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Two  Months With A Billionaire

Two Months With A Billionaire

Autor: Star Gold



Two Months With A Billionaire PDF Free Download


Michael Dalton, a billionaire who has companies all over the world. Due to some incident years ago, He became cold -hearted. The worst is that he's handsome, arrogant ,doesnt believe in love and hate women so much neither does he laugh or smile without a reason Meet Alicia Swiz, a beautiful girl who's jovial and adamant at the same time, she loves looking for trouble. She lives with her friend, Felicia in a small apartment at knighton, London. Hell breaks loose when Alicia bumps into Michael on her way to the interview?? After insulting him for not apologizing to her, she goes for the interview only to find out that the rude arrogant guy is going to be her boss Can they still get along or will Alicia be forced to apologize for insulting inorder not to lose her job? Is there still hope for Micheal when he finds himself falling in love with his new PA who hates him with passion? What made Micheal cold hearted? Down the story lane, we'll find out what really made Micheal become cold-hearted?? So tighten your seat belt and chill while the story unfolds

Chapter 1


The buzzing sound of the alarm woke Alicia up informing her it was another day

Rubbing her eyes with her hands, she yawned loudly before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take her bath

After bathing and brushing, Alicia returned to her room searching for clothes she can wear. Now dressed in a blue Jean and a white crop top with white sneakers, she brushed her hair styling it into a brief ponytail.

Satisfied with her looks, Alicia rushed downstairs to join Felicia who was already making breakfast. The aroma of French fries was all over the kitchen to the dinning .

Her friend and roommate, Felicia, was perfect when it comes to cooking unlike her who's so lazy whenever it comes to kitchen stuffs. Puff!!

“Boom!!" Alicia voiced out, making Felicia jump .

Alicia laughed so hard seeing the way her friend reacted but that didn't go well with Felicia who couldn't hold back her anger

Felicia eyed her amidst tight breath, "How many times have I told you to stop scaring me???" She flared at Alicia who couldn't stop laughing even when she tried so she decided to apologize cause she hates getting her friend angry.

With guilt written on her, she apologized. " Forgive me, Felicia. I'm sorry, I was only trying to surprise you, "

"Come on! Stop telling me lies, Alicia," Felicia rolled her eyes and hissed.

"I mean it, Felicia," Alicia said, staring into Felicia's eyes.

Felicia shrugged, "Whatever,"

"So what can I help you with? "Alicia asked Felicia who was about dishing out the food.

" Set the dinning table," Felicia said, dropping two plates on the kitchen cabinets.

Alicia went ahead to set the dinning table and was about to return to the kitchen when she sighted Felicia coming out from the kitchen to the dinning room so she sat back while Felicia placed the food on the table and they started eating.

After they finished eating, Alicia cleared the table and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

When she was done, she joined Felicia in the living room who was listening to news on the television. Alicia sat down, crossing her legs.

"Are you still going for the interview???" Felicia broke the silence, glancing at her.

"Yeah, or I shouldn't go??"Alicia asked, raising her eye brows but Felicia didn't reply and fixed her gaze on the television.

Knowing what that meant, Alicia went to her room to carry her blue bag which has her credentials

Bidding Felicia goodbye, she rushed out of their apartment and boarded a cab.

" Do you know Dalton Company?" Alicia asked, showing the driver the address of her destination.

"Who doesn't know the famous company?" The driver asked as he continued driving.

"Is it that popular?" Alicia asked, staring at the driver.

"Yes, of course," He nodded in response. "I heard that the CEO is cold-hearted."


"Yes, of course,"

"How did you know?"

"You don't listen to rumour? Everybody knows in this town," The driver smiled.

"Ohhhhhhhh...." Alicia nodded.

"What do you want to do there?"

"I'm going for an interview," Alicia explained.

"Okay," The driver dropped her at the address,"Good luck. "

"Thank you," Alicia said, giving him money.

She ran inside the company and looked around the building before her.

While she was admiring the company, someone bumped into her, making her to almost lose balance but thanks to God, she didn't fall.

Alicia looked at the stranger expecting an apology but unfortunately the stranger who happens to be a man didn't even look at her instead his eyes were still glued to his phone and as he began to walk away

Alicia lost her cool, "Hey, ,Asshole!" She screamed, trying to get the stranger's attention and she did, because the stranger stopped walking, and she quickly went over to confront him.

