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His Dark Mate (18+)

His Dark Mate (18+)



His Dark Mate (18+) PDF Free Download


"Don't tell me you're scared? Then again when was the last time you wolves have seen a woman with such power?" She smirked as her nails grazed against my jaw. "Don't be ridiculous," I said as I tried to break free of the rope that restricted my hands. She stood right in front of me and sat down on my lap in a way that we were face to face and I couldn't help it, she excited me in more ways than one. There are things in this world too mysterious and dangerous to understand. The Supreme Blood Deity pack is one of them. My mate, a rare Alpha Female and a dangerous blood thirsty one at that. I can't stay away from her no matter how hard I tried. Her dangerous ways are rubbing off on me.
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Chapter 1

"Alpha there has been a report of rogues on the east side of the pack, they are not disturbing the pack but we were informed by them that they are moving away from a recent attack," My Beta stood in my office as he updated me on the pack border patrol.

"Thank you Marco, you can go about your business," I dismissed him and he nodded to me as he walked out of my office, closing the door behind him. I sighed as I looked down at my hands. I haven't been able to sleep for days because all I could think of was this beautiful voice in my head whenever I went to sleep.

'Tell me you love me'

It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but why did it have such an affect on me? Was it the voice of my mate? After all these years will my mate finally come into my life? That would make things difficult. There was a knock on the door and entered my beautiful wife Adrianna with a smile on her face.

My name is Alpha Kaiden of the Dark Moon pack, one of the most feared and respected packs in this region. I have been the Alpha of this pack since I was 18 years old, I was supposed to find my mate to rule by my side but I never did. An Alpha must always have a mate by his side no matter what. My parents decided to come up with a plan to fake a mate for me. Adrianna was the daughter of Alpha Jasper, an Alpha who raped a human and she was the outcome. Since she was half human, she didn't feel certain things that us wolves could feel, like the mate pull or heat even though she still had a wolf spirit.

We lied and said Adrianna was my mate but in reality she wasn't, I was against this at first but now being 25 and still not finding my true mate, this is all I have. No one could tell that she wasn't my true mate. The only other person to know besides my parents is my Beta Marco.

"Well hello there Mr. Big bad wolf," She smirked and walked around my desk to sit on my lap. I smiled and rubbed my hand along her slender back.

"I'm busy at the moment Adrianna, this can't wait for later?" I asked her.

"Your Luna comes first, besides I missed you," She pouted her soft lips and raked her hands through my honey brown hair. I planted a kiss on her lips, lingering for a moment and then pulling away.

I loved Adrianna, I truly did, especially since she was the mother of my child but whenever I kissed her, whenever I made love to her it was always missing something.




"That's all I can give you right now, I'm busy planning these attack strategies just in case. Alpha Michael has been threatening this pack and I won't tolerate his disrespect any longer," I growled.

"Alpha Kaiden?" We looked up and noticed Beta Marco at the door.

"Go Adrianna." I ordered.

She quickly left the room leaving me and Marco alone.

"What is it this time?"

"A massacre Alpha, a member of the Gold Light pack approached the west border control, going on about an attack on her pack.

"Fucking hell I don't have time for this shit!" I slammed my hands on the desk and exhaled.

"Why doesn't the Luna just help you-"

"You know damn well she isn't strong enough Marco!" I got up and walked over to him with a menacing look on my face. My wolf was angry, he was always angry because he knew Adrianna wasn't the one for us, he didn't want her he wanted our true mate but I couldn't wait around for her.

"You hate the fact that you settled for less, your wolf hates you for settling for a half breed," He smirked in my face, his hazel eyes piercing through my green orbs. He always knew how to push my buttons.

"Watch how you speak about my wife Marco, besides you know how looked down it is for a Alpha to not find his mate, especially at my age,"

"Isn't it worse to lie to your pack members and make this girl believe she is special? She's nothing to you, she isn't even a proper leader to this pack," He shook his head in disgust.

I growled, signaling for him to drop the conversation.

"In 2 days we will travel to the Golden Light pack to check the damage to see if they need our help, we continue battle plans against Alpha Michael, I want him to feel pain for disrespecting me and don't make me do the same to you Marco, remember your place in this pack," I spat at him. He cowered for a moment and then bowed his head and turned to leave my office.

"One of these days you will face an enemy even you won't be able to overpower,"