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The Way We Met

The Way We Met

Autor: kapewrite



The Way We Met PDF Free Download


Jaq is a simple I.T student who hides from everyone his cut on his wrist with his favorite bomber jacket. Sining is a business major and a dean's lister; The childish girl who wants to enter the miserable life of jaq. Behind the goofy and childish sining; What is her real motive in letting herself to go to jaq's miserable and dark life?

Chapter 1

Everyone has their own demon.

"Hush little kiddo

Don't you cry.

Don't slit your skin,

Don't say goodbye.

Put down that blade,

put out that light,

I know It's hard,

But you'll win this fight..."

How many times have I sung that to myself? I can hardly count. I was sitting by the window, cigarette on my lips, a sharp blade in my right hand slowly making a line on my left wrist. How many times have I done this? I can hardly count either. Over ten lines for my left hand today. I watched the blood dripping from my skin falling to the floor, unaware that I was so numb.

I took my bandage and covered the cuts with my hand. I don't know what time it is because I don't have a watch or wall clock here at my small rental-apartment, I feel like it's always rushing me so it's okay without that so that I can even feel that time is stopping. But all I knew was that I still had class at seven and I also knew I was late because the sun was already risen outside.

I moved quickly, fortunately I took a shower at dawn. I hurriedly put on my uniform, put on my I.D.;

Matteo, Jaq S.


That I also put on my favorite bomber jacket so I can hide here what to hide. After tidying myself up, I left the small room I was renting. Cigarette on my lip and earphone in my ear slammed into my cellphone currently playing the song; Welcome to My Life by The Simple plan.

I'm ready to take another adventure in a place where you can lose energy even if you're just sitting ... the school.

I was on the side walk and near the school gate when suddenly a black e-bike stopped at my side.

"Hi!" greeting the scooter owner with the helmet not covering the face.

I ignored her because my parents said; don't talk to strangers especially if you don't know her.

"I said, hi." she said as she slowly operated her scooter so we could be in sync.

"You're Jaq, right?" she asked me.

I looked around because maybe she sees something I can't see; besides I don't know her.

"You're the one I'm talking to! You're Jaq, aren't you?" she said.

"It's not me." I told her so that she could stay away from me.

"Just like this, I'll just guess you ..." she said but I continued to walk.

"I guess you'll come to me on your own and get on my scooter, then you'll be my boyfriend."

I stopped walking because of what she said and even turned my attention to her, she just shrugged at me while smiling at me.

"Also, I guess ... you're wearing a red underwear? Hahahaha!" after she said that she immediately drove her scooter away from me.

What the fuck is that all about? I think that girl is crazy.

When I entered the university there were many more people in the hallway. I immediately went to the men's bathroom, entered a cubicle and peeked at my underwear.

"Ha! white!"

I think that woman was just fooling me. I thought for a second she got super powers or something.

I immediately adjusted my pants and headed to our classroom. The beauty of my course is that even if we are late, our professor doesn't care because he checks the attendance at the end of the class. In our whole period, he will just give a problem and write it on the board and then he will sleep for about five hours because our subject with him will last for five hours.

When I entered our classroom, the computer lab, I immediately went where my friend Niccolo is sitting, our favorite spot…the last row.

"Anything to do?" I asked him as I sat in the chair.

"He wants us to make an app in Android studio…who wants to be a millionaire, but he didn't even teach it! How can that be? Guess we’re going to self-study again? I hope sir's salary goes to me." he whispered a complaint.

"Well, the only solution we have is we're going to ask the Indians for help again. Do you have any load to watch videos in youtube?"

"Yes, I always have a load. You know, just real-talk man, I'm learning more from the Indians than that lazy guy over there at the front." And then, niccolo pointed to sir who is sleeping peacefully at his desk.

"I wish I just enrolled in Y.U." I said.


"Youtube University, free tuition and also home based."

"Hey! What’s with the noises? Have you finished what I'm asking you to do?" loudly said Sir. Vergario who just woke up from his peaceful sleeping.

"I think his sleep was disturbed, maybe he was dreaming." I whispered to niccolo.

Niccolo approached shiela to ask for the source code that we know that kuya ace passed on to him using a flashdrive because they have an emerging romance with them. Kuya Ace is our veteran when it comes to programming, the source code comes from him and because he is blessed with being an advanced thinker, he shares that knowledge with the un-knowledgeable student like us.

"Oh there, the codes are already on the flashdrive, mob prog is the forlder name." said shiela as she handed the flashdrive to us.

"Thank you, Shiela. Your blooming romance with Ace, I hope it’ll last as long as you two wants." said niccolo to her.

"Also, don't worry, Shiela, we'll change the variables so they won't be noticeable." I assure her.

"Just make sure, okay?"

"Of course! Sir is just looking at the output, not the actual input." said niccolo.

"Hurry up, men, copy it to your laptop." I ordered niccolo to do it right away.

This is how an I.T student behaves. If the prof is too strict and cannot pass the flashdrive of our source, we will do it through email with google drive. Sometimes with the messenger turned on on the pc and in incog for no history to be seen. That's how we are, that’s how we cheat. But in case, you should be a keyboard warrior so as not to get caught, close the window immediately and of course our university is very stingy with wifi so we hacked the password for our needs. How much tuition do we have here and we can't use wifi? Where's the justice?

And another annoyance here is that the computers in the computer lab are just displays. When it’s brand new, it is not allowed to be used, might get infected. The school is just afraid to spend a lot of money for a new pc, so they prefer to just fix the old and outdated ones because it's cheaper but also it damaged faster. I really should have just enrolled in Y.U but it's a good thing the comp lab is air conditioned, God still has mercy.

} public Question

String quest, String ans1, String ans2, String ans3, String ans4, int correct

{ question = quest; answer1=ans1; answer2=ans2; answer3=ans3; answer4=ans4; correctAnswer=correct; } public void printAll

{ System.out.println


; System.out.println

"A: " + answer1

; System.out.println

"B: " + answer2

; System.out.println

"C: " + answer3

; System.out.println

"D: " + answer4

; System.out.println

"Correct answer is answer number "+ correctAnswer

; } public String getQuestion


return question;



"Run the program now." I said to niccolo.

After we run it, it works right away. But we still need to make a lot of changes in the display; the design and question contained in the code might get us red handed. The amount of shit in this subject Mob Prog and Android Studio is like our prof!

Five hours. For five hours we seemed to be busy and having a hard time even though the truth is that we were already done with the activity. We just pretend that we aren’t close enough in finishing it to avoid sir from making us another app that he didn't teach again.

After class we went to a small cafeteria just across from the school. I bought a hotkalog for only thirty pesos while niccolo bought a porkchop for forty pesos, a typical student dish.

"We are just wasting five hours with Sir. Vergario!" niccolo complained while eating his lunch.

"You only sleep for five hours and you get paid, I hope I get a job like that after I graduate!"

"Stupid, it’s a waste of our tuition! It just goes with him!"

"You're right there, men." I agreed with niccolo. "Shall we make a petition to oust him?" I added.

"Let's just reciprocate the evaluation, bad remarks are minus the subject they will handle." niccolo suggested to me that was a much better idea.

"Hi, Jaq!" To my surprise, someone suddenly walked up to me and pulled over to my seat. She even forced me move over a little bit.

"You again?" I said to the woman next to me and I immediately removed her arm that she placed on my shoulder. What are we, someone close?

How the fuck does she knows where I am? What does this girl wants from me? This is crazy!