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Hey Psycho, Will You Be My Bride?

Hey Psycho, Will You Be My Bride?

Autor: May Crowns



Hey Psycho, Will You Be My Bride? PDF Free Download


HEY PSYCHO, WILL YOU BE MY BRIDE? BLURB She only wanted a peaceful and fulfilled life for herself and her aunt. Meeting him wasn’t planned and her bad encounter with him. Meeting him brought her pleasurable pain and agonizing ones. Her life changed drastically and all the memories from the past came fresh to her mind. All she least expected started to happen in her life. Her name is Alexa Roberts.

Chapter 1

Chapter one

Water dripping down my hair to my wet skin, I wrapped towel on my body and came out of the bathroom, opening the bathroom door into my small room, my aunt’s voice came up

“Alexa, get your lazy ass up” aunt shouted from the kitchen

“I’m up already, I will be down in a minute” I shouted moving to my bed, I picked up my purple oversized top and a baggy fading jean I planned to wear today

I dressed up and made my way to the kitchen, I met aunt or should I say mum in the kitchen, I smiled and hugged her from behind

“Good morning aunt” I greeted still hugging her and inhaling her saint which smells like a rose flower , I really hate floral saints but I don’t know why I love hers

“Good morning sweetie, Hope you slept well?" aunt asked serving pancakes she made into two plates

“It was fine aunt, how about yours aunt?” I went to her side and took the tray from her heading to our very small dining table

“I slept well honey, and I hope you didn’t cause any trouble yesterday” my aunt said, giving me a look that says I know you too well

“I did not cause any trouble aunt, I told you I am a changed person already” I said, blinking my eye lashes rapidly so she fall

“Hmmmm…….I guess I have to trust your words, so you’re done with your high school for a while, which college do you want to go?” aunt said with her voice obviously shaking, I know she is trying her possible best being a mother for me but deep down in her and me too, I know she can’t afford sending me to a college now

“Aunt I don’t wanna, Ermmm…… I mean I don’t want to go to college for now” I said giving her a smile that says everything is okay by, which is totally not

“Ana... I..I mean Alexa"She called gently

I know how much you love studying, I know how much you want to go to a college, what happened?” she asked with concern evident in her voice

“Mum. She looked at me shocked and I chuckled

Yeah mum, you have been performing this role in my life for a long time, mum I want to work for a while and support you, I will still go to college but let me help you” she looked at me tearily, I picked her right hand and rubbed it softly, I cleaned her face that tears were dropping on and she smacked me slightly

“ you got me emotional, it’s okay, I can do this alone, okay? You don’t have to work dear” she said calmly and I looked outside the window and I quickly turned to my aunt

“Aunt I sent applications to some places already, I’ll come to shop after I go to those places, have fun aunt” I rushed my words, pecked her cheeks and I rushed to the back doorway

“You did even eat your pancakes” I heard her yell

“And where the fuck is that dog you call a daughter?” I heard our crazy neighbor yelled, sorry aunt you have to take care of this too, I took my bicycle and sat on it

Phew, oops….I haven’t done a proper introduction, well my name is Alexa Roberts , I am eighteen years old and I’m done with my high school, my aunt? Oh yeah, she is my everything, parent, best friend and my world, my parent died when I was 8 in a car accident and she has been taking care of me since then.

I was once a quiet, shy nerdy girl, but, my life changed drastically when I started having crush on a playboy and a bully from my class then, he was really handsome that every girl wanted not excluding, he was twenty one then, you think he’s too old for high school, you really won’t know because he looks pretty young, his dad owns the school and he was forced there because he doesn’t want to go to any school, weird right? I feel it’s weird too and I heard he has a cute brother too.

I tried so hard for him to notice me and of course he did, we even dated but little did I know that he placed a bet on me, I caught him the same day I thought of giving him my virginity, well I guess I was lucky.

Oh shit, my pedal is not working, oh my is this how I’m gonna die, oh my…….


I stood up and dusted my clothes, must be wondering what happened? Well I crashed into one of the traffic lights and luckily no one is here, I picked my bicycle and ran out of the place

Moving from one street to the other, i later found a local restaurant, my stomach growled and I entered the restaurant and sat down, a woman that is probably in her mid forties came to me

“What can I offer you young lady” I guess she owns the restaurant, maybe I can talk to her if she go let me work for her

“Young lady” she called again

“Ohh sorry ma’am, how much is your hamburger?”

“5$ young lady”

“Okay ma’am, one is okay” I said and she looked at me from head to toes irritably before leaving

Wow! I don’t think I can work with someone like her

She brought my burger and dropped it on the table, she stretched her hand forward

“Money” she said frowning, what the heck is wrong with her, I brought money and paid her, I digged in and ate my burger, I saw a leftover juice on a table beside me, I picked and drank it, I belched loudly, few people around looked at me weirdly and I gave them a soft smile.

Well I think it’s time to look for a job now, back to our sweet normal girl Lexa.