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The Omega Moon

The Omega Moon

Author: Tabia



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“I love you Noah” Juliana whispered “I love you too JJ” Noah whispered trailing kisses down her neck “I can’t wait to mark you and finally make you mine” he growled nibbling on her sweet spot “Are you sure? I mean giving up a mate is a big deal” she breathed whimpering as the sparks lit up every nerve in her body “I’m not giving up anything, you’re my mate” he put his hands on her shoulders looking intently into her eyes “But you’re going to be Alpha, and I’m just an Omega, couple that with your father hatting me…” “What is it JJ, are you changing your mind?” fear filled his eyes “No, I’m not, I mean, maybe I just don’t understand…why me?” “Because you’re my forever love, I will go to war for you” he said with a possessive growl Juliana Jones loved Noah Holt with all her heart, but the Alpha Noah’s father didn’t approve of Juliana because she was an Omega and could do nothing to help make the pack stronger. Despite his father’s disapproval both Noah and Juliana promised to mark and mate each other no matter what. So, on their eighteenth birthday they decide to elope and mate each other at the cabin. Juliana was excited to finally mate with Noah and be his forever, even though they didn’t care about finding their destined mates, will their love stand the test of time?
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Chapter 1

Juliana’s POV

“Noah, stop, what if someone walks in?” I breathed with my words coming out as a breathless whisper

“I don’t care, let them see, I want them to see me with you” he took my lips in his as he lifted up my blue prom dress working his hand slowly up my thigh, sending sparks all over my body

“Your father won’t be pleased” I hissed as he nibbled on my neck, while he cupped my sex with his hand

“I don’t care” he growled against my skin as he sneaked his hand under my panties playing with my folds “besides, the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest don’t you think?” He whispered in my mouth as he kissed me, he buried his fingers inside me, making me moan

His fingers started moving faster and faster inside me, releasing a warm sensation from deep within my core, I held on to his collar tight roaming his mouth with my tongue, as the sensation inched closer and closer

My knees got weak, and I shot my head back releasing with a tremble “good girl” he smirked pressing himself against me as he squeezed my ass, kissing me hungrily

“Your turn” I whispered switching our positions and pinning him against the wall

“And now it’s time to announce the prom king and queen, everybody gather around” the announcement came booming over the loudspeaker in the classroom that we were hiding, and getting lost in our love in

“That’s going to have to wait JJ” he said giving me a warm smile

He gave me a quick peck on the lips, took my hand and led me out of the class to the auditorium

I smiled looking at my mate, well it hasn’t been confirmed yet, but I know it deep in my bones that Noah is my mate, I loved everything about him, his dark brown hair that turns a lighter shade of brown in the sunlight, his beautiful grey eyes, his pink lips, he’s just perfect

We started dating three years ago, and from the first time we kissed, we knew that we were meant to be mates, even though it has been hard to keep our hands off each other so far we have only gotten to third base, we wanted to wait until the day we turn eighteen so our wolves can meet each other first before we get that intimate, and tonight is that night, we both turn eighteen at midnight

“And your prom king is…drum roll please…” the sound of drums rippled in the auditorium “Noah Holt!” The MC boomed, and the crowd erupted in screams and applause

“I’ll see you up there” he whispered in my ear and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, I knew that he was going to win, he is handsome, and the captain of the football team, not to mention popular, if I win I know it will be because Noah is my boyfriend

I still can’t believe that Noah Holt is my boyfriend, I mean look at him, with that smile, he can literally have any girl he wants, but he wants me, I can’t wait to confirm our bond, and finally be with him physically

“And now for your prom queen, ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Jacqueline Jones” the crowd erupted in applause again, and Jackie, my sister, well her family adopted me after my parents died, so she’s basically my foster sister, she boomed running up to the stage, giving me the stink eye as she put her hands on my man, giving him a hug and a pat on the cheek

She has always been jealous of the fact that Noah chose me instead of her, it’s fine I’ll let her have her fun, because after tonight no one will be able to discount our bond ever again, he will finally be mine forever

“And now it’s time for our king and queen to have their first dance”

I clenched my fists as she put her grubby hands on him, she shot me a sly smile before pressing her body against his, those were the longest two minutes of my life, they looked into each other’s eyes as they danced, they looked to be close, I’ve never seen them talk even once, but now they’re cracking jokes and laughing together, I mean, what the hell?

