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Resurgence Of The Exiled Mate

Resurgence Of The Exiled Mate

Author: Golden_Ink



Resurgence Of The Exiled Mate PDF Free Download


In a world where strength and leadership define Alphas, one enigmatic figure chooses a life of isolation to safeguard his power. Women, mere objects of desire, serve as fleeting distractions until one passionate encounter leads to an unintended bond. Determined to shield his mate from harm, he vanishes without a trace, leaving her desperate to unravel the mystery. As she embarks on a relentless pursuit, their worlds collide in a captivating tale of forbidden love and the struggles between duty and desire. Prepare to be captivated by ' RESURGENCE OF THE EXILED MATE, a spellbinding story where secrets entwine and the power of love defies all odds."
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Chapter 1

Chapter one.

Subtitle: why my father hates me.

Disclaimer: this story might contain inappropriate words and a certain amount of erotica.

Content is not suitable for under 16 readers.

Please note that all the scenes, names, settings and plots of this book are purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to other works is just a coincidence.

*Antonella's POV*

I stood there. Right in the middle of the dark room with mockery buzzing through my ears at my unfortunate situation.

I was the center of it all, their eyes all fluttered and starred my way and I knew nothing was going to save me this time around.

My eyes flickered and I looked sideways to catch the cold yet soft glances of my sister who looked sorry for me.

The room was filled and I didn't want to talk even for a moment, yet I was in the middle of it all and everything had to be uttered there and then.


My voice sliced through the thin quiet room as if the air was anticipating my utterance.

"I do not want to marry Alpha Henry. He is not my mate and I am certainly not going to marry him and stay as his mistress."

I summoned the courage to say those words I've been meaning and wanting to say for months but couldn't for the fear of getting punished by my father.

Things are getting out of hand.

From the look of things my father has already completed every arrangement he needs to do with Alpha Henry of Midvill pack and he has already sold me out to him as a mistress.

Why didn't I refuse and let things spiral out of control?

I never got the nerves to do that.

Everyone near and far from Grey Valley pack knows who Alpha Braxton is.

My father is known for his ruthlessness and lack of sympathy for those who offend him and that doesn't leave out his own children.

We ain't so special after all.

I could feel my father's angry eyes staring at me. Wondering where I got the braveness to speak back at him like I just did.

"I did not summon you here to ask if you would want to marry Henry or not. I am telling you what has already been arranged and I expect you as a good and supportive daughter of an Alpha to act elegantly. Now leave my sight!"

My father's voice sliced through the cold quiet room like a frozen dagger slashing through warm flesh.

I shuddered but only for a bit as I pulled my two feets behind me and tried walking out.

As I retreated I could feel the stares that come from all around the room remain stagnant on me and I hated it.

I am a mess and my whole life is a mess although Omegas would say otherwise, after all I am the Alpha's first child.

I backed out of the room as fast as I could but before I shut the door close I heard my father say,

"Go with her and make sure she packs her things and get ready before dawn. I need to send her off as soon as possible, she is no use to me by staying here anyways so it's best she leaves."

I shut the door angrily and walked away from the meeting room.

I am very sure that he was referring to my half sister Felicia.

I am useless to him but felicia isn't, she is his precious gem and I've heard him laugh and say to his friends on several occasions,

'she'd make a great Alpha'

I walked down the hallway till I reached the sharp left turn that led up the stairs where I have my own little room.

It wasn't anything cool to show off but at least I have the small and cozy comfort of a bed.

Life has always been like this for me ever since I turned eighteen three years ago and it became certain that I would not be what people expect me to be, what my father's minions expect of the daughter born of a powerful Alpha.

To my father I am a disgrace. As his first child he had high hopes that I would be a very powerful female wolf, strong enough to be an Alpha even if he does not have male children to leave responsibilities to.

When I turned eighteen everyone was very excited that I would shift that exact day and would now have the ability to sort out my mate from the crowd of wolves out there but it wasn't what it seemed.

As hours spiraled by on my eighteenth birthday it became evident that I was not going to shift and I had no wolf.

