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Relentless Ranch

Relentless Ranch

Author: Jay Lock



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My pack owns a ranch call Relentless. None of the humans in town or other ranchers for that matter know that we exist. We do the normal things, we grow hay and alfalfa. We raise beef, lamb and pork. Plus we even have a garden. All of us participate in the local fair. We have been secret for years. Till a rival pack take the land across the road and started to cause problems in town and with our pack. I’m Lynn Locket eighteen, daughter to Craig Locket, my mom dyed in a war between Relentless and Ruthless. Now they moved in and are causing problems that we don’t need. It’s my last year of school and soon I’ll be waiting for my mate. I just pray it’s someone in my pack and not another. The goddess has a since of humor
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Chapter 1

Soaking in the early morning glow Lynn Donald was still in her jammies sitting on her front porch with a warm cup of coffee before her last day of school. She liked waking up watching the sunrise. It is peaceful and quite no one out, but the animals, waking up. "This is perfect. I say to myself watching the pretty colors shine through. I felt the buzz of my phone on top of my blanket. Looking at my phone I see it is my best friend, Gina. {Hey girl, ready for our last day of school and possibly the beginning?} I smile at the text message; this could be the day her and I both find our mates. As werewolves we are destined to our other half, a soul mate if you will, that will complete us. My wolf is excited for the thought of a mate. {Yes, I am I will be ready by the time you come pick me up.} I reply back to her. Still sitting outside I hear the door open, "Hey sweetie, care if I join you?" It's my mom Linda, she was once a human and after meeting my dad she was then given a gift of having a beautiful brown and white wolf. My dad Craig met her at a club the pack owns, he had given up on ever find a Luna, which is like a queen for some, and the alpha is like a king. He met her and he has said it was like a bolt of electricity to the heart ever since then they have had the best life. "Sure mom," I fix my blanket more, so it was covering my toes better. "Are you nervous about your last day of school?" I never thought about, I'm not nervous at all over my last day of school. "No, I'm not, I am more excited than anything for my next step to college." I say looking out at the horizon, removing the blanket and starting to get up and walking to the back door. My mom follows me back in. Putting my cup in the sink I make myself breakfast. "Well, I am excited for you hun, I hope you have a good last day at school today, plus you may find your true love, or rather mate." Turning away from my oatmeal I smile at her, "I might, and I might not, but I am praying that I find out who it is." I tell her grabbing my oatmeal and sitting at the table. I hear my dad come down the stairs to the kitchen with a big yawn. "Well, if it isn't my beautiful girls," he says smiling at both of us going to the coffee pot. Still eating my food, I don't see my parents' kiss. "Love you babe," Dad says to mom, looking up I see my mom blush at the flirting my dad is doing to her.

I smile to myself at the two of them, they still act like they are teenagers. Going to my room I look for something to wear, opening my closet I look thought my cloths. I don't have anything fancy, I don't like dresses, skirts, or fancy tops. I like my jeans, leggings, tee-shirts, hoodies, and my sweaters. Grabbing my navy-blue leggings, with my shirt that says, "Gun Powder and Lead." I then go to my shoes, I have only one pair of flats that are black, mostly I have hiking boots, riding boots, tennis shoes, and my hey duds

which are so comfy they are about the only ones I wear

. Slipping my camo hey duds on I grab my book bag, my wallet, and my cellphone. I head back downstairs and wait for my bestie to pick me up. Yes, I can drive, but I enjoy riding with my friend. {Hey girl, I am right outside, you ready?} walking to the kitchen I hug both my parents, "I will see you after school," {Coming now} I send to her, placing my phone in the cellphone pocket of my leggings, and my book bag on my shoulder I walk out to my friend's car. Opening the front passenger side door, I get in and put my seatbelt on. "You ready." She says as more of a statement then a question. "Of course, I am, let's go enjoy our last day as students, err I mean, oh whatever." I state knowing that my mom was right, I was nervous, but it was about finding my mate not school. "What if I find my mate, today." I whisper to myself and not anyone special. Nala my wolf is wagging her tail, *What is wrong Lynn? Why so down? * She asks me, I sigh not really knowing how to explain it to her. "Girl, it will be alright, you may not even find him today, I could be a while, you just don't know." Gina says to try and lighten the mood, smiling at her I look to see our school. All of the pack children and a like went to the human school in our town, we lived on a five thousand acer ranch out of town. We like to live privately away from humans, there are times where we have to deal with them, but it is mostly dealing with livestock or our hay and garden goods. Once we have parked, we both get out of the car and walk up to the school. Our pack has no problems mingling with humans, they are good at a lot of things, there were some in the pack at first did not like the fact that our Luna was human, over time they grew to love her and started to enjoy mingling with humans and some even became friends too, but there are packs that don't like it. In fact, they would use them as slaves or worse, kill them. Walking into the school I go to my locker and place my book bag inside and grab my notebook and a pen, knowing that today we did not much. We had already turned in our books and cleaned out our lockers, all we needed now was our graduation gowns and caps. Shutting my locker door, I back into someone, "Look out fatty, you're blocking my way." I knew who this was, it was Shellie, she hated that fact that my dad was alpha, and I was his daughter. Her dad was a warrior and a good one, but she wanted him to be higher up in the pack. My dad liked her father and would tell him every day and he would walk away proud. Shellie just didn't like it and would take it out on me. "That a new on Shellie, think that all up yourself or did you have help from your friends?" I ask her, normally not this brave, I could feel my wolf coursing through me. "You are nothing, nothing, you will never find your mate, because you are too fat." She says walking away, I don't take it to heart, I know I am not fat, and that she is only saying it out of spite. It still hurts though. Walking to the auditorium I look around for Gina so I could sit with her.

Walking to the gym, I smell something. It was a combination of pine and cinnamon. Not seeing anyone I continue to make my way to the gym. Once there Gina runs up to me. "Come on I found a place for us to sit." Nodding to her I feel my wolf start to dance around. Still not seeing anyone I sit down. "Alright class of two thousand and twenty- two, congratulations for graduating. Today you will be receiving your caps and gowns for the ceremony that will take place next week. Remember you are to ware appropriate clothing as you will still be on school property. Your families will have places to sit towards the front, remember to let the front desk know how many people will be with you so we can reserve those seats. We still need some pictures of students and their baby pictures, along with making your choice for music. On that note that is all we have for reminders. In a line, please come get your cap and gown." Our principal said, getting up Gina and I make our way to the line. The only spot left was behind Alen, the so -called bad boy of the school and our pack, he is harmless sometimes if you are not a part of his group of friends. Standing behind him I can still smell the scent of Pine and cinnamon. *Mate, mate is close. * Looking around all I see is Alen, but it can't be him. I turn to Gina with panic on my face, "Gina, I need you to get my cap and gown for me, I-I have to run to bathroom for a minute, you know that time of the month." I say to her make an excuse to her so she could help me. " Sure girl, are you alright do you need anything else.?" She asked me as I walk out line, "No, I don't have it covered." I say walking as fast as I could out of the gym. *He can't be our mate Nala, *, still just as happy as ever she smiles, *But he is Lynn, I am so happy. * She says to me, I am in the bathroom now, looking in the mirror and splashing water in my face, "Come on Lynn, pull yourself together." Putting both hands on the edges of the sink, I look up to back at my refection. That is when I see him, looking at me. "Well hello Lynn. Or should I say, Mate." He says looking at me, clenching his fists. By the look on his face, I know he can tell we are mates.