Even though we grew up together, she has always hated me, she would destroy any toys that I had, she would lie to my friends about me to make them hate me, and not want to play with me, that girl has never been a sister to me

After the dance Noah came straight to me, making my heart flutter, I knew that he wasn’t going to be thawed that easily, “come here”, he took my hand leading me outside

“I’m sorry you didn’t win” he smiled pinching my cheek

“Nah, I didn’t want to win anyway”

“That’s my girl” he whispered flashing me that gorgeous smile of his, making butterflies dance in my stomach “I’m going home to change, I’ll meet you at the cabin at midnight okay” he chirped

“Okay” I breathed getting lost in his grey eyes, he gave me a long deep kiss

“I can’t wait” he chirped, flashing me that smile again

“Me neither” I blushed intoxicated by his cinnamon scent; he was so alluring I just couldn't get enough of him

I got home, changed, and packed an overnight bag with everything that I knew I was going to need

Lingerie, with a combination of silk and lace, check

Candles, scented of cause, check

Bluetooth speaker, check

Romantic playlist with all our favourite songs, check

A blanket just in case the abandoned cabin we are going to is just too filthy, check

I also packed a picnic basket, just in case we get hungry after our extracurricular activities, if you know what I mean, wink

I stood outside the abandoned cabin, taking it all in, this is the place where I will meet my wolf, claim my mate and finally be one with him

I dusted out the bed, and laid down the blanket that I brought, lit the candles, and set the mood with the music “it’s perfect” I chirped and changed into my sexy lingerie, I sat in anticipation waiting for my mate Noah to arrive

Although his father won’t accept us he’s always told me that I’m his lifelong love, he even promised me that after tonight, if his father still doesn’t want our union, that he will build an entire new pack for me, where I will live freely by his side as his Luna, just as the moon goddess meant it to be

I started getting anxious as the clock kept ticking away, with no sign of Noah, thirty minutes past, then an hour, I know this looks bad, I mean he’s two hours late, but this is Noah we are talking about, he will show up, I just know it

I was beginning to doze off when I heard a noise from outside

“Noah, is that you?” I chirped, running to the door to meet my first love, and finally mate with him, as our wolves are born, making him my forever love

He might be late, because he had to sneak out, since he is soon to be Alpha no one knows about our plan to mate tonight, his father is against him mating with an “orphaned Omega like me” at least that’s how he likes to put it, but after tonight no one will ever be able to separate us

I opened the door, and saw headlights approaching through the heavy rain “he’s here” I chirped bouncing up and down

He got out of the car, but I could tell that something was wrong, he seemed to have doubled in size, and his walk was different, I didn’t recognize this person walking towards me at all

The passenger door opened and another guy that I didn’t recognise came out, and they were both walking towards the cabin, towards me

“Shit, they are rogues”, I quickly locked the door, and ran back to the bedroom and grabbed my phone, “shit, no service”, I texted Noah anyway hoping that my message with find him somehow

I heard the door crashing to the ground, and ominous footsteps approaching the bedroom, I pinned my back against the wall, trying to get as far from the door as possible

The handle turned slowly, and I heard them laughing on the other side of the door

The door creaked open, and I got a sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach, somehow, at that moment I knew that tonight was going to be the last night of my life, I never thought I would die like this, I always saw myself dying at a very old age surrounded by my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren

“You don’t want to do this, trust me, Noah Holt the Alpha of the Hale Pack will be here soon, and he’s very strong and powerful, there is no telling what horrible things he’ll do to you if you hurt me, so I suggest you turn around and leave, now”, I growled, standing my ground, they must know who Noah is, our pack is the most powerful in the world, and they wouldn’t want to mess with him

They looked at each other and started laughing, “did you say Noah Holt?” The first rogue chirped

