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Shantal's fiance betrayed her.After she discovered his real intention towards her she met an accident.Her car bumped a ten wheeler trucks.And when she finally wake up from a coma she discover that she travel 300 years ago back to the Meng Dynasty and bear the body of Lady Shan who happens to have a face that looks like her.Lady Shan who's body and soul is now own by Shantal is engaged to be married the fourth prince of Meng.Prince Jin,the fourth brother of the king of Meng who's famous for being brave and heartless.At first,they disliked each other but eventually fall in love in after they saw each other's real personality. Find out how their love will win against time and how did she time-travel from present to the past anciet China despite of her different nationality from them.And what is the connection between Shantal and the people from the Meng Dynasty?

Chapter 1

Shantal is crying while driving her car away from her fiance's house.Tomorrow is her wedding day with her fiance.But it will not happen 'cause she already knew the reason why Limo wants to marry her.He only wanted her money and properties that she inherited from his deceased grandfather.No wonder his very eager to marry her.He can't wait to have all of her inheritance.

Shantal met Limo at her grandfather's burial.He is the son of her grandfather's personal lawyer,Uncle Sam.Aside from her bestfriend Kakai,Limo was also the one who comforted her.Kakai was out of the country at that time and she could only comforted her from the phone.Her grandfather was the only relatives she had in this world.So she's very down and devastated when he suddenly died from heart attack.Limo was always beside her,saying comforting words and offered his shoulders to cry and lean on.As time passed by they became closer to each other until he courted her.It's the first time that she was courted by a guy so she felt that she's very special.Although she's pretty but still no guy courted her.Maybe it's because they thought that she was a snob because she's rich.But for her,her grandfather was the one who is rich not her.Her grandfather was a bussiness magnet and one of the richest people in the Philippines.Everyone around her treated her as a princess to the point that no guy had the courage to show interest on her.Only Limo had the courage to court her.And she's happy to know that he likes her because she likes her too.

Shantal gave her sweet "yes" to Limo after a month of courting her.She's very happy with their relationship.Her boyfriend was very sweet,caring and thoughtful.Limo surprised her a wedding proposal.She thought that he is the one for her.Her one and only forever love so she happily agreed to marry him.They got engaged after six months of being together.They started to dream a happy family with each other.After a month of preparation their wedding day finally approaching.But she never imagined that her dreams will shattered a day before their wedding day.Her world suddenly collapsed when she discovered his big secret.She accidentally heard the conversation between her fiance and his "cousin" Pia when she visited his house today.She heard their evil plan to get rid of her after their wedding.Limo and Pia planned to kill her after Limo get her inheritance after their wedding.

Next Friday is Shantal's eighteenth birthday.And it is also the day that she will have full access of her inheritance that his grandfather left for her before he passed away.Uncle Sam is the one who controled all of her properties.And he's also her legal guardian until she reach a legal age.She's wondering if Uncle Sam knew the evil plan of his son and his son's secret lover towards her.Maybe he's not.Uncle Sam is very kind to her and he never saw that he is interested her inheritance.He onced warned her to carefully choose the right guy to entrust her life.But who knows that she would met the guy that who only after her wealth.And that man was her Uncle Sam's son.

Shantal gently wiped away the tears that run down to her cheeks.She should not cry for him.He's a betrayer,a devil with an evil man that disguises himself into a kind angel. He's not worthy of his tears.She should think on how she will deal with his evil ex-fiance and his secret lover.Because she's busy thinking on how to dealt his fiance so she never noticed the ten wheeler truck that rushing towards her.It's too late when she finally noticed the truck.It already bumped to her car.All she could do was to scream at the top of her lungs when she felt that her car was thrown up high and fall down.She felt the pain in her head and body from squeezing inside the car.Her eyes turned blurred.She felt the warm liquid that running down from her head to her cheeks.She looked outside from her car and saw people rushing towards her before she pass out.


"Finally,you open your eyes,My Lady.We are very worried of you."

Shantal gently open her eyes.Where is she?Is she already dead?

"My Lady?Are you okay,Lady Shan?"a woman beside her asked.Her face is very delighted to see that she already awake.

"My Lady?Lady Shan?"she repeated what the woman called her."Why are you calling me like that?And who are you?Where am I?"She's very confused.Where the heck is she?The last timeshe remember was her car was hit by a ten wheeler truck.But why is she here instead at the hospital?And why the woman wearing a weird clothes?But it's a little bit familiar to her.But she can't recalledwhere did she saw this kinds of clothes.She tried to stand up she felt a sudden pain in her head so she decided to lay down again.

"I am Ahu,My Lady.I am your personal maid and you are my Lady Shan,"the woman looks confused.Suddenly her eyes bacame wider."You don't remember me and also you don't remember who you are,My Lady?"the woman asked.Her expression is very worried and it seems like she wants to cry.

She nod."Yes.I don't know who you are and I am not your lady.My name is not Lady Shan.I'm Shantal."

"Oh My God!Wait a minute,My Lady.I will tell the Lord that you're already awake,"said the woman and rushed out from the room before she could stop her.

When Shantal finally alone she noticed that her sorroundings is very different from what she used to see.The house looks like an old house though it's very clean.The bed where she's lying is also different.It's not like her bed in their house.This bed is hard.There is no matress over the bed but she's thankfull that the quilt she's using is very smooth and soft.She tried hard to remembered where did she saw those kind of house,clothes and even the bed and specially the way the woman called her.She silently cursed when she finally remembered where did she saw those kinds of weird things.She saw it in Chinese historical drama.Her bestfriend Kakai was a huge fan of Chinese historical drama and she happens to saw her watching it in her laptop.But she never pay attention on iit.All she knew that the Chinese historical drama was exist during ancient time of China a thousand or hundred years ago.

"Oh know.Don't tell me that I travel from the present to the past ancient China just like the drama that Kakai has been watched?Is this real?But why me?I don't have even a slightest interest in ancient China?And I am not a Chinese,I'm a Filipino.Why me?"she asked herself.But who will give her an explanation?