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Wounded Hearts

Wounded Hearts

Autor: elyzzadorable



Wounded Hearts PDF Free Download


Eliana Silverio experienced different kinds of pains and ended up having different kinds of wounded hearts at a very young age. Not until she found herself being in love again... and thinking that it was like the others, she refrained herself from falling harder making her encounter two choices; giving him up or fighting for him even if it cost another wounded heart.

Chapter 1


"Ms. Elisa Silverio?"

I held my folders tightly as I put a smile on my face. After hearing my name, I gracefully got up from my seat and approached the lady who is standing outside the office.


"Good morning Miss. It's your turn. Good luck!"

I don't know if that helped me. The nervousness in my system just keeps on growing every second. I keep on biting my lips and praying so hard to make this successful.

As I enter the glass doors, I plastered a sweet smile that I've been practicing a few days back.

"Good morning, Miss Silverio. Please sit down." the CEO of the company motioned me to sit in front of him and I obliged.

"Good morning sir." I tried my best to control my voice and not to stutter.

Thanks to my friends who's with me for eight years and have helped me in improving my communicating and speaking skills.

I have always dreamt of working in this company. My love for the English subject is so strong that I won't give up on this if ever I fail on my first try. There will always be the next try after the first one.

The moment I came in and answer the questions thrown at me, I knew I belong here. The feelings say it all. The thought that I'll be stuttering for the whole interview vanished and I felt very comfortable answering and conversing.

I entered the office with a forced smile and stepped out with a genuine one. I am satisfied with what I've done there.

The nervousness I am feeling while walking in the corridors hours ago was now changed to excitement. It was like my dreams came into a reality that fasts!

I made my way to the parking lot where someone is waiting for me. There I saw her leaning onto her Porsche.

My sister welcomed me with wide arms at the parking lot. She is smiling widely seeing my reaction as I step out of the company.

"Oh! You look happy. What happened inside? Are you in?" She rained me with questions the moment I'm free from her hug.

Because of her question, I suddenly remembered the CEO's last words after finishing the interview.

"You're hired!" he smiled. "You may start on Monday next week. I'm looking forward to working with you."

Just the thought of it, the CEO accepting me with all of his heart and without hesitation makes my heart flutter in joy. I can't believe I'd be working in my dream company now!

"I'm in!" I jumped with joy as I hug her once more "I'll be working now. Imagine seeing my name on one of 'Yes!' magazine's pages?" I said smiling widely.

We chit-chat a little more before we decided to drive home. I'll be staying in her condo unit which was a gift from dad on her 20th birthday.

She even told me that she's going to give the space to me now since she'll be staying somewhere else. I actually want to ask her about that, but then I'm waiting to hear the answers from her mouth without me asking for it as well.

After hours of having a hard time with the traffic, we arrived in front of her condo somewhere in Mandaluyong, Manila.

Luckily, her condo is not that far from the 'Yes!' Magazine Mandaluyong branch.

And yes you got it right, I'm going to be working there on Monday! Ever since I was a child, I really dreamt of becoming a journalist. I've been joining contests for aspiring Journalists like me when I was a child.

There is this one time that I am one of the writers on our school publication. After how many times I failed to be one, during my tenth grade, I am officially a campus writer.

And I am glad that my dream of becoming a writer for magazines came true!

"You can place your things there for a while," She pointed to a single sofa near me.

After I placed my things on the sofa, I roam my eyes around. Her unit's a palette of brown, cream, and grey. The cream-colored sofa is under a spiral-like chandelier lighting the place.

The shelves at the corner of the sofa caught my attention. It's a wall that has divisions to make it look like a shelf making it a built-in shelf. It's at the right spot not just because I can place a lot of books there, but it's also beside the single sofa.

"I like your place." I commented.

"This will be your place soon," She replied. "By the way, Eliana, where did you stayed these past days before deciding to look for a job?" She asked after.

I decided to leave the living room and walked my way to the kitchen area where she is. The kitchen is not small but not that big either. There's a table set on the left side of the kitchen. Entering the area, an L-shaped kitchen counter will welcome you.

She's washing her hands when I entered.

"I booked a hotel room for three days," I answered casually.

Today is Tuesday and I arrived in Manila last Friday. I stayed in a hotel near the airport and just after my interview hours ago, my sister fetched me along with my things which we both carried before going to the company I applied for.

My things are not that much. I just brought a travel bag, a medium-sized suitcase, and a shoulder bag where I put the important things I use often.

"That's too much for three days. You've been spending a lot already with just three days of coming back home?"

Saturday came. Days pass by like a blur and my sister left me alone in her unit—or should I say my unit now. She moved out already last Thursday this week after collecting her things and helping me arrange mine.

All of her furniture was left with me for the reason that she'll just go and purchase new ones for her new place.

Until now, I'm still suspicious and confused about why and where will she move. It's just that, why does she even need to find a new place? Her place is nice. She got two rooms here, the other one is a guest room. A living room that amazed me a while ago, a clean and spacious kitchen, a nice bathroom before the kitchen. What can she ask for?

Unless she wants to build her own house now?

