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My Brother Is My Mate

My Brother Is My Mate

Author: Elena Titania



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Oceana Daciana, who is arranged to marry the Alpha of her parents' closest friend's son, realises her brother is her mate as soon as she turns eighteen. She was shocked by this discovery after eight years of searching for him, knowing that she had harboured these heated forbidden feelings for her brother since she was a child. Gerard, Oceana's brother, returns home. But he doesn't desire her and pushes her away, knowing the dangers and ramifications of having Oceana as his mate. He must leave. He must locate a replacement for Oceana. Because their union is both prohibited and cursed.
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Chapter 1

"I'm your mate.' I whispered.

"You are not, Oceana, get away from me, don't be dumb shit.' His eyes glowed one more time and began walking away from me.

"I wouldn't.' I yelled out loud.

Author Note; P.s: No real incest/They are not real siblings/ No Child abuse.


Oceana's Pov.

Jessie happily climbed on my back, spreading out her hands in the air, staggering and shaking her balance and my bones hurt like crazy.

"Get off me,' I yelled at my best friend to stop climbing on top of my body, it was pretty annoying and painful.

"Look how high I can fly, it's a beautiful thing …" She softly sang one of her favorite Barbie cartoons.

Jessie is an eight years old girl, my best friend from the White Moon Pack. She is what I will call a sister. We've been friends since we were babies and our parents are best friends too. She had blonde hair tied into a ponytail, round nose, blue eyes, very short, white smooth skin, with almost little hands, and her lips were as red as a lollipop. That's kind of weird right, using the term "lollipop" Well, that's how best I can describe how red her lips were. She is so beautiful, as cute as a baby that you can't pass her by without taking a second look at her. We wear almost the same clothes, dress in the same pattern, if she packs her hair, I do mine as well, we do nearly everything to ourselves, that people at times mistook us for being twin sisters and well, I don't mind, she is the only one I got in the whole wide world.

My sister, it didn't matter to me that she isn't related to me by blood.

She is my best friend.

We are almost the same thing, yet the only difference between us is that my long hair is red, my bright eyes are kind of red, like the colour of a wine, I have a pointed nose and I love to wear pink gowns on special occasions, and jeans and a hoodie to school.

Jessie is a beta, while I'm an Alpha.

Yeah, that's right, an Alpha means no one can claim me easily except for an Omega who they mark easily and I'm top in rank and get to accept my mate whenever I desire, at least that's what I was taught.

I rolled my eyes. "Will you stop singing, it's annoying and get off my back, I don't want to repeat myself, Jessie."

"Come on, I just wanted to know how high I can fly,' Jessie left my back and jumped on top of my bed happily as I bounced.

"By jumping on top of my body,' I scoffed. "You could try doing it in the sky and see how high you can fly,'' I said sarcastically, ``she will probably fall down and crash her bones. Jessie just ignored me, cackling and glanced at the manga I was reading.

"Reading some BL comics again." She smiled.

"Yeah,' I emphasized, rolling my eyes.

"Isn't it weird reading this genre manga all the time? I prefer romance to BL ones."

"Well, that's your preference and this is mine, it's not like you love to read anyway." I pointed out.

"Yeah, reading makes me dizzy." She rolled her eyes in a circle, laughing.

"I thought as much," I mumbled.

"I hate reading, why do you love reading mangas, doesn't it bore you, I prefer to watch Barbie."

That was such a ridiculous question.

"Is that a problem?' I shifted my body away from her, lay down properly on my soft peach bed, and my fluffy pillow.

'No, it's not,' she got up from the bed. "Just asking,' she yawned, covering her mouth. "My mom is gonna kill me, if I don't show up at the werewolves ceremony, let's go." She stood up from the bed and nearly pulled me with her.

I sighed for the fifth time. 'The ceremony is about wolves meeting their so-called mate and bonding with them right?'

"Yeah, since my sister is eighteen, she should be meeting her mate, kissing and bonding." Her cheeks were flushed.

What a dummy.

"And your mother wants you to attend, you are not even a teenager yet." I reasoned. Why are parents so obsessed with getting their kids together with this sort of mate thing?

"I know, but I just want to see how it goes and meet my prince charming.'

"Eww. That will be so disgusting,' I frowned in disdain. "Meeting a lot of Alphas feasting on their mate or a bunch of them on one person, all moaning and making stupid noises, we should be banned from that sort of ceremony, we are kids."

"It doesn't matter, even a child encounters her mate in this day and age, don't be such a killjoy." Jessie laughed out loud at my words.

"That's for you, but not for me." I uttered casually.

I love my peaceful moment, I don't want a mate, I just want to be with my peaceful family and avoid all these problems.

Alphas are assholes and they stink a lot, except from my brothers who smell so nice.

I miss them.

"Come on, your mother should be looking for us, the elders are coming soon, let's go downstairs."

'Go on without me, I'm coming and I will be there before you know it." I casually promised and switched on to the next episode of my manga.

She ran out of the room, I was exhausted as it is and didn't want to leave my room. I know what she was speaking about, the pack has gathered again to discuss some stupid stuff and their boring lectures.

"Oceana," My mother called from downstairs, I could hear her footsteps coming upstairs.

Not now, why at this time of the day?

"Oceana,' She shouted.

Could she quit yelling my name, it is embarrassing.

"Oceana,' she yelled.

"Coming,' I yelled back.

"OCEANA,' she screamed at the top of her voice, my ear drums were hurting nonstop.

What a day!