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Fated To The Cursed Alpha

Fated To The Cursed Alpha

Author: Reckless Overthinker



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Like every year on the day of sacred blood moon that's an auspicious occasion for every pack in the United States; things take a different turn in the Moon Stone pack. Once a year, Every wolf in the Moon Stone pack gather to make a sacrifice. Once a year, a dreadful event takes place. Once a year, An unmated wolf is chosen from each household to be used as a sacrifice for the Cursed Alpha. And this year, it's time for Fallon's household to make a sacrifice. Daciana Fallon is the daughter of the Pack's beta, and the black sheep of the family. Living through years of bully, and abuse by the people she calls family— Daciana suffers through a mental breakdown of having her wolf injured at such a young age, and emotional breakdown of being rejected by the man she thought was her mate; her life very far from what a Beta's daughter life should be. With the Cursed Moon approaching, and being the only unmated wolf in her family, Daciana is thrown into a brutal life in the hands of the ferocious, and mysterious Cursed Alpha. Will Daciana suffer the cruel fate of death in the arms of the Feral Alpha just like many had for the past seven years, or will she be the exception of the dreadful event's fate?
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Chapter 1


A moan slips through my parted lips as Ryan's hands move closer to my inner thighs, trailing over the skin, before settling close to my wet core.

Wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me; I arch my back as pleasure floods through my core; heat travelling across my body, and settling on my wet core— the scent of my arousal so high in the air.

"Fuck, you feel so fucking good, Daciana."

Ryan's moans, his lips trailing over the skin of my neck, and I let out a throaty cry; the sound of my name falling off his lips in that manner making my core arch the more.

I grab hold of his head, and pull him back; staring deep into his eyes.

I can't help the smile that graces over my lips at the thought that this man is mine. I, Daciana Fallon, own someone. Someone loves me, and is willing to stay with me to the end.

After suffering all through my entire life; sometimes it gets hard to believe that someone wants to spend the rest of their life with me, and every single time I doubt myself— Ryan is always there to pull me back.

He's been more than just a lover to me. He's my everything, and I don't know what I would do without him.

Living in a world where I have no value, with people that see me more as a slave, than their blood— Ryan is my only escape from the cruel reality that's my world, and he never lets me down.

Every single time I find solace in him; I get embraced, and assurance in his arms.

Ryan Gerald is my sanity.

"Hey," his voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and he lays a palm against the skin of my cheeks; caressing the skin as his icy blue eyes stare deep into mine.

"Come back here with me. You're not there, Daciana. You're right here with me; in my arms, and nothing is going to hurt you here. You're safe. " He assures me, and a smile slowly creeps up my face as I bob my head slowly.

"Good girl. " He breathes into my mouth; the word having a sexual reaction on me, and I know the bastard knows by the way he chuckles against my lips.

"Fuck you, Ryan." I breathe through my nose, arching my back to meet his lips, but he keeps pulling back; purposely teasing me.

"With pleasure, woman." He says with a sly grin, and I playfully hit his chest; only for my hands to be captured in his.

Ryan pins my hands above my head with one of his, and I can hear the loud echoes of my heart pounding hard against my chest through my ears as his darkened eyes fall on me, and I know exactly what's coming next.

He leans down; his lips slightly grazing over my forehead, and I shut my eyes, loving the feel of his mouth on me.

"God, you have no fucking idea how much I want you, Daciana." He speaks, his other hand moving to wrap around my throat as his lips graze over the skin of my neck.

"How much I crave you. " He continues to speak as his tongue dart out against my flesh, doing nothing to ease down my arousal, but everything to make the burning need between my thighs more intense.

"How much I want to mark you right here " if only he knows that's exactly what I want. I want this more than anything. God, the need for it kills me every single time I remember we can. Not yet.

After months of being together, and getting the assurance that we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other; I've been craving this moment every single moment I spend in his arms. And the more I realize we can't, the more my heartaches.

Ryan is the son of the Alpha Gray— My Pack's Alpha— and that means having so many responsibilities on him; even those he's never willing to oblige to. After meeting accidentally five months ago at the moonball party that I wasn't even supposed to be present at; we felt drawn to each other, and began a secret relationship because neither mine, nor his will support this courtship.

An alpha's son, and next in line to become alpha is expected to be with a strong female wolf that will be able to shoulder the responsibilities of a Luna when the time comes, and we both know I'm very far from that.

After having my wolf injured years ago; it's gone into hiding, and has refused to come out ever seen then which make me weak, and useless like my father loves to call it.

No less than a wolfless wolf.

If Alpha Gray finds out that his son is having an affair with a weak female like me; he'll have me beheaded, and that will be the end of it.

Likewise, if my father finds out I'm in a relationship with the Alpha's son, he'll probably have me thrown into the dungeon again to suffer. It wouldn't be the first time he will do it, and I don't think I want to ever experience such a horrible life again.

So many forces are against this relationship, including the fact that Ryan is to be betrothed to the daughter of Alpha Vince— The Alpha of the Shadow pack; a neighbouring one to ours.

He's assured me that he will do everything in his power to get out of the alliance he's being forced into, and when the time comes— he's finally going to reveal our relationship to everyone. But for now, it has to be a secret. And I'm more than willing to agree to that.

