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Hidden Love

Hidden Love

Author: Bhagi



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Sailaja a Software engineer, who aspires to become a recognized singer encounters with Kaushik, who dreams of having his own company, now works as a managing director at TCS. Kaushik falls in love with Sailu but fails to express it to her. What happens when he ends up being Sailu's groom? Will Sailu realize and accept his love? will they be able to lead a successful relationship when the society doesn't accept their marriage just because of one reason?
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Chapter 1


I pushed the curtains of the window allowing the morning light to enter the dimmed room. Would you even call this a room? Just have a look at how messed up it is! Right from clothes to books, wrappers to files scattered around over room. I guess this is what you call a solo party.

And there you see the lazy ass. Lying on the king-sized bed right in the centre, her mouth half opened in sleep. Of course, she's damn cute, but alas it's a Monday morning! "Madhu! Madhu...! Get up, see what is the time!" I shouted.

"5 minutes..." I heard her reply and sighed arranging all the stuff in her room.

It's been a year, I have been staying in Hyderabad. My parents were worried to send me... when I had got the job offer. But after a lot of convincing, they agreed.

They only allowed me to go if I stayed with my uncle


. They were not my own family, but my father knows them very well.

I didn't want to give any trouble to them, so I live in a small house nearby them, which is shared by my friend Madhu.

"I'm leaving the breakfast on the table, get up soon sleepy head... you're getting late for your class!" I reminded her as I grabbed the scooter keys.

She is a very good fashion designer and an artist. She is very lucky to have her passion as her career which is only possible for a few.

Even I have a lot of things, I'm passionate about like singing. Singing reminded me...

I had a dream to become a top singer in India, but it's not necessary that whatever we wish for becomes true right?!

I work as an engineer in data science. AI and ML... interesting right. Oh! sorry sorry, I'm blabbering so much that I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Sailaja... sailu for short!

Basically, I'm from a typical south Indian family "Haha..." laughs sarcastically at my own words.

I started my scooty and went on the road and people around started staring. This is very normal for me. people stare at me where ever I go for some I may look weird, funny for some, and some with sympathy, which I hate to the core.

I went to my uncle's house. straight... to give him medicines.

"Babai..." I sighed seeing him forget to take his medicines.

"Please ra... only today, from tomorrow onwards pakka! I will have medicines before you tell..."

"No! I won't agree. Until you have these medicines I won't step out from here Mr Satyamurthy!" I demanded faking my anger.

"Ayyo... please listen to me ra..." He tried to persuade me. But I'm a very stubborn person, not going to give up easily. "No! Babai..." I commanded handing him the medicines. With great difficulty, he had the medicines giving a disgusted look. While I grinned at him with a wide smile.

I stepped back with a sudden jerk as I heard my aunt's taunt. "she entered the house early morning, God knows what will happen today!" She chided handing my uncle his cup of coffee. I lowered my head down and continued to listen to her.

"Sumati not again. I'll send her to the office, you go inside..." Babai spoke to avoid the silent argument between us.

"Ah-ha... you keep on backing and supporting her, one day she'll take everything from us and kick us out of our own house!" She said giving glaring at me. I literally could see the hatred in her eyes and though I tried my best tears fell from my eyes by the intensity of her words.

"Sumati..." Satya Babai said sternly this time. "Yeah yeah, what will I do staying here? I will go..." she stated leaving for the hall. "Sorry ra..." Babai uttered, sadness visible on his face.

"Leave it Satyamurthy, I'm getting late... I'll meet you in the evening,  Bye!" I replied heading towards the door. "Akka... wait please drop me at school." Siddharth came to running. "You again missed your bus, didn't you?" I chuckled seeing him creating a mess in hurry.

"Siddu! breakfast..." yelled his mother from inside. "Enough maa! bye..." He said pulling my dupatta to start the scooty.

"You are becoming lazy like that Madhu" I said hitting his head lightly with my fist. "Akka, please scold later now go fast."



"Wow! Bro... Hyderabad is so beautiful! so many malls, stalls and parks. Why didn't you get transferred before itself?" Akanksha said making a pout.

"Shut up devil. Don't eat my head." I said irritated by her.

"See maa... bro is calling me devil..." she complained to mom, who was seated next to me.

"Then what else should we call you?" Mom smirked as we gave a hifi to each other laughing while she turned her face away from us.

"Dad... see here both of them are making fun of me..." she reported to dad immediately.

"In a few minutes, we will reach Satyamurthy's house. Please keep quiet both of you!" dad tried to be as serious as possible but the fact is, he just can not and we all split into laughter listening to him.

The car came to a halt and I saw uncle and aunt waiting at the threshold to receive us.

I and Akanksha came down as my dad and the driver opened the back of the car, to get my mom's wheelchair.

My mom is paralyzed for the past 3 years and is confined to the auto movable wheelchair... which she learned to use in the past years.

"Kaushik! How are you my boy..." uncle held my shoulders looking at me from head to toe.

"You have grown tall and handsome!" he complimented as I gave a small smile.

"Dear! Let them come inside" Sumati aunt spoke interrupting him. "Oh yes yes, how mannerless me..." he murmured to himself as we went inside.


"So... what you guys doing now?" uncle used me and Akanksha casually.

"Managing director at Tata Consultancy services" I replied casually. "Pursuing visual arts course" Akanksha replied immediately.

"Hmm... not bad..." uncle commented "Have you been taking care of your health?" dad asked Satya uncle. "Oh yes... Sailu is there to take care of me right..."

"Sailu?..." My dad and I asked in unison.

"Yes... I didn't tell you about her right? she..."

"There is no need to discuss about unnecessary people now..." Sumati aunt interrupted him.

"But..." he again tried to continue. "Arey! let them rest for a while. they must be tired by the journey." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah ok, we'll speak later..." uncle sighed and left for his work and we to our rooms.

It was evening and the weather was pleasant. So I decided to go on a bike ride to look around the area and dad said he would come as well.bIt was a very clean area, very neatly maintained.

The groceries and medical stores were at a walkable distance it will be convenient for immediate needs. We reached the main road and there was heavy traffic as people are returning home from work. I stopped the bike and waited for the traffic to clear.

Suddenly... my eyes fell on a group of kids who were trying to cross the road. I panicked.