My father was disappointed as days turned into months and then into three years.

I've watched the love my father used to have for me disappear in his eyes and it was as if he no longer cared for who I am and what his responsibility to me as a father really is.

My confidence dwindled backwards and I grew more reserved and kept to myself as no one had any business with me.

Even the Omegas around the large pack house never care about me or greet me as they are supposed to do for an Alpha's daughter since I could do nothing and I had no power to report to my father who doesn't even want to see my face.

They could only do basic things for me like cleaning my room.

I walked by two omegas as I almost reached the door to my room but none of them bowed or greeted me as they would to my sister, it was evident the way with both stood out and mine was at the bottom line.

As far as they are concerned, I am one of them.

I quietly opened the door and walked inside my room then fell down on the soft bed that bounced a little after I landed on it.

My eyes were staring at the same old ceiling they've been staring at for years.

A little explanation would help you understand me and my plight more.

See, life wasn't always like this.

When I was younger, as the first child I watched my mother rule alongside my father.

She was a very strong Luna and she was heartless.

My father had three mistresses besides her being his official wife but she cared less, it was always duty before love for her.

If she would ever shower her love on someone it was always me and my younger sister who got the most of it.

She cares less of my father, more of us and more of the pack as her own.

Then when I turned twelve she was suddenly killed and it was because of me.

That night I went out into the woods without permission and I had wandered off into the thick sides of the forest where not many guards were stationed.

I can still remember very vividly how it all happened.

As I walked my way through the tree trying to decipher my way back home I couldn't. I had never gone that far and I was scared but I didn't cry or call out for help because I knew that father would be very upset with me.

My father hates weaklings and he believes in the theory of people solving their own problems on their own and calling for assistance when things seem impossible to solve.

I had kept that in my mind and braced the fear in my mind but the sky was getting darker and darker and soon it was evident it would rain although the thick trees covered most of the sky so I could not tell exactly when it would rain.

The rain just came pouring down out of the blues and I was scared to even move so I stood by a tree to rest my back and wait for the rain to subside.

As I waited and tried to breath as slowly as possible with the fear that someone or something might see and hurt me I spotted a pair of bloodshot eyes staring at me from not so far away.

The eyes were so close yet so far that I didn't have time to scream before the biggest wolf I've ever seen in my entire life jumped me.

The wolf leaped out and fell towards me. It was as if the wolf had a change of mind because it tried to divert its fall space but it was too late.

It was aiming for me and he ended up falling on me, knocking me unconscious.

When I woke up all I could hear was a pained breathing.

My mother lay down beside a tree with her back against it.

I was resting on her lap and she looked battered from head to toe.

Her left shoulder was dislocated and her stomach was cut open such that I could see her intestines.

Blood was also trickling out of her chest and I knew something bad had happened to my mother and I was going to lose her.

I screamed in fright.

Retelling this particular story is always very hard for me so I will just let it be since I've told you one of the biggest reasons my father probably hates me.

Although my mother was never loved by him it was a massive blow to him, his strength and his confidence. His mate was gone and her demise had yanked a solid piece of him and taken it with her to the grave.

He had three other mistresses but they were not my mother who sadly died from the attack that night.

His three other mistresses were not as strong as my mother, they had no diplomatic eloquence, strength and the elegance my mother possesses and most of all they could not give him a child no matter how hard they try.

It was a big blow for him.

So let's just say me having no wolf isn't even the reason my father hates me, me being the cause of my mother's death tied the stone cold knot he has for me in his heart and it has made my life miserable since then.

To be honest I had no vivid idea of how my mom died that night but I know it was because of me, I've always known that.

The next six years after my mother's death were traumatizing and sad but at least my father still cared a little about me... At least a little.

He seized being a father when I turned eighteen and had no wolf.

He had high hopes for me.

Although I caused the death of his very powerful Alpha mate I was still her daughter and he hoped I would possess the same strength as her to rule his pack.

But then I turned out useless and he has chosen to get rid of me now.

By selling me as a mistress to a neighboring strong pack as a link to form and alliance with them.