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The Marriage Contract

The Marriage Contract

Autor: Kebryee



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Audrey was engaged to her boyfriend for three years before being betrayed by him. She was drunk at the bar when she accidentally married someone she didn't know about. It turned out that she signed a real marriage contract in the marriage booth at the bar, and the only way to get rid of it is to file an annulment paper. She didn't want to marry someone she didn't even know, and she had no idea that this 'man' who happened to be her husband by chance wasn't just any ordinary person. Who exactly is this man? Will she rekindle her relationship with her ex? Will Audrey finally get an annulment from this unintentional husband? Will she end up with her unintentionally-husband instead?

Chapter 1

LOVE has no boundaries. Love has no age limit. Age doesn’t matter, a famous quotation says. And it doesn’t matter how long have you’ve been together as long as you two love each other. They said that if you truly love someone, you are willing to do anything for him/her to make that person happy. You’ll court that person and do nice things to prove yourself. That is why I love the perseverance Felix showed me when he is still courting me and until now that he give me his promise. His perseverance made both of us here where we are now.

“Dismissed.” The professor announced so I quickly gathered my things.

“I’ll go now, Bella. I’ll still need to buy cake,” I quickly turned my head at the girl beside me while arranging my things inside my bag after our Professor dismissed us.

My best friend just pouted her lips and she looks cute when she do that.

“You’re so in love. Three years right?” she asked to confirm what she was thinking and I just nodded. She hated my boyfriend from I don’t the reason behind it. She said she just felt she hated him the first she met him when I introduce him to her.

“Why can’t he just wait until you guys reached five years before he proposed?” she interrogated. “When you two reached two years he quickly proposed to you. Looks like he’s really in love with you.”

My eyebrows crossed at what she just said.

“It’s not about how long have you been in a relationship. He can even propose to me even if we were still in one year, you know,” I jokingly said but looks like she was serious.

“Yeah. But what if he’ll realize that it was too early? Felix’s past… he’s a playboy-”

“He has changed.” I cut her off.

“You know the saying, ‘old habit die hard’.” I didn’t say a word and just rolled my eyes to her before the conversation went long and continued fixing my things.

Felix started to court me when we were still in high school and it lasted for years. Yup, it took him years before I decided to say the three magic words. He admitted that he was about to give up that time because he think that I have no plan on making him, my boyfriend. I smiled as I remember that day.

I know she just cared about me. Bella didn’t want me to experience what she already experienced in her past. She’s brave for finally moving on about that and I really admire her for that. In fact, she is already like my sister. She didn’t approve first of me moving into Felix’s apartment but later on, she also give it up.

I put my trust in Felix. He proves to me that he truly loves me and so am I to him. It was like yesterday when he was still courting me but here we are now.

“Astia,” I was about to open the door of my apartment when someone called my name in a low voice so I roam my eyes around to see who it was. It was Felix.

“Felix! What is it?” I acted cool in front of him. How could this guy be so handsome? It seems that he’s still that high school guy whom I used to know.

“I’ll just… I was thinking to just stop courting you,” he said which made me shocked. “It seems that… you don’t have any plan on…” he didn’t finish his words but I know what he was trying to say. “I heard you saying that…” he paused. “That… you don’t deserve me and I realized that…”

I sighed deeply and hold his shoulders as I look at him intently, who is bowing his head a bit. This guy…

“Felix,” I called him so he would lift his head and finally look at me. “I’m sorry. I was just about to make you wait a little more but it seems that I should say this right now,” I sighed and gather all the courage I could take. I even don’t know why I am getting nervous.

“I meant by what I said that I don’t deserve it because you just made a lot of nice things for me without me even asking,” I smiled. “You’re such a nice person and you already did a lot of nice things to me, despite that Bella hated you,” I jokingly said and I saw him frown. I already think a million times about this and seeing Felix like this, I guess it’ll be early for me to say this. I sighed deeply as I closed my eyes and opened them after a second.

“You heard it wrong Felix,” I referred to what he had heard that I don’t deserve him. “Yes,” I simply said and he looked at me in the eyes. His eyes were full of confusion at what I said just now.

“Yes?” I nodded my head slowly but the confusion was still evident in his eyes.

“Yes… I am now your girlfriend,” I smiled sweetly at him. He even blink three times and realized what I meant. He quickly give me a tight hug, still couldn’t believe that I am now his girlfriend. After all those two years, I am now his. And I am happy about my decision.

Felix faced me with a wide smile on his lips.

“Can you slap me, Astia?” he requested which made me wiggle my eyebrows.

“For what?”

“If this is just a dream… Please don’t wake me up.” I just rolled my eyes at him.

“This isn’t a dream, Felix,” I explained while shaking my head, showing a little disappointment.

Still, that big smile on his lips was still evident.

“Yes! I am now Astia’s boyfriend!” he shouted like we were at the top of the mountain. Some people looked in our direction with a smile creeping on their lips while some of them look so confused why this guy in front of me is shouting. I just smiled while looking at Felix being proud that he is now my boyfriend. Yes, Felix, your hard work on courting me has been paid off.

That day was still so fresh in my mind. I could still remember his reaction when I said yes to him. I could still remember the exact scene and I would just get tired of reminiscing it. I couldn’t believe that we made it all the way here. Just a little more and I could finally graduate and get that diploma. We could now do whatever we want to. I am not really his fiancee. He just gave me a promise ring that we will end up being together while reaching our dreams and now, we are here. We are almost there.

I am in my happy mode as I brought a cake from the cake shop. I already brought him a gift yesterday and all I’m gonna do is to prepare in our apartment some few decorations. Of course, it is our special day and we will spend it together in the apartment where we both live in.

“Happy 3rd Anniversary, Love,” I read what was the words on the wall when I finally finish the final touch. I smiled widely while looking at the decorations.

It was just a little decoration, enough for us to celebrate this day. I looked at our picture that was I put on the wall. I can’t help but smile while looking at the picture. We were both smiling there. The picture was taken on his birthday months ago. I sighed. I still couldn’t believe that we made it all the way here. I am done preparing and picking up the things I used and cleaning them up. When I’m finally done, I decided to change my clothes to freshen up since I am all sweat.

I decided to compose a message to Felix to come home already.

Hey, love. I missed you. :


I smiled after the message was sent to him. After a couple of minutes, I finally heard the door being opened so I decided to hide somewhere so I could surprise him. I was really excited but all of the excitement just disappeared in the air with what I saw. My eyes watered as I saw the scene with my own eyes. My boyfriend... kissing another girl...