“Yes, he’s my boyfriend”, I said quite confidently

“It’s funny cause he’s the one that hired us to kill you, in fact his exact words were “make sure I never see that filthy Omega again””, their laughter continued


“Yeah”, the second rogue growled, his face turned cold, and he walked towards me, and grabbed my arm squeezing tight

“You can’t do this”, I whimpered

“Yes, we can, in fact your boyfriend told us to make your death slow and painful”, the first rogue growled, and the second rogue grabbed my lingerie and tore it from my body, leaving me in my panties

“No please don’t do this…aah”, I screamed as the first rogue lifted me up and threw me on the bed right on top of the blanket I had laid out for me and Noah, “no, please, stop”, I screamed, and kicked trying to get away from them

They held me down, pinned my arms and legs, spread me across the bed, I whimpered, shaking my head, and crying my eyes out, I can’t believe this is happening to me, why did Noah hire rogues to kill me? All I ever did was love him, tonight was supposed to be our mating ceremony

The rogues ran their filthy hands down my body squeezing my breasts, as they breathed heavily, “I’m going to enjoy this”, the first rogue smirked

The second rogue grabbed my panties and ripped them off, “I’m going to tear you apart”, he growled cupping my sex

“No, you can’t do this…it can’t end like this, I can’t lose my virginity like this, please somebody help me”

The second rogue held me down while the first rogue took his clothes off, licked his lips and stroked his dick, he climbed on the bed positioning himself between my legs, my screams, pleading, and begging didn’t seem to affect them at all

He kissed me violently and I bit his lips drawing blood

“You bitch”, he barked punching me in the face, I don’t know if it was the adrenaline or the knowledge that I was going to die, but I didn’t care, I’m not going to go quietly into the night, if I must die, I will do it on my own terms

I pulled my foot from its trap, and kicked him in the chin, he growled and punched me in the chest, I coughed out blood, the pain was so excruciating, I knew that my ribs were broken, the second rogue slapped me across the face, ripping my lip open

“Stop struggling”, the second rogue barked, “I promise to make your death quick and painless after we fuck you”, he smirked, I spit the blood in my mouth all over his face

He grabbed me by the neck, and threw me on the floor, they both started kicking me relentlessly, the first rogue stepped on my knee leaning his entire weight on it, and I heard a crack, I shrieked releasing the pain

My screeching scream turned into a growl, and now I was screaming for a different reason, all the bones in my body started breaking, the growl turned into a roar, my hands and legs turned to paws, my spine contracted, and extended releasing my tail, my skin felt like it was on fire as fur grew out of every pore

I jumped up protruding my claws and slashing the first rogue across the face, he bent down screaming in pain holding his eyes, I moved to the second rogue, and mauled him in the stomach, blood spilled out of his mouth, as he groaned in pain on the floor

I went back to the first rogue, the one who pulled down his pants and was ready to rape me, “no don’t hurt me please”, he begged

“Don’t worry I will make your death slow and painful”, I growled imitating the way he said those words to me earlier

I pounced pinning him to the floor, glaring at him right in the eye, using his fear as fuel

“You don’t have to do this”, he begged, I smirked and ripped off his dick with my teeth, l listened to him scream in pain, watching as the blood trickled out of his body, there was something oddly satisfying about bringing this asshole to his knees

“You bitch I’m going to…”

I ripped his throat out, not letting him finish

“Sorry I didn’t get that, you were saying?”

The second rogue growled getting on his feet, it looked like he was getting ready to shift into his wolf, I sprinted towards him and threw my body against him, head budding him in the stomach

He went flying across the room, hit the wall and fell on the ground unconscious

I turned back to my human form, and quickly changed into my morning after clothes, I stumbled out of the cabin dragging myself to my car, I heard a faint snoring sound as I drove

“She must be exhausted from all the fighting, poor thing, she was born in such chaos, I’m grateful to her though, if it wasn’t for her, I’d be dead by now, I need to thank her when she wakes up”

I wrapped my hands tight around the steering wheel, “you can rest now my little wolf, tonight mommy has some questions she needs answered”, I growled racing through the rain