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My Love Don't Run Away

My Love Don't Run Away

Autor: Blackpink



My Love Don't Run Away PDF Free Download


Leah is a normal college girl but she has a secret that no one knows about not even her parents or siblings know about it her secret is that's she's married to the mafia king alot of girls in her school like him a girl in her school says that she's dating him but they don't know the truth yet he doesn't treat her very well he goes out and fools around with other woman forgetting that he's married she really doesn't care about the girls all she wants is to escape from this prison it's what she calls it because it feels like one she isn't allowed to leave the mansion and she isn't allowed to have guy friends but she has one but she keeps it in secret away from him.

Chapter 1

Everyone has secrets I have a secret but mean is much bigger. I'm the wife of the mafia king but he doesn't treat me taht well he goes on dates with woman and forgets that he's married. But I don't care about the girls all I want to do is escpae from this prison. One day at school I was closing my locker when the fake mafia queen walked in the hall way. "Make way everyone the mafia queen is coming through" she said in a sassy tone. I was laughing in my head the mafia queen is me you idiot not like I want to be the queen anyways. She always picks on the lower kids which one of them is my bast friend Tara. She isn't really the type of girl who speaks to people she's really quiet and she likes to read just like me. The fake mafia queen made her way down the hall and made eye contact with Tara who is standing nexted to me holding her books. Her grip on the books grew tighter by the presents of the fake queen her real name is Misty but no one calls her that. Misty's family is really rich but I didn't care about her family being rich or not because I'm more richer than her. I got in front off Tara so she wouldn't feel scared by the gaze of Misty. I waited until Misty and her crew were gone after I turned around to make sure Tara was ok. She was still trimbling in fear "Tara are you ok Misty's gone now calm down ok". Tara took a deep breath before speaking "I'm ok I just was really scared thank you Leah unnie". She spoke in her baby voice again calm and sweet unnnie means older sister in korean so that's why she called me that. Plus I'm one year older than her I'm not going to tell you my age because I don't really think it's necessary. Dave our bestfriend came running with a bunch of books in his hands when he reach us he stopped the catch his breath before talking. "Hey guys sorry I'm late but can you two help today after school in the library to sort these books". "You always asked for help but ok I'll do it but remember my secret". Yup both of them know mybbig secret Tara looked me "yes I remember unnie hyung we would be happy to help". Dave was really happy to hear that we would help we went somewhere privet to talk more about our little situation. "So Leah about your copy what are you going to do about her". "Dave do you think that I can just go out in front of the whole school and shout that I am the mafia queen". "Yeah that's possible but I know that you don't wamt to be the queen". I smacked him on the arm Tara laughed and then we all laughed after that we went to class and as usually class was boring. Finally class ended it was coming to the end of the day so me and Tara headed to the library to help dave out with the book sorting. The library was quiet I looked around for dave but he wasn't there then we heared books fall we ran to the place the sound came from. And there on the floor laid Dave covered in a pile of books me and Tara ran pver to him and started picking up the books. I put my hand out to help him get up he dusted him self off and thanked us both for helping him then we started working on sorting the books. I checked the time just to make sure I arrived at home before him but I didn't expect that I had spend so much time helping Tara and Dave in the library. I ran over to both of them "sorry guys but I'm running late can you guys do it without me". "Yeah go ahead". I thanked them both and ran to grab my backpack that was laying on the table I grabed it and ran out the dorr I went to the entrance and ran out the door and ran to the bus stop as fast as I can. I got on the bus and waited till it got to the spot I would always get off at I ran off the bus and took a short cut to get home faster. Why did this idiot move to such a far place anyways what does he want to do kill me everyday. I arrived at the mansion the lights were still on I quietly closed the door and tip toed to the kitchen. When the cold voice of my husband frightened me "where are you coming from this late I told you to be home by eight". I turned to stare at him he was sitting down in his chair in the living room "I- I was helping a friend out at school and we finished late". He stood up "girl or boy and don't you dare lie to me". His words were always cold his tone was as icy as snow or ice he was always like this we were forced to be married. "It was a girl". Then he raised his voice it made me flinch "it was a boy and you know it!!!!!". "I told you not to hang around guys. Yet you still disobeyed my orders since you did that. I need to punish you for your actions".