"You bumped into me and you can't even apologise? You lack manners, arrogant bastard," She said angrily, gritting her teeth and fisting her hands but he rolled his eyes at her and went away.

While the stranger walked away, Alicia quickly went to the reception where people were already seated for the interview.

Alicia became nervous whe she saw that the people who went in left with tears rolling down their cheeks. Her legs went weak as it got to her turn,so she slowly entered the boss's office.

"Good morning, sir," She greeted, staring at the floor.

The boss didn't reply instead he cleared his throat and asked rudely, "Where are your credentials??" His eyes were glued to the keyboard and computer he was typing on

Alicia stretched her credentials forward, and gave it to him, Nd he glanced through it.

Alicia looked up as he dropped her credentials on his table. Her jaw dropped immediately she saw his face.

"No, he can't be! " She muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You again??"The boss said in anger while Alicia was shaking vigorously.

"So.....rrrrrrryyyy, sir," She stuttered, bowing her head.

"Wow, nice to meet you, Ms Alicia Swiz," He said, grinning from ear to ear, thinking of how he can punish her.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir," She said, staring at the floor.

"You can start work now," He announced, smiling at her.

"Come again, sir?" She asked in confusion.

"Are you deaf? I said you can start work now!" He shouted, hitting his hands on the table, making Alicia to jump up. "I said you should resume now."

"Thank you, sir," She thanked him, smiling at him while the CEO glared at her in return.

"You must come early tomorrow morning. You must be in the company by 6 am and failure to do so, you will be punished or your salary would be deducted," He smirked, knowing that she can't meet up with the time.

"Okay, sir," Alicia said, staring at him.

"You can go now," He dismissed her while Alicia nodded her head, walking towards the door.

"Wait!" The boss called which made Alicia to stop and turned back to face the boss.

"Prepare Coffee for me," He said smiling, showing his dimples.

"Wow! He looks so cute when he smiles," Alicia said in admiration, still lost in his looks.

"Are you done drooling?" He asked, jolting Alicia out of her deep thoughts.

"Drool, my foot!!" She mumbled. "He's not even cute." Alicia stared at him then looked away.

"I heard what you said, you fool!" He screamed in anger while Alicia rolled her eyes in return. "What did you just do now?"

"Nothing," Alicia bowed her head.

"Better!" He scowled. "Prepare Coffee for me." He repeated again.

"Okay, sir. But....." Alicia was cut off by the angry CEO.

"No but! Get the fuck outta my office now!!" He commanded, pointing at the door.

Alicia quickly rushed out in fear, closing the door behind her and rested on it.

"Gosh! Why is he angry? Did he want to kill me?" She asked herself, putting her hands on her chest to calm herself down.

"Hey! What are you doing there?" Someone asked while Alicia looked at the left side to see a young, beautiful lady, wearing a short gown that shows her cleavages. "What are you doing there? The lady repeated.

Alicia stared at the lady who was standing in front of her in disgust.

" Are you deaf?" The lady asked in anger.

"Shut the hell up!" Alicia raised her voice.

"Do you know who I am in this company?" The lady asked, folding her arms. "I guessed that you're a newbie here."

"I do not want to know you, you dimwit!" Alicia spat, walking away from her.

"Come back here!" The lady held her from behind, raising her hands up to slap her.

"You dare not touch me!" Alicia gritted her teeth, holding the lady's hands while she tightened her grip on her.

"Stop it!" A young fat lady, wearing a big glasses shouted, running towards them. "Zoey, you've caused trouble again." The lady said when she got to them. "Pleas, release her."

Alicia left her hands and watched Zoey as she scurried away.

"Are you a new worker here?" The fat lady asked, staring at Alicia.

"Yeah," Alicia nodded. "Who's that lady I fought with earlier?"


"Is that her name?"

"Yes," The fat lady nodded. "Zoey is our CEO's sex partner and also our senior here, she got prompted by our CEO. Please do everything in your power to stay away from Zoey, she's not a good person."

"Okay, okay," Alicia shrugged. "Thank you. You're??" She flashed her a smile which the fat lady returned with a big smile.

"I'm Sarah," Sarah said and brought her hands forward.

"I'm Alicia Swiz," Alicia beamed at her as she took Sarah's hand in a firm clasp.

"Nice to meet you, Alicia," Sarah said, adjusting her glasses.

"The pleasure is all mine," Alicia smiled at her.

Unknown to them that their CEO was watching them through his window.

"Oh my gosh!" Alicia cried out in a loud voice, startling Sarah.