisingly a man's magnified handsome face welcome her sight. He looks like a sleeping angel, indeed. Freya thought she was dreaming, like an innocent woman she reached out the man's face and caressed it using her palm, Freya's mouth opened in awe.

How possible it is that a sleeping angel came to visit in her dreams? She thought, not until the man opened his eyes and their gazes met each other. To say that Freya was really surprised by the sudden movement of the man, she screamed loudly and rolled away from him.

Yet, what she didn't expect was when she found out there's no filament on her body. Her eyes grew bigger in horror and pulled the blanket immediately to wrapped around her body. Her heart pounded loudly, scared of what she might finds out.

"W-who are you?!" She exclaimed. "W-why are you here?"

Thinking the idea that they're both naked, Freya wanted to break down. What happened? How did I end up here? Where am I?She started to overthink. To say that Freya was already shaking in fear, she tries to recall what happened last night.

The man narrowed his eyes through Freya's direction. He doesn't know her, to be honest. His sight fell on the woman's exposed collarbones, before looking back to Freya's teary eyes.

"I saved you," He answered using his low voice.


Freya looked at him confusedly. She literally have no idea of what was the man talking about, until the resentful voice of her best friend Victoria echoed in her mind before she lost her conciousness last night.

"Come on, Freya. I just put the strongest drug in your tea, so you can't do anything anymore. Just enjoy the night with men and makes me win the victory. Don't worry, I'm kind enough to let you play with young and handsome man."

Freya tried her best to escape from those men gripped but she was weak enough to move a single muscle. Her surrounding started spinning as she lost her balance and felt into someone's arm. She wanted to run away from them but she just can't. Victoria, the only person she trusted the most betrayed her.

"Once Harvin saw this video, he will broke up with you and I'll make sure he will become mine."

That's it, she doesn't need for further information. After Freya realized that the man in front of her was the same person that Victoria brought her last night, her blood boiled in anger. Although Freya's face turned pale, she grabbed the pillows and smashed it directly to the man's direction.

"You're a fucking rapist!" She shouted, using her full force she kept on throwing every pillows she holds towards him. "I will make sure, you will root in the prison!"

Watching Freya's furious reaction, it didn't made him any flinch. As if he was already aware that the woman would be turning this violent. He calmly took the pillows and put it back in the bed one by one.

"You took the initiative to hug and seduce me last night. Do you think the police will believe your words?"

"You.." Freya bit her lips, trembling with anger.

She wanted to freak out and destroy all the things around her but she only remained standing at the edge of the room with the blanket wrapped around her. However mad she was, she did not lose her mind.

In the other's hand, the man is right, she can't call the police,they might found out the drugs that Victoria made her drink last night, afraid enough it would bring her into another chaos.

When the man told her what she did last night, there's no excuses to deny the fact that she also did it. Tempting the man,and didn't resist anything during the whole process. So, how could the police believe her?

But if she won't call them, will she let this man ruin her innocence in vain? No fucking way! He was the first person who took her virginity and that was Freya really couldn't accept.

Seeing Freya biting her lips with a desperate look in her face, the man inexplicably felt a little pitiful for her. His eyes fell on the same direction where her's attention locked in sight. There was a big red marks on the bed, and that was confirmed his thoughts.

"If you want, I'll take the responsibility of this."

After she heard those Freya just wanted to laugh. Responsible? Does he think after what happened she still make him accountable to himself? Is he kidding her?

Anger swept through Freya again, she pointed her finger at him out of control and roared, "Go away! You fucking get out of here! Or I'll kill you!"

Looking her hysterical, the man got up from the bed and picked up his clothes and wore them casually in front of Freya's face, without a hint of any emotions. When he was done, he turned his head and took out the business card from his pocket before handed it to Freya. "Once you figure it out, just reach me out and we'll talk about it..."


The man heaved a deep breath and stared at Freya's face for a while before he finally remove his gazes. He walked out the room but before he could finally close the door, he heard Freya started sobbing louder.

The man paused, he suddenly wanted to stay with her but in the end, he just shook his head and strode across the corridor. When he reach the elevator, two men with the appearance of bodyguards silently appeared from somewhere else and greeted him respectfully.

"Our greetings, Master!"

The man's face regained the majestic and indifference of the superior, with his voice full of authority he voiced out.

"Check her information and report it immediately." Pertaining to the woman, he was with earlier. One of the bodyguard besides him saluted formally before answered...

"Copied, master!"