
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Egwuji Chinedu



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Moonville has a new rich visitor, Eren Light. They see him as the owner of Light enterprises, the company that's fixing their roads and building their state of the art mall. But he sees himself as an avenger for the death of his father. He's here to kill the werewolf family that wiped out his entire family 20 years ago. Fate brings him to meet, Luciana Perez. She's a cafe owner by day and someone else at night. They both want the same thing, the death of the Fire family. With his God like werewolf powers and her hunting prowess, they're ready to unleash hell on their enemies. They both can't deny the romantic tension between them.But Eren knows he shouldn't fall in love because of the deal he made with Lucifer. He has two options. Either he forgets love and accomplishes his mission, or he falls in love and risks never avenging his father again. His fate rests in his hands.
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Chapter 1

Eren's POV

Champagne, steak, sweaty humans and grilled fish . I could smell them all from outside the hall. Being a god had it's perks. Adjusting my tie, I put on a smile and advanced to the entrance.

Inside the hall was graced with golden lights being released by the chandeliers in the ceiling. The walls were of perfect white and the tiles sparkled like they were cleaned by angels. These were all thanks to my company. I was awesome after all.

Ribbons and balloons were hung on the high ceiling. Brown chairs and tables were divided into two by an aisle, and faced a stage floored with golden rugs. A man was addressing the audience sitting before him, his hand on a mic. He wore a black tuxedo and had the most shapeless head I had ever seen.

"Ladies and gentle man." He gestured at me. "The man we've all been waiting for, Eren Light!"

Heads turned in my direction and claps uproared in the room. I rose a hand and thanked them as I advanced to the stage. This was the respect I deserved. But I had to be careful not to be lost in the moment. I came here on a mission.

"You're awesome!"

"Best thing that happened to moonville!"

"We owe our lives to you!"

"We love you!"

My smile broadened as I reached the stage. I took the mic from the hands on the oblong headed man. His black eyes lit up as I sent him a curt nod.

"Thank you, thank you," I said. "How's everyone doing tonight?"

The rich and fancy in their expensive suits and dresses did another thunderous clap. This event was an event for all. But I was surprised to see only the high rollers of this town before me. I guess my status was too high for the middle class.

"We all know this night wouldn't have been possible without me." I put a hand in my pocket. "Light enterprises have put their very best into the building of this newly refurbished town hall. I must say I'm indeed proud."

Smiles grew on their faces. Some dug into the meals before them while others just gawked at me like I was a god. A man at the far right stood and held up mic at his mouth. His black hair was slicked down and freckles stained his cheeks.

"Who inspires you, Mr Light?" He asked, his green eyes fixed on me.

"What sort of question is that?" I cocked a brow. "I inspire myself."

Thunderous claps shook the ground.

The reporter smiled nervously. "Does Light enterprises have any plans for the future?"

"I always have plans for the future." I hid my arm behind my back. "The question is, is the future ready for me?"

Another clap came from the audience.

"Your company has done a lot for the town of Moonville. The mayor even claims that you don't charge the government much for your constructions." The reported joined his brows. "You're a rare man to come by. Everyone in this town thanks you, Mr Light."

I gave him a curt nod. "Thank you for making it here everyone to celebrate the opening of this new town hall. Enjoy yourselves."

They clapped continuously as I left the stage. I headed to the backstage door. A dark hefty man in a black suit opened it for me. I passed him, entering a white walled corridor. Lining it were black doors and paintings.

I leaned my back on the wall and crossed my arms. Finally, I had won the trust of the people. Nobody would ever suspect me for who I truly was. I dipped my hand into the nape of my shirt and brought out a golden necklace. Its pendant was a golden ring with the insignia of a blue lightning.

I kissed it with my eyes closed. "Don't worry, I'll make them pay." I tucked the necklace back into my shirt.

I started down the corridor, the toilet being my destination. Faint voices rang in my ear as I continued.

"You worthless monsters think I'll let you live."

I stopped right before a door. The voices were coming from inside the room.

"Who does this bitch think she is?" A crack voice from inside asked.

"Brother, let's have her for dinner?"

"Not if I feed you to the birds first," A soothing voice replied.

I pushed open the door. It was the security room for the body guards. Two of them stood across the room, a coffee table separating them from a caramel skinned lady with afro curls. Dressed in black tight latex suit, her hips curved like they were out of this world.

On her waist was a steel made belt. She stared at me with her onyx eyes, rage clouding them. Her make up perfectly brought out the oval shape of her face.

"Mr Light, don't come any closer," she ordered.

"I don't take orders from anyone." I looked at my guards. "Who did you two want to have for dinner?"

They both gawked at me. I'm sure they didn't know I was listening. Super hearing was a bitch. One of the guards was a black male with broad nose and short hair. The other was a  white male with bulbous nose and round chin. His blonde hair fall over his shoulders and he was barrel chested.

"Are you two going to explain to me what's going on here?" I asked.

"We're sorry boss," they both said.

Cracks could be heard and their muscles grew bigger, flames engulfing them. Their calves went backwards making their legs resemble that of wolves. I winced as their wails turned into roars. The hybrid took the stance of a human.

Their noses elongated, their bridges turning into muzzles. I watched as the ends of their ears became sharp and their fangs grew out, saliva drooling from it. Yellowish red flames still engulfed their body and then I confirmed it. These werewolves were of the fire family.

Funny how I didn't know some of my guards were werewolves. I needed to be observant or it would lead to my death.

If I made a move, the lady over there would know my identity. That wasn't something I was ready to risk revealing now. But what baffled me was how relaxed she was. She didn't even behave perplexed at the beings before her.

Instead, she smirked and brought out two revolvers from her back. The beasts crimson eyes glinted as they growled. One bolted to her, leaving trails of fire behind it. She hit her belt and a metal wire shot out of it, a hook at its end. It stuck to the wall and dragged her into the air. Then she opened fire at the beast, silver bullets raining down on it. With two shots, she managed to send that one to the ground.

The next jumped in the air, its claws ready to strike. She flew past it with her belt, and shot the beast in the head. It dropped to the ground and whimpered, its flames spreading across the room.

She was able to pull this move because she moved faster than the werewolves. Fire hybrids are blessed with physical strength but their speed isn't the best. But nevertheless, this lady had just taken down two of them like they were pawns. She was definitely someone to keep an eye on.

Her afro curls quivered in the air as she walked towards me. The flames flailed as ashes rose to the ceiling. She the guns behind her back and revealed a pink potion that had a nozzle.

I smirked. Newbie.

"Mr Light, I can't risk the town knowing who I really am." She sighed, the flames shading her pointed nose. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you."

Visible blue lighting sparked through my body and in a heartbeat, I was behind her. Her breath hitched as she found out the potion was no longer in her hand.

"What was it you wanted to do again?" I asked, bending my face over her shoulder. "You should never reveal your true intentions to an enemy, lesson number one."

She searched for her guns but they were already in my hands. "What are you?"

"If you want to find out, meet me in my manor by 6pm tomorrow night." I twitched a corner of my lips. "I'm sure we both want the same thing."

With lightning speed, I was out of the room before she could turn.

Author's note: Hey guys, what do you think of the first chapter. This is my first werewolf novel ever.