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Musical Fairytale

Musical Fairytale

Author: Lilly01



Musical Fairytale PDF Free Download


Emily Brown is a simple girl from the countryside. She's naive but stands up for herself and others. She plays the guitar and sings too. Her dream is to learn more about what she's talented in, which is music. Emily's dream came true when her parents surprised her on her 20th birthday with an admission notice from Rochester musical academy in New York, one of the best music schools in the country. ************ The music fairies is a popular band known Worldwide. The lead vocalist Aiden, the guitarist Michael and the percussionist Jason who plays the drum kit are all students of the Rochester musical academy. So you could say the trio became celebrities while they were still students. As celebrity students, their status was higher than all other students. They are rude. However, they are adored by all as well. Will a simple countryside girl be able to adapt to the lifestyle of the school? Or will she get into trouble the moment she enters the school? Will she be able to continue being a simple girl from the countryside? Or will the school change her into an entirely new person? What happens when Emily gets involved with the music fairies?...
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Chapter 1

Emily's POV

My name is Emily Brown, I live in the country side with my parents and little brother, Kevin

We own a cattle ranch and I've worked in the ranch my whole life

I finished highschool when I was 18 but I didn't want to go to college. Well its not that I hate schooling or anything like that but I just love music and I've always wanted to go to a music school

My dad bought me a guitar when I was a kid and since then I've always love playing it, I love singing too, I always sing for Kevin, my parents and my friends and they say I have a nice voice and that's why I want to go to a music school so that I can learn more about music and harness my talent

I turned 20 last week and my parents suprised me with an admission notice from Rochester Musical Academy

They said they applied for me and sent a video of me playing the guitar to their website and they accepted me

I was mad with joy when I saw the admission notice, I'll finally be going to a music school and not just any music school, one of the best music school in the country!!

There's this band that I really love their songs, the music fairies, and I heard they are students of Rochester Musical Academy!!

Though I really love the band, I don't know what they look like, I haven't watched any of their videos, I was afraid I'll become too addicted to them if I watched their videos, am okay with just hearing their voice

But nevertheless, I can't wait to see them for real, I heard from my friends that they are really handsome, I can't believe I'll be going to the same school with them!

Someone suddenly hit me on the back and I turned to see who it was


"Are you daydreaming again instead of you to pack your things! Or don't tell me you forgot that we are all waiting for you outside" Mom said

Today's the day!

Am going to Rochester Musical Academy today!

"Sorry Mom, I was just doing a last minute packing, don't wanna forget anything" I said and Mom scoffed

"You've always been a forgetful person so am sure you'll definitely forget something, now pack up quickly and come out, your dad is waiting for you outside, he'll be the one to take you to the train station"

"Okay Mom, I'll be down in a jiffy"

Mom left and I did a last round of packing since I've already packed up all my stuffs before

I've already bathed so I just changed into a short multicolored gown, brushed my long bushy hair

I placed my guitar in its bag and I hanged it on my shoulder

Then I took my luggage and went outside

Mom, Dad and Kevin were standing beside Dad's truck

"My princess is looking so pretty today" Dad said as soon as he saw me

"Dad!" I said making a cute face

"Stop making that face, you are reminding me of dog poop" Kevin said and I gave him a deadly stare

"Shut up Kevin or I'll smack your face"

"Enough of you guys bickering, it's time for you to go" Mom said

"I'll miss you Mom" I said as I hugged her

"I'll miss you too sweetie" she said as she patted my back

"Make us proud" she said and I nodded

"Am not gonna miss you" Kevin said and I scoffed

"I don't even want you to"

"Just make sure to call every weekend" Kevin said and I smiled

He is gonna miss me

"If you are all done with the goodbyes let's go or you'll miss the train" Dad said

Kevin helped me put my luggage in the truck

I entered the truck and my Dad drove off and I continued waving at my Mom and Kevin till I couldn't see them again

The ride to the train station was a silent one

Dad didn't say anything

We got to the train station and we came down

I went to the back of the truck to get my luggage but that stopped me and took the luggage himself

We entered the train station and Dad dipped his hand in his pocket and gave me my train ticket

