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My Best Man

My Best Man

Autor: Lilyray



My Best Man PDF Free Download


Heidi McCain had been away from home, traveling and doing modeling gigs. She gets a call from home, informing her of her younger sister Holly's upcoming wedding. Heidi and Holly don't always see eye to eye and their mother criticizes her for not being sophisticated and snobbish like her sister. On the day of the bachelorette party, she decides to skip out and get wasted in a bar where she ends up having an impromptu one-nightstand. She later finds out the man she slept with was none other than the groom's best man and the man her sister has set her eyes on. Tune in for the drama and sister rivalry.

Chapter 1

Heidi's Pov

I was wrapping up a modeling gig in Milan, Italy. I've been there last two weeks since I came from Paris. I was not planning on accepting the modeling offer but after so much persuasion from my designer and gay friend, Dario Fonseca, I thought why not. I met him at a runway show in London, and from there on we just clicked. Although we don't spend too much time together, he gets me. Before modeling, I am a travel photographer. I'm am fascinated by exotic places and historical monuments all around the world, although I have only been to a handful of countries, I plan on continuing the adventure. I go wherever the wind takes me. Unfortunately, for now, I will have to put an end to my travel plans because I have to do back to New York. My mother called and I almost did not pick up thinking she was going to start nagging me. To my surprise, it was a different matter.

My younger sister Holly is getting married. I could not believe that my sister was getting married, that too in less than a week. I'm am sure he is a wealthy, prominent suitor as my mother likes to call them. I wondered if she was in love or the money led her to accept the proposal. Whatever it was my mother gave me no choice other than to come back home to support my sister.

I took the available back to New York even if I dreaded it. The reason I travel is that I want to be free from any restrictions that weighed me down. And my family did just that. My father wa a business tycoon but u fortunately, we lost our father when we were young to a car accident and we were left with my mother who took over his business. I was 10 years old and Holly was 6 years old. My father was the only person who knew me well enough and accepted me for who I am but my mother... It is like she took a vow to make my life a living hell.

She is never satisfied with what I do. She has something or the other to say about my preferences or choices and it's never anything good. Heidi, what are you wearing? walk properly, sit like a lady, don't eat like an animal, do this and that, it agitates me to no end. On the other hand, my little sister turned out to be like her. What she did not succeed in doing with me, she did with her and I thought things would be better with someone to please her, the apple of her eye but no, everything became intensified.

She saw the opportunity to belittle and criticize me. She would constantly compare me to her perfect daughter and even insult me. I couldn't take it anymore so when I was 22 years old, I decided to leave home and now I'm 25 years old. If only I could choose my family but that's not possible now is it.

Anyway, I landed in New York hours ago and I decided to kill time in an art Gallery. I walked around, looking at the portraits and statues on display. I found some of them to be exquisite and some, I could not find the drive behind them. Every piece of art tells a unique story and its beauty is the way the artist expresses it through various colors and textures. I don't know a lot about art but it is mind capturing. After the gallery, I went to a nearby cafe to get something to eat since I hadn't had anything in a while. I took a seat in the furthest corner, near the window. A cute little petite waiter came to take my order and I stuck with cinnamon rolls and a black coffee to regain my strength for what is to come. I know it's not going to be a warm welcome home.

I got a cab to take me home but I asked the driver to spin around the city before he could take me home. Of course, he gave me an incredulous look but with extra cash, he did as I requested. I was looking out the window and taking in the city air and eying up the tall buildings. I was nervous and honestly not ready to face my mother and sister. For the past 3 years, I had been leading a peaceful life but now I had a feeling that it was going to turn upside down. I know for a fact that I won't hear the end of it since Holly is getting married. She will surely comment on Holly getting married before me. That's something I am not looking forward to.

I finally made my stop at home. I got out of the cab and paid the driver his money and he drove off. I stood in front of a silver gate and took a deep breath before breathing out. I was contemplating entering or just making a run for it. That would be ridiculous. Why would I come from Italy just to chicken out of going into my home? I shook my head from my silly thoughts and I rang the bell.

" Hello, who is it?" An unfamiliar voice called out. It must be the housekeeper. " It's Heidi. Heidi McCain," I said, and in a second I the gate started rolling open. I immediately stepped inside and came given an average mansion. So many memories flooded in all at once but I blocked them out. It's not the time to get nostalgic.

I made my way up the driveway and passed the fountain. When I stepped on the porch, the door flew open and I saw my mother, Nora McCain. A 6' 6" voluptuous lady with blonde hair and light brown eyes. As usual, she was on top of her game with an expensive two-piece outfit and Versace 5ich stiletto. She had a big ear-to-ear smile but I had a feeling it was fake. Before I knew it was getting squished in her arms, knocking the breath out of my lungs. " Oh my darling daughter, Heidi! I saw glad to see you," she exclaimed and pulled back giving me a once over and pulling my cheeks. I internally cringed but I smiled forcefully so I could keep the facade going. I could not believe what she said. Darling daughter? When did that happen? There was no need to butter me up if she was going to grill me later but anyway, I don't want to cause a scene on minutes being at home.

" Nice to see you too, mother," I said to her. My mouth was starting to hurt since I was stretching so much. She finally led me inside and I felt like I was getting into a different place. Nothing was the same anymore and the decor was more modern and stylish. I looked around my surroundings and felt out of place. I guess I would be getting used to the new adjustments.

" I am so glad that you are back home my dear, come let's go into the living room," I nodded and followed her like a lost puppy. The fact that she was being nice to me came as a shocker. I did not know how to give a proper reaction. I guess time apart brought about some changes in people. She grabbed my hand and I felt the warmth of it as she led me eagerly. I looked at her in utter surprise and I was speechless.

When we got inside the living room she made me seat down and immediately called the maid to bring refreshments and snacks. The woman in front of me was like a different person from the one I knew. She was warm and welcoming. I was caught between fake reality and harsh reality. Which one is it? Who Is this person and what had she done with my mother?