I washed that thought off my head and focused on where I am right now. My friends called for a night out. I'm with Mikhaille and Sean who are from my squad years ago and both now working here in Manila.

They're with some friends who they met because of their professions. I don't know them but we vibe so... Maybe we're close already? I can say that.

"I just want to congratulate you again! Though, you entered work life a little bit late?" It's Ivy.

"I rested for a year," I joke making them laugh.

"That's one hell of a rest then. You're turning twenty-three, right?" Ada then asked, she's a year older than me.

"I still can't believe you're here in front of me, Eliana!" Mikahille whispered but enough for me to hear.

"What now? It's just me," I laughed.

We talked more while we drink at our table. We had a lot of catching up to do and we ended up laughing our asses off as we share stories together.

Ivy and Ada already drank a lot when they both decided to interact and dance on the dance floor. But before they leave us at our table, they ordered one more bucket for us; Sean, Mikahille, and me.

But after minutes of sitting there and emptying the whole bucket, Mikahille went to us and stated she has to go somewhere. I was wondering about that because I saw her talking to someone moments ago right after Ivy left. And I didn't bother to ask her about it anymore.

Sean seems so awkward and out of place. He's with us women and I think he was just forced to come since usually, he doesn't like going to these kinds of places if not with his guy friends and if he has no plans to do so. But I'm guessing Mikhaille even scolded him for refusing, I bet he refused. I walked my way to sit beside him.

The moment I stood up I almost tripped to fall. I felt dizzy. Maybe it was because I've drunk enough alcohol already. Thank god, Sean was swift enough to hold my arm so I won't literally kiss the floor.

"Don't you have any acquaintances here? You look so out of place!" I giggled.

I successfully sat beside him. He just drank his shot glass without looking at me. The drinks in the bucket were not completely emptied and that was the one Ivy ordered for us, the only bottle left was the one Sean was holding right now.

I made a face when I saw him pouring another shot to his glass one last time. He's such a mess. I decided to just leave him there and let him drink all night if he wants. I made my way to the dance floor to find Ivy and Ada being wild with the crowd. I don't even know where Mikahille is! I thought she would at least be here with them.

"Ivy!" I called as I got nearer.

They were dancing with someone that didn't even notice me. I just let out a soft giggle when they are still dancing wildly. So I did the same, dancing like there's no sunshine tomorrow, shouting at the top of my lungs, swaying with the alcohol being the most out of me.

I was raising my hands and swaying my hips when someone bumped me from behind. I ignored it and continued doing my thing.

I was already feeling dizzy moments ago when we are talking and chatting due to too much alcohol I've drunk. Actually, I'm not used to this. I go out with friends when I was in China but not to extent that I'll drink too much. Sometimes I would just take a few shots to nothing.

Moments after, I felt it again. Someone bumping me from behind. But instead of being annoyed by it, I danced and swayed to that person.

I'm swaying my body onto him and grinning shamelessly. I bowed my head as I raise my hands to dance more with the music.

I felt one of his hands landing on my waist, wrapping it around me making me let out a laugh.

"You like my dancing, huh?" I giggled.

I can't seem to make out who the guy is. The blinding lights that surround the whole place make his face blurry.

I smiled despite it. Base on his shadow, his feature look rough. The chiseled jaw and shaggy hair falling to his calm brows. When he moved a little, the light was striking a part of his face making me have a chance to see his forehead and side profile.

I unconsciously put down my arms and lift them to touch his face. I giggled as I took a step forward and tiptoed to reach him.

"Hi." I laughed. I felt his grip around my waist suddenly tightened, guiding me as I tiptoe to reach his face.

"My name's Eliana. You are?" I introduced myself.

My gut feeling is telling me I know this guy. From his built and the way he held me, it was like some memories flashed before my eyes telling me it was him from my past.

I heard him sigh. I leaned more to reach his face and kissed his jaw. I giggled after that.

He was breathing heavily as he let go of his hold to push me away from him. I was furrowing my brows when he suddenly held my hands and pulled me out of there.

I was about to lash out at him but it seems like my mouth was zipped closed. And now that we are a bit away from the chaotic dance floor and the blinding lights, I could somehow see his side profile, most of it.

His side profile looks so familiar to me. It remembered me of that guy from the past just with dark features.

I badly want to shout at myself for saying it's him, my past. That he is not the one in front of me. But my thoughts were cut off when he halted suddenly to face me with his angry brows and scowling face.

Clenching his jaw, he harshly let go of my hand letting it fall to my side. He checked me from head to toe. Looking away after.

He looks so furious yet calm while I am so shocked and nervous right now. How? Oh no! No way. Am I right from thinking it was… him from my past?

"What do you think you're doing?" his voice was husky and low.


I can't believe I grooved and danced shamelessly in front of him! It's like I flirted and seduced him as well. Oh no. I was so shocked that my dizziness just fades away.

Why did we meet again? Why did we cross our paths again? And with this kind of way?

After what happened to us. After what happened to me because of loving him so hard, because of our wrong love! We'll just be meeting like this again? Of course, in an embarrassing way for me!

Alaric, I told you to go away from me right?