"Your train will be leaving soon" he said and I nodded

"I can't believe am sending my princess all alone to New York" he said

"Am going just for schooling Dad so I'll be fine"

"Still, I wish I didn't have to send you off" he said looking sad and I started tearing up

"Dad" I said as I hugged him

"Make sure you attend all your classes, don't skip any of your meals and I heard there are lots of bullies out there so make sure you don't get bullied" he said

"Don't worry Dad, you know I can stand up for myself"

"Yeah, my princess is brave, I know that"

"The train for New York will be leaving in 5 minutes" an announcer announced from the telecom

"That's your train, you should go" Dad said

"I'll miss you Dad" I said as I hugged him again

"I'll miss you too princess, now go and make sure to call often" he said

I blew him a kiss and I ran into the train

I showed the driver my ticket and then I sat on a seat near the window

Few minutes later, the train started moving and excitement rushed over me

Am going to Rochester musical academy!


I stood in the middle of the school with my luggage as the excitement drained out of me and nervousness rushed in

I have to go to the Chancellor's office to sort out my admission stuffs but I don't know my way around here and the school is so large

I have the school map in my hand but am not good at map reading

I also went to the map app on my phone but it wasn't of much help, I keep getting lost

I tried asking for directions but everyone ignored me

Are the people from the city always so rude?

I saw a guy sitting under a tree with a headphone on his ear and I decided to go ask him for help

He isn't busy with anything so he should be able to help me

"Oh my gosh, he's so handsome" I said as I saw his face

Snap out of that thought Emily, you have more pressing issues at hand

"Ummmm excuse me" I said but he didn't answer

I guess he didn't hear me, he has a headphone on and he's eyes are closed

"Hey" I said as I tapped him on the shoulder and he quickly opened his eyes and took off his head phone

"Please can you tell me where the Chancellor's office is? Am a new student here" I said

"How dare you" he said as he looked at me

"What?" I asked not quite sure if I heard right

"How dare you touch me" he said

I guess he doesn't like to be touched

"Ohh, am sorry about that, so please can you tell me where the Chancellor's office or maybe take me there" I said hopefully

"You want me to take you to the Chancellor's office?!" He asked wide-eyed and I felt uncomfortable

"Yes, I'd really appreciate that" I said and he scoffed

"Is this you guy's new trick to get closer to me?" He asked

"Trick? Closer? Am sorry I don't understand"

"Stop acting clueless and get of my sight, if you really need to get to the Chancellor's office, you have a map in your hand, use it dummy" he said as he put his headphone back on and closed his eyes


Did he just call me clueless and a dummy

"Hey!!!" I yelled and he opened his eyes and removed the headphone

"You are still here? You must have a death wish" he said and I scoffed

"You could have just refused me was the insults really necessary?" I asked

"Why? Were you hurt by the insults? Well guess what? I don't care"

"You are such a rude brat" I said

"What! Rude brat?!!" He said standing up

"Yes, were you hurt by the insults? Well guess what? I don't care" I said imitating him with a smile and he scoffed

Well done Emily, you got your payback

"I don't have your time" he said as he walked past me hitting my shoulder and my phone fell on the ground

"Hey!! Rude brat!! Look what you did to my phone!!" I yelled as I picked the phone up and he looked back

He brought out his wallet and throwed a paper at me

"You can get yourself another phone with that, that phone is outdated after all" he said

I picked up the paper from the floor and turns out, it's a cheque

A cheque of 100 thousand dollars!!!; I gasped

"What's it dummy, you've never seen such an amount in your life?" He asked with a smirk

"This is too much, only the phone's screen is cracked, am sure I can repair it with just 500 dollars"

"Don't act humble dummy, am sure you are happy that I gave you such a huge amount of money" he said and I got angry

He is really a rude brat

I squeezed the check and threw it at him

"You call yourself rich but I guess you don't have 500 dollars, I'll let you be for now but if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to collect my 500 dollars rude brat" I said as I tooked my luggage and angrily walked out of him

I guess this school is really full of rude people though that rude brat is the rudest I've met so far

And to think that I actually admired his looks at first, I must have been crazy..........