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Autor: Mo_jo_larh





He had one rule! No romantic relationship between the employer and the employee. What Freya had for her boss, andre was just a little crush. What happens when her little crush turns to something more when Andre needed her help to pretend as is wife for a year. Will her crush cloud her judgement ? Will Andre see the true beauty that lies within.. Read to find out!

Chapter 1

Chapter one


The annoying sound of my alarm wakes me. It's 7:30 am and I have an interview by 8:30. So, I get up, go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, take my bath and get out, and in minutes, I am on my way. In about 25 minutes, I am in front of 'A&S LTD'.

I get out of my car and practically run into the building with my slightly high stiletto heels which I am wearing to match my black suit. I get to the reception and tell the lady that I am here for the interview. She directs me to the elevator and instructs me to stop on the 3rd floor where the interview is to hold. I look towards the elevator and see that the doors are about to close. I look at my wristwatch and it is 8:28 am.

I make a run for the elevator and before the doors close, I am able to get my fingers in. The doors reopen and I step in and see a handsome guy. He has blue eyes, light brown hair, a charming smile, dimples to die for and it is evident from the suit he is wearing that he is built and rich.

He looks really familiar though. He breaks the silence and speaks.

"Hey, hope you didn't hurt your fingers?" I glance down at my fingers and see that they are red.

"It's nothing. I'll be fine". I say, rubbing my fingers gently.

"Ok, if you think so". He says and looks back at the files in front of him.

He's not so chatty is he?. I wonder if he is also here for the interview.

Before I can ask, the elevator doors open and he steps out. I follow him and see a room full of people probably also here for the interview. I try looking for the handsome stranger but he is nowhere to be found. Oh! There he is.

"Attention, the interview is about to proceed".

I check my watch and see that it was 8:30 sharp. Wait, Oh my God!!, he's the boss. No wonder he looked familiar.

"Lisa Brooks please report to my office", he says.

Now I'm really nervous but I really need this job. If I do, I'll become Andre Smith's assistant and I will temporarily train under him so I can own my own business someday. He comes out and calls the next person. I start playing candy crush as I wait patiently for my turn. He steps out, again and again, and each time he comes out I'm nervous cause it could be me.

"Freya Stanford please report to my office ".

He smiles and our eyes meet. I feel butterflies in my belly. My fingers are crossed, I really hope I get this job. I summon all the courage I have in me and boldly walk into his office, look around and gasp in awe of how huge his office is. I wasn't expecting it to be small but wow! Like wow. What does he even need all this space for? There is a huge desk with two chairs, one on each side. Beside the desk to the right is a large shelf with several books on it and to the left is a tall standing refrigerator. In another section of the same office is a grey sofa, two other chairs, a center table with fruits in a bowl, red and green apples to be precise, and a very large flat-screen Tv.

There are two standing air conditioners in the office and thank God I am wearing a suit, as I would have frozen to death. Two were attached to the walls. A picture of him shaking the President's hand is also part of the WOW. I'm sure this office can buy my house with everything in it. The view of the beach from his office is so beautiful.

"Please sit," he says and I blush, he must have caught me admiring his aesthetically pleasing office. I sit down and say, "Thank you".

"I think we've met before?" He states, studying my face.

"Yes, in the elevator" I reply.

"Oh yeah, at least now I know your name. So Freya let's start with this. What do you know about this company?". He looks very authoritative. I tuck a loose strand of my hair behind my ears and clear my throat before I speak.

"Well for starters, I know it is owned and financed by you. It became yours when the former owner MR lee Smith, your father gave it to you. You made wise decisions and as a result of your initiative, this business is where it is now. It has over the years climbed the ladder and crossed over the mountains of competing industries to become the number one and richest private enterprise. I..."

He held up his hands and I trail off. Oh no, Oh no. I'm definitely not getting this job. Did I say too much? Well in my defense he did ask what I knew about the company.

"I've heard enough, you really did your research didn't you?" I tucked another loose strand of my hair behind my ear and nod slowly.

"Yes sir, I did", I confess nervously.

He opens an envelope and brings out a sheet of paper.

"Do you know what this is?" I gulp and answer.

"No sir, I do not" I'm so frigging nervous.

"Well, it's your resumé and on it, it says you do not have any work experience" He gives a questioning look.

"I do actually but not in a business firm".

"Where do you work?"

"At a restaurant sir"

"What is your job there?"


"Accounting? In a restaurant?"

"Well," I pause for a second before continuing. "Money matters, collating the income and then the expenditure".

"You seem to have a steady job, what brings you here then?"

"I want more, I need more"

"More what? Money?"

"No sir"

"Then what?"

"The thing is, I love my current job but it is not enough for me. It is not Fulfilling enough for me. I feel like if you give me the chance. I can do much more and take my life from where it is to where I want it to be. To where it needs to be sir" At this point, my heart is palpitating with fear and I am already shaking.

"Since you don't have any business work experience whatsoever, what makes you think you have what it takes to get this job?" He asks, eyeing me.

"I might not have the work experience but I've got many other things"

"Like what?"

Is he really doing this?

I clear my throat again and reply, "Okay, I've got the skill, I have a great zeal towards my work, I am disciplined and I don't tolerate distractions. Finally, I believe if you give me a chance, I can make a change"

"You've spoken well miss Stanford," he says, keeping a straight face. Should I take that as a good or bad thing?.

"Thank you, sir"

"But is it enough?" He asks.

"That's up to you sir"

"And if it isn't enough, what will you do then?"

"I'd walk myself right out of this building and I promise never to bother you again". Yeah, I'm so badass.

"Ok, well this interview is over" He puts out his palm for me to shake. I take it and say, "Thank you for your time, sir".

He stands up and says, "I'll give you a call to let you know"

"Ok sir" We both leave the office and I hear him call "Brenda Sparks" before I left the building.

In the past twenty-four years of my life, I've never been under that time of pressure. I just hope I get this job.