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Royal Fuckery

Royal Fuckery

Autor: Antonette Liebermann



Royal Fuckery PDF Free Download


Prince and a Peasant sitting in a tree K I S S I N G ." - unknown. ___ "It's all false." The Prince stared straight into his father's eyes. "I have never laid my eyes on this girl in my entire existence, father." Prince added. "Very well." The King said thoughtfully. "Young lady you have to be punished for having spread falsehood on my son's name but I do sympathize with you considering you are with child." All the people of Acamas had been watching, as this had been done in public appearance. Everyone was in stitches of laughter after the Prince had denied the allegations but even more people who knew Lucia knew that she wasn't one to lie, cheat or even lay with a man before marriage. Lucia knew right there and there that her life was doomed and above all she was a fool. fool. doomed. que sera sera.

Chapter 1

Chapter|| 1: Royal Introduction.

"Everybody has difficult years, but a lot of times the difficult years end up being the best years of your whole entire life, if you survive them." ~ Brittany Murphy.


Acamas known as the lost city, consisted of the most beautiful sceneries. It was after all a small part of Greece. Centuries ago, there was a dispute between two royal princes which made Acamas separate from Greece. Acamas was ruled by Prince Angelos Krestenitis while Greece stayed in the rule of King Jason Roussopoulos, half brother of Angelos Krestenitis. Centuries later they still had not been reunited.

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Acamas had grown to be as strong as Greece in terms of civilization. When Prince Alexius Nikoloudis II was born the priest had said he was the angel that would reunite the Acamas with Greece. Prince Alexius was pure, not handsome but beautiful beyond beautiful. His sapphire blue eyes were more alluring. His pouty pink lips were beyond dainty. His long eye lashes that made his sapphire blue eyes flutter pleasantly. His blonde golden locks made him even more admirable. His aristocratic nose fit perfectly with his many other traits. Unfortunately his dear mother was taken away by death while delivering the Prince. His father became cold and distant, he could not stand to look at his son or be in the same room as Prince Alexius. He blamed the Prince for taking away his Queen, the love of his life, his reason for living, his strength, his comforter. If it was up to King Dysmas Daskalakis Nikoloudis he would have much preferred for his wife to live rather than his son.

As the years went by the King busied himself, avoiding his son at any cost. Prince Alexius Nikoloudis II grew accustomed to his father's cold nature. All he wanted to do was to make his father proud but nothing was ever good enough. The King couldn't even look at his son because all he saw was pain, the pain of seeing his wife bleeding to her death in agony. He would never forget that day, he could never forgive his son, the picture was stuck in his mind like a poles of magnet.


Lucia Andreou was born a year after Prince Alexius Nikoloudis II in Athens Greece, her life was in danger. Her parents decided it would be best to have her reside in the Independent city of Acamas just outside Greece. She would reside there as a local that would save her from the thin ice.

Her forest green eyes and blonde hair made her beautiful, easy on the eyes of anyone who saw her. She grew to be even more dazzling even in rags, she was always the centerfold of beauty. Unlike the Prince who grew up in the care of many chambermaids and chaperones. Lucia grew up rather as the maid in her aunts household with her cousin Kyra. School wasn't a priority, the priority was being raised well so you could be a graceful wife to some gentleman who would later father your kids.

Lucia taught herself how to read and write, she was what people would call open minded, cheerful and of course intelligent. She had a heart of gold always helping anyone who was in need more. Even with her life not being the most comfortable, she made herself see the brighter side of it always.

Prince Alexius Nikoloudis II went to the best schools. He even bid his kingdom goodbye as he went to study in England for a few years. He returned home and as expected his father did not pay much attention , he just shrugged off the fact that his son had studied at the University of Oxford at the early age of fifteen.

Lucia was eager to learn she received help from Mrs. Khloris a neighbor. She was very kind and always looked out for Lucia. She was very generous always giving Lucia books to borrow whenever she came around. Lucia was bestfriends with Mrs. Khloris son, Khristian Salavas. Lucia's life was very different from Prince Alexius but whenever they were together it was all forgotten into thin air.