I don't think I'm ready to stand before judging eyes as their future Luna. Without being there yet, I know the looks of hatred, and resentment that will be directed at me.

After all, I'm nothing but a measly slave in form of the Beta's daughter.

"Soon, Ryan. Soon, we are going to get everything we want. " I moan, pulling him back to meet my eyes, and he nods with a smile; leaning down to capture my lips in his.

I groan as my hands move down his chest, trailing over the contours of his abs, and across the inked skin; loving the feel of it beneath my fingertips.

Ryan's tongue expertly dives into my mouth, parting my lips apart as his grip tightens over my throat; forcing a whimper out of me.

"When we are finally free, I'm going to fuck your existence into the other world. " He mutters against my lips, his other hand moving to the space between us; his finger trailing over my wetness.

"You're so fucking wet, Daciana. So fucking wet. " He breathes, and I moan at the words that fall from his lips. Wanting to feel more of him, I wrap my arms around his waist, and pull him towards me— feeling his hardened cock between my thighs, and I want him to fuck me right here, and right now.

Just a little more.

Just a bit more patience, and I'm finally going to get what I've always craved.

He's going to be completely mine, and I his. Body, soul, and mind.

Ryan pulls away from me, planting a swift kiss to my forehead before shifting to the other side, laying beside me, and I let out a loud breath; my eyes trained on the ceiling as I try to calm down my breath.

"If we go any further, I won't be able to control myself any longer. " He says when I turn into his view, and I smile with a nod; knowing exactly what he means.

He pulls me close into his embrace, and I breathe in his scent, hugging him tightly with the knowledge that I won't be seeing him for the rest of the week.

The sacred moon is coming soon, and I know he will be a lot busy with the preparations which are why I have to cherish this time with him.

"I'm going to miss you. " I tell him, and his chest rumbles from the beautiful sound that's come to be my favourite sound falling off his lips.

"And I, you. " He responds cheesily, and I can't help the laugh that falls through my parted lips.

He is my euphoria.


"Can't you stay a bit more?" Ryan groans as I put on my sandals, and I chuckle; my gaze moving to the walk clock.

"You know I will love too, but I can't. I already spent more than I should, and if stay any longer, mom will start to notice my presence. And you know what that means. " I tell him with a sad smile, and he strides towards me, his tall frame hovering over me.

"Soon. I promise. "

"I know," I tell him with a smile, rising from the bed as I move into his embrace once again.

"Take care of yourself for me, Daciana. I can't wait to see you again. "

"Me too. " I respond with a smile before pulling out of his embrace.

I lean onto my toes to press a light kiss to his lips before moving back with a smile; making my way towards the door.

I glance at the gorgeous face one last time before finally walking out the door with a satisfied sigh.

Sneaking through the hallway, and trying to make sure no one sees me; I stop dead in my tracks when I realize I left my phone.

"Fuck. "

I whisper before turning back in my stand, and heading back towards his room.

"Hey, Ryan. I..." The other words remain hanging in the air as I take in the sight before me; my heart arching.

No. No, it can't be. I mean... It can't. This can't be. What's... I must be hallucinating. This can't be!

Grazing my knuckles over my eyes; my gaze moves back to the scene before me, and it's exactly like I saw it.

My boyfriend, who I left barely seconds ago after hours of being in each other's arms, is with my fucking sister! On his fucking bed!

My boyfriend! Who acted like I was everything to him, have my sister in his fucking arms!

My sister is in his arms! And he's fucking eating her face! Her arms are wrapped around his neck, and the irritating sounds of her moans bounces off the wall.

Oh my God! How could I... Of course! How could I have been...

It's barely been minutes since I left... And! And he is... He's that! With her! How? Why? I thought he... Everything he said. Lies!

I watch as my sister shut her eyes as his hand disappears under the flimsy material of her dress.

"Oh Ryan, " she moans, holding his head to her chest as he pulls up the dress to reveal her panties; his finger rubbing over the thin material.

I gasp, holding my hand over my mouth as I stagger backwards, colliding against the wall.

"Daciana, " Ryan mutters, lifting himself off her with a guilt expression crossing his feature, and I lift my hand to halt any other word that he's going to say; a scoff slipping through my lips.

"Why?" I question with a shake of my head, feeling the tears swell in my eyes, but I refuse to break down. Not before this cheating bastard! "Why, Ryan? After everything, why?" I fucking trusted you!

"I'm sorry. " He utters, and I shake my head; hating the sound of those words.

"I'm sorry, Daciana. " He says, and my gaze moves to the woman behind him, who has a smirk etched onto her face. I know Kate has always hated me, but this... This, I never expected.

Taking one last look at them, I march towards the door; my heart breaking with each step I take, and each pleads of his I ignore.

I don't stop.

As I move along the hallway with hundreds of eyes turning to me; I don't stop.

As hushed whispers, and murmurs fills the air surrounding me; I don't stop.

I don't stop until I'm away from them. From the cruel world that's always shame me.

I don't stop until my legs pick a race, and my lips taste the saltness of the tears that roll down my cheeks; my heart aching badly.