Writer’s Benefits


Create Now
Coins&Vouchers Reward
Author Grade Coins Vouchers Free Book Cover Free Blurb Polishing Free Start Polishing
Lv1 N/A N/A N/A
Lv2 1000 N/A N/A
Lv3 2000 2000
Lv4 5000 5000
Lv5 10000 10000
Lv6 15000 15000
Lv7 20000 20000
Lv8 30000 30000
Lv9 35000 35000
Lv10 40000 40000


1.The author grade will be given by the system automatically. No need to apply for it;

2.The coins and vouchers of each grade will be issued only once;

3.If your grade goes up more than two levels within a month, you will get the rewards of each grade in total; e.g., you will be rewarded 3000 coins and 2000 vouchers when your grade goes from Lv1 to Lv3 in a month;

4.Your vouchers will be valid for 30 days. Remember to use them timely;

5.Coins do not expire.


1. For authors above level 2, you will be rewarded with the coins & vouchers by system automatically as listed above;

2. The coins and vouchers will be issued to your writer's center, please allow half an hour to one hour delay to the account;

3. You can use the coins and vouchers to unlock chapters or subscript the novel(s) you like.

Exclusive Bonuses
Signing Bonus
Author Grade Signing Bonus


100 USD


150 USD

Lv7 and above

200 USD


1. For authors above level 5, you can apply for the signing bonus as listed above after you get an exclusive contract, publish over 100k words and get over 200 followers;

2.One signing bonus for one novel only;

3.One author can apply for one signing bonus for updating novels at a time.

Updating Bonus
Bonus of 1st
2nd and Following Requests
Monthly Income
Requirements ($)
Monthly Bonus
60k<=x<100k words 100 USD 20<=x<99 40 USD
100<=x<399 100 USD
400<=x<1199 250 USD
x>=1200 350 USD
100k<=x<150k words 200 USD 30<=x<149 100 USD
150<=x<599 200 USD
600<=x<1799 500 USD
x>=1800 700 USD
≥ 150k words 400 USD 50<=x<299 200 USD
300<=x<999 500 USD
1000<=x<2499 1200 USD
x>=2500 1500 USD


1.For authors above level 5, you can apply for the updating bonus as long as you get an exclusive contract and your updating break of the month is no more than 3 days;

2.For novels published before January 2022, as long as you are above level 5, you can apply for the updating bonus when your novel meets the income requirements as listed above;

3.For the first time of applying, there is no income requirement; from the second and following requests, you can apply for the bonus when your novel meets the income requirements as listed above;

4.Each author can apply for one novel only per month;

5.From the 2nd to the following requests, there is no limit to the times of applications, i.e., once your novel reaches the updating word count and income requirement in a month, you can apply for the relative updating bonus of that month.

6.If the editor suggests that the author should complete the novel, the author deliberately ignores or refuse to listen to the editor’s request to complete the novel before the deadline, and the full attendance award for the month will be canceled.

7.Income here refers to NovelCat coins share plus gift share income.

Completion Bonus
Author Grade Novel Length (words) Completion Bonus
Lv5 and above ≥150 k

100 USD

≥200 k

150 USD

≥300 k

300 USD

≥500 k

500 USD


1.For authors above level 5, you can apply for the Completion Bonus as long as you get an exclusive contract and your updating break is no more than 3 days per month since your chapters are locked;
2.After finishing the story, remember to ask your editor to help you mark your novel as “Completed” timely.

Non-exclusive Reward
First Release Reward
Author Grade First Release Reward
Lv5 and above

100 USD


1. For authors above level 5, you can apply for the first release reward after you get a non-exclusive contract and publish over 120k words;

2. One first release reward for one novel only;

3. One author can apply for one first release reward for updating novels at a time;

4.You need to publish each chapter on NovelCat at least 3 days ahead than on other platforms, and finish it 7 days earlier than on other platforms. Otherwise, the reward will be disqualified.

Other Benefits
Upgrading Reward
Author Grade Reward

10,000 USD


30,000 USD

Gift Share

When your novel gets gift(s) purchased with coins, your gift share will be accumulated to your remunerations.

One-on-One Editor's Guidance

A professional and experienced editor will be assigned to you by the system. They will provide feedback on your novel and assist you to achieve more on NovelCat.

Outstanding Writer Award

We will issue bonuses for level 9 and 10 authors, please note that each ID can only apply and receive it for once.

Incentive Travel: A FREE Five-day Trip to Thailand awaits you!

To all authors who have joined Novelcat or are planning to join us, thank you all for your commitment and effort throughout 2022. Everyone has contributed to the development of Novelcat. To encourage you to do even better in the New Year, we are offering you an unforgettable reward: all authors who successfully reach level 9 and Level 10 in 2023 will enjoy a five-day incentive trip to Thailand provided by our platform.
※ A Mind Baptism In Thailand, the land of Buddhism.
※ An Unforgettable Experience Made Up Of Wine, Food And Scenery.
※Travel with like-minded top writers to gain friendship, exchange ideas, and get self-improvement.


1.The reward will be issued next month after the author
 reaches the required level;

2.The author can apply for the reward within 3 months;

3.The author needs to contact the editor and confirm the date  for vacation a  month in advance.


1.How to apply for a contract?

Easy. Follow the guidance on NovelCat Writer's Center after you start writing! You need only 5000 words to apply for a contract.
Tips: Contact your editor timely after you applied a contract in case of any omission.
To apply for a contract:

Create Now

2.Can I apply for the bonuses if I signed a contract before April 2023?

Sure! As long as your novel meets the requirements, you can apply for the bonuses or rewards according to the upgraded writer's benefits. All benefits applied after April 22nd, 2023 will be reviewed under the upgraded plan.

3.How do I level up?

The new Grade System and its requirements are created according to the income of all novels under your pen name and your good writing habits. Be responsible to your readers, keep updating your novel, create a proper ending for it and don't plagiarize or write meaningless content, and you will level up more easily.


In 2022, Novelcat experimented with an author grading system to give good authors credit and rewards that matched their efforts.  So far, the system has been successful: higher level authors are indeed receiving more generous benefits than ever before.

To date, over a hundred authors have been rated above Level 5.  Some of the authors are old friends who have been working with Novelcat for three years, and some are excellent new friends who have upgraded their levels to 5 (or above) in just one year or even in just three months.  Here, let's congratulate the following authors! They keep updating and improving their writing skills, and finally provide our 
readers with many wonderful and creative stories.  

In the New Year, please keep working hard to create miracles in your writing journey!  Finally, we warmly welcome the new authors who have just joined us!  We will walk alongside you and help you turn your every vague idea into a gripping story.  Together we will make every story you write count!

In the year 2023, we will choose the most promising author to be the WRITING STAR of the year. And give the author reward $5000 and special avatar medal, we are looking forward to your participation!

In case of any defective content,
including but not limited to content that involves suspected plagiarism,
copyright concerns, repeated uploading, or meaningless plot,
a novel could be disqualified for all benefits.
All benefits apply to authors who accept distributions only.
Novelcat reserves the right of final interpretation for the upgraded writer's benefits.
Stay tuned for more benefits!