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Autor: Authoress Ti Fe





Matt is a 19yr-old high school boy, who has a great passion for soccer. In his first year in Royal Heights school, he was already known all over the school as the best soccer player from the freshman year. Matt is known to have a very complicated personality because of the way he acts. He was disliked by almost everyone. Luckily for him, he had just a friend named Stephan. Stephan was the only one that understood why Matt always acted strange sometimes because he wasn't ignorant about Matt's past. Matt had a very terrible past with his uncle and this made him someone hated by almost everyone. On the long run, Matthew a 20-year-old boy was transferred from his all-boys school to Royal Heights school. This has always been Matthew's dream school. He was admitted and was given a room that happened to be the same as that of Matt. Matthew is gay and he isn't ashamed of it. Matt on the other hand despises gays with everything in him because of his past. Matt later found out that Matthew is gay and couldn't take it. He tried switching roommates, but no one wanted to live in the same room with a psychopath. Matt finally decided to accept Matthew as his roommate, but never accepted the fact that they can be friends or anything close to that at all. Matthew however fell in love with Matt's annoying personality and promised himself to prove Matt wrong. "How would Matthew do this?" I don't think this would be easy!

Chapter 1

  Matt jogged down the field with a large smile on his face. He just scored the last goal winning the football match for his school again.

  The ladies kept cheering, clapping, and dancing happily. Some waved at Matt and he responded by blowing them kisses.

  “That was an incredible shot, Matt. Keep it up.” His coach complimented and Matt shook his hand.

  “Thank you, Mr. Randy,” Matt responded and he kept running. He got into the school building and ran down the hallway to where his locker was.

  He opened his locker and began to remove his outfits.

  “Matt,” Stephan called running to where he was.

  “What?” Matt answered weakly picking up his towel and cleaning his sweaty face with it.

  “Jena couldn’t stop smiling when you played.” He said happily and Matt's eyes widened.

  “she smiled?” He asked and Stephan nodded.

  “You can finally shoot your shot. She seems to be interested in you too.” Stephan advised and Matt laughed.

  “This is the best news I have heard today. “ Matt muttered picking up his white shirt.

  “One more news Matt. I don’t know how you are going to react to this one.” Stephan said and Matt noticed he had a sad look on his face.

  “what is it?” Matt asked paying rapt attention.

  “Matthew your roommate is gay.” He said and Matt was dumbfounded for seconds.

  “what? He is gay? How am I just knowing this?” Matt asked in shock.

  “He got here last night Matt, don’t overthink it. I heard from some ladies when he sat in the restaurant today.” Stephan added.

  Matt's face grew red in fury, and he said no word to Stephan anymore. Instead, he began to pack his stuff into his bag.

  “Matt please say something. When you are silent, it’s always scary.” Stephan mumbled but Matt kept mute.

  After packing his stuff, he hung the hand If his bag on his shoulders and walked away leaving Stephan standing.

  “Matt! Wait up!” Stephan called running behind him.

  “See you later.” Matt said without looking back and Stephan stopped following him. He sighed heavily and turned back.

  Matt walked down the hallway with his face still very red. The students passing noticed this and made way for him.

  “he is acting crazy again.” He heard them mumble to themselves but ignored them and kept replaying what Stephan told him in his head.

  He got to his apartment, opened the door and met Matthew in the room packing his clothes. He dropped his bag on the bed in rage.

  “Are you gay? Is that true?” Matt asked approaching him and Matthew dropped his clothes, and turned to look at him

  “Is that how to say Good morning?” Matthew asked smiling seductively making Matt so angry.

  “I hate gays! Gay guys disgust me! So tell me, are you gay?” He asked in a very loud tone.

  “I am.” Matthew responded calmly staring right into his eyes.

  “Gosh! You need to look for another room.” Matt said walking away from him.

  “Unfortunately, I like you and I don’t think leaving this room is an option.” Matthew said and Matt looked at him unbelievably.

  “I am going to look for another roommate.” Matt muttered walking to the door.

  “How do my being gay affect you? We are just sharing rooms, or are you scared I would turn you into one?” Matthew asked and Matt angrily stormed back to where he was standing.

  “I can never be gay! And you affect me in every way because you disgust me and I can’t even breathe!” Matt yelled poking Matthew's chest with his finger.

  Matthew looked at his finger on his chest and began to smile.

  “You have pretty good hands.” He stated and Matt quickly withdrew his finger from his chest. He rose up his hand to make a statement but changed his mind.

  “Freak!” Matt mumbled walking out of the room, and he met Stephan standing at the door.

  “Hey!” he said and Matt walked away.

  “where are you going?” Stephan asked following behind him.

  “I need a new roommate.” He said.

  “So where are you going?” Stephan further inquired.

  “The Principal of course. I can’t stay in the same room with that gay.” He commented having a disgusted look on his face.

  “I don’t think you would find a new roommate Matt.” Stephan said in a low tone.

  “ I don’t care. I need to get Matthew out of that apartment.” He told as they got to the principal's office.

  “I will go in alone.” Matt muttered knocking on the door and walking in.

  “Matt.” The principal called with a smile on her face. That is Mrs. Olivia for you. She is friendly to almost everyone.

  “Good day Mrs. Olivia. I am here to request for a change of apartment Ma'am.” Matt said without hesitation.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” She asked calmly.

  “I don’t like my new roommate. He is super annoying.” Matt said and Mrs. Olivia giggled.

  “I understand you Matt, believe me I do. This happens to almost everyone who just have a new roommate. You tend to see the bad side of them first but later you would see the good in them. Your roommate is Matthew Smith right?” she asked and Matt nodded.

  “Matthew is a very good and intelligent boy. He would be a very good roommate to you as time goes on.” She said smiling and Matt who wasn’t satisfied with her reaction to this matter gave her a fake grin and a bow before walking out of her office frowning.

  “How was it?” Stephan asked noticing the sad look on Matt's face.

  “I need to find anyone willing to exchange roommates.” Matt told and Stephan understood the Principal didn’t agree to his appeal.

  “But…” Stephan said and Matt looked at him.

  “Don’t try discourage me. You know how much I despise those people.” He declared and Stephan nodded swallowing his words.