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What's her name

What's her name

Autor: Xūnyīcāo



What's her name PDF Free Download


Little girl who wants to advance her parents after both being brutally murdered by one man, who she unfortunately is related to. She doest talk about what had happened because she doesn't trust people, for she believes she'll be her only saviour. Will she find him? Will she claim justice to her parents or will she die trying?

Chapter 1

  "My story didn't start so well.., but I'm not letting it end badly either. Because my entire life is dedicated to my one goal before death, for even he can't stop me...".

  April 27 2058 - 20 years before that...

  Martha Stelling's got an arranged engagement to Simon Hrart, younger brother to David Stone Heart. The engagement went well till Simon started acting up. He would occasionally mistreat his fiance and abuse her. There where many affairs that filled day in and day out that she has to deal with but stayed strong, because marrying into the Adolphs family would be very "profitable" to the kingdom. While Simon slept with the women in the kingdom David helped Martha with all the cleaning and cooking. She then found herself wearing a wedding ring from him when...

  September 2 2058 - Wedding Day

  She walked down the aisle in our snow White dress, like the Queen she would soon become. Tears filled up with David's eyes as he saw his future wife's beauty. The marriage ceremony went on smoothly, Martha was now Martha Heart, but as time went by nothing would ever stay the same as again for that Kingdom... For it would one-day disappear and be remembered as the Forgotten Kingdom.

  July 3 2059 - The Kings de-crowning

  Many months after the wedding Simon got jealous of David. So he followed and found David in the woods all alone. Where he was cutting wood for the fire.Simon offered to help but instead cut Simon's head of clean off in rage. He then started stripping the body of all the monetary value it carried. And while doing that he found Simon's wedding ring which he put in the decapitated heads mouth. And two weeks later mailed it to Martha mourn over, but the body was never found... David actually planned to marry Martha to become King and replace Simon but instead he came across the shocking truth that she was already 3 months pregnant.

  December 31 2059 - A girl!

  The queen lay in the hospital bed around midnight, where she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but there was a problem... her hair was red. the doctors examine the baby very carefully as she would soon be the new ruler of the Kingdom but she was perfectly healthy except for her blood red hair. The Queen loved the little girl, although the rest of the Kingdom thought it was crazy that her husband was blonde and she had brown hair but she gave birth to a redhead. But the Queen didn't really care about her hair, she just loved her daughter's eyes, her blue eyes like the light blue sky in summer which reminded her of Simon. She named her Sapphire, for in the night her eyes change to a dark blue starry Sky field with millions of dreams. She would then known as the past and the future, because she was born so close to midnight that the doctors didn't know which year was accurate for her birth . But Who would she grow up to be?

  September 19 2067 - Because I love you

  Martha was now married David as a queen couldn't rule without a queen apparently. She was abused with her with her dear daughter mercilessly. but she couldn't say a word for the prophets that David's family was bringing in will very beneficial to the the small Kingdom. But one day David took it too far and on Martha's birthday he tied 7 year old Sapphire to a tree, while tying her mother to a wooden chair where he beat her up mercilessly with a metal bar until he poured petrol over her body and burnt her alive... her screaming and shouting was not going to save her, for she would diverse in death as her first husband. After a lot of screaming Sapphire finally escaped from the ropes and attended to her mother, where she had already laid dead and burnt beyond recognition. With tears in her eyes she asked him why... why did he do it and David quietly wisperd into her ear and said, "Because I love you". And walked away laughing.

  November 2 2067 - Were leaving

  Simon no was the only ruler left to take care of the Kingdom but the residing residence didn't want to take orders from him because they knew he was evil and wasn't worth trusting and left. Sapphire was so shocked. She kept chasing after them asking where they were going "we're leaving darling" and "we can't stay here dear" they would all say, but she couldn't just pack up and leave like everyone else, because David the man who murdered both her parents, his own brother and abused his wife was her legal guardian. But to him she was a toy that he could use to earn easy money especially from her red hair....

  Will she live? Will she die? Will she repay her uncle for all the pain he brought her? Guess we'll have to come find out next time.