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Sixteen And Pregnant

Sixteen And Pregnant

Author: Sally14@ .



Sixteen And Pregnant PDF Free Download


Gabrielle Ander Villanueva life wasn't exactly perfect. Infact it wasn't at all perfect. For a girl who never had a father and was raised by a single mother who was a stripper. Grabrella doesn't see anyway her dramatic life could be worse but after running away from home. She finds herself in the bed of her crush three years later.and then pregnant a few months later but she is only sixteen And she isn't ready yet.
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Chapter 1

"Goodness Gabrielle. Just perfect. I feel like my whole world is about to shatter to the ground and guess what my best friend is not here to see it"Sarah martins said into the phone in a fury."where the hell are you girl . You should be here right now helping isn't that what friends do"

"For the hundred of times Sarah. I am almost there" Gabrielle responded. She glared at her old worn out sliver wrist watch and knew she wasn't going to be there any sooner than she wanted to. She still had an one hour shift before someone else took over and then she could go. But she wasn't about to tell her best friend and roommate that. At least not now

"You know I can tell when you lie with clench teeth and folded finger. We have live together for three years"

"Two years and seven months to be exact"

"Whatever"Sarah said with a wave of her hand and then in a low voice she added" Gabrielle Ander Villanueva I will never forgive you if you come late"

"I won't. You know I won't miss your sister wedding for nothing..." Gabrielle was interuptted by a gasp from the other end "is everything alright"

"Guess who just showed up at the party baby girl"

"Dan" Gabrielle guessed. She looked up just in time to see her boss waving over at table which had just been occupied by two strange looking couples. Were they siblings. She thought as they looked so much alike but then siblings didn't kiss and rub each other weirdly. Get a room. She mumbled under her thought." I Will go" Cory the new girl offered and Gabrielle nodded a thank you.

" Dan? Sarah fumed.

Dan was a cute guy Sarah had been dating for four months which was the longest time Sarah had ever dated anyone. But then again dan was the sweet and he had a great sense of humor and Gabrielle liked him.

"No not Dan. Dan was here since two hours ago. Unlike my friend. My boyfriend is very responsible. Anyways. I don't know how but Jeff Jefferson just walked into my sister's wedding party"

"Jeff" Gabrielle voice raided through the four huge corners of the restaurant and everyone shifted their attention to her."you girl? Her boss frowned

" Yes" Sarah said

How on earth was Jeff in Sarah's sister party. Gabrielle had always had a huge crush on him. Who doesn't. He was hot. Sexy and good at everything he did. He was that type of guy to always stand out in a crowd with his striking handsomeness that always had girls glueing to him like he was some celebrity."you are lying"

" Swear on Dan. I am not. I better go help my sister now. And you better get here on time. Or I swear I would hunt you forever and for goodness girl don't come here looking like a rotten bitch put some makeup on and wear something nice"

Gabrielle mumbled her reply and the phone bleep in her ear. Putting it in her pocket. She grabbed a Manu from one of the empty desk and hurried toward table one where an old man was barking out curses that no one understood and to someone on the phone. Gladly.