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West Ora Academy:It Starts Here

West Ora Academy:It Starts Here



West Ora Academy:It Starts Here PDF Free Download


Welcome to West Ora Academy, where the supernatural reigns supreme and the magic never ends! Our academy is a haven for all creatures of the night, from dragons to shadow weavers to sirens and more. Each species has its designated building, where you'll learn everything there is to know about your kind and your unique powers. And for those of you who are hybrids, you'll have the unique opportunity to call more than one building home. So come join us at West Ora Academy, where the supernatural world is waiting for you to discover it! Get ready to unleash your inner power and become the supernatural you were always meant to be! High school is never easy. Multiply that by ten, and you have what it's like to attend West Ora Academy with its diverse body of various species. Told from multiple points of view, follow half siblings Jesse, Augustus, and Ares as they navigate high school and the drama of relationships. While Jesse struggles to handle being blackmailed by the guy she thought she loved. How will she handle it when she realizes he's her mate? Her brothers have their own issues. August and Ares find themselves in a love triangle as they both fall for their childhood friend Nova. Will Ares push aside his feeling for his brother's sake, or will he fight for Nova? Can Nova trust her feelings for Augustus, the playboy?
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Chapter 1

Nova's P.O.V.

Welcome to West Ora Academy, where the supernatural reigns supreme and the magic never ends! Our academy is a haven for all creatures of the night, from vampires to sirens to elves and more. Each species has its designated building, where you'll learn everything there is to know about your kind and your unique powers. And for those of you who are hybrids, you'll have the unique opportunity to call more than one building home.

Our dorms are inter-species and coed, but don't worry, your rooms won't be. You'll have plenty of opportunities to make friends and learn from your fellow supernaturals, all while honing your skills and discovering your true potential.

At West Ora Academy, we believe that magic is not just a subject to be studied, but a way of life. You'll be immersed in a world of wonder and enchantment, where anything is possible and the impossible is just another challenge to overcome.

So come join us at West Ora Academy, where the supernatural world is waiting for you to discover it! Get ready to unleash your inner power and become the supernatural you were always meant to be.

I rolled my eyes at the email. They sure make it sound nice, but honestly, West Ora can get a little crazy. The faculty doesn't step in to help with a lot of things. It's the wild‌ west there and I'm currently on my way back. Last year was the academy's first year as a school. The supernatural council members, along with the shadow weaver mayors and ocean tribunal, got together and created this academy for us young adult supernaturals.

The uniforms are ridiculous, and I hate them with a passion. They must have put a man in charge of them, as they are definitely someone's sick fantasy. The pleated royal blue and gold skirts, black tall socks, black loafers, button up white shirts with royal blue blazers and gold ties have me feeling like I'm staring in some kind of porno.

I mean, the academy itself is amazing, and probably a good idea with how often we exposed ourselves to humans in the past at normal schools. It's these uniforms that drive me insane. I don't particularly like being away from home for so long either, but the classes here are amazing. I can learn everything I need to know about being a siren, and a dragon, all at once. We have all kinds of kids here, shadow hunters, fairies, werewolves, vampires, elves, you name it, and they attend this academy. Of course, the rarer the creature, the fewer classes offered to them.

Like there's only about 5 seers out of the thousands of kids there. They mingle with the Oracle wolves. My brother Gabriel teaches some intro to seeing classes. He loves being close to me and sharing what he learned through the years with others. Gabriel's always been a sweet and caring person. He wants to help the world.

"Alright, little moon, are you ready to go?" Dad asked me from my doorway. His shaggy blonde hair was unruly today, sticking up in random places.

Between his and mom's blonde hair there was no way I'd end up with any other color. The only question was whether I'd get dad's silver eyes or mom's emerald green ones. I ended up with mom's, which helped in keeping my siren side more of a surprise. Most sirens have those deep gray eyes. No, everyone will think I'm only a dragon until my siren pops out.

"Ready." I nodded.

"Okay then, here, you get the pearl this year." He threw me the pearl he uses to open the water portal. Not every siren has one but those of us that do, get to harness its magical abilities. Every color has a different power. "You do remember how to use it, right?"

"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly, almost jumping for joy. "Of course I remember! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Just remember to use it to come see us on the weekends. We miss you when you're at school," Dad said, giving me a big hug. "Go say goodbye to your mother and then open the portal outside. I'll help you take your things to campus."

I practically flew down the stairs towards mom, who was sitting at the kitchen Island listening to her friend Zae on the phone. Zae is the mother of the two closest friends I have, Augustus and Ares. We've pretty much grown up together with how often our mothers saw each other.

"Auggie doesn't think I know, but of course I know. Funny what they think they can get away with." Mom and Zae both laughed at that.

"Hilarious. Hey, I'm going to let you go. Nova just came down to say goodbye. We'll catch up more after the kids are at school."

"Sounds good, talk to you later."

"Are you heading out already?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah, Dad gave me the pearl so I can portal back on the weekends. I will be back to bother you before you know it."

"Good. I love you, Nova. Stay safe, keep away from the vampires, and make sure to stay away from the dragon boys. They are ready to sleep their way through the school to find their mates."

"I know, mom, don't worry."

"You can say that all you like, but I'm going to worry." She ran her hand through my hair as she spoke, fiddling with it lovingly.

"Goodbye, Mom, I love you." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran outside to open the portal.

Holding the pearl in my hand, I used the water to create a ring in the air, opening the portal before me. I could see the large archway with intricate laced metal holding up the academy's lettering. I saw the eyes of other students and parents looking through the portal at me.

"Let's go, little moon." Dad appeared by my side with my suitcases.

I followed him through the portal, feeling like I stepped through a waterfall, only I wasn't wet when I emerged.

"I love you. Remember to go to your brother if an emergency occurs on campus, but let us know, too. You can always come home whenever you need."

"Got it. Love you, Dad, now go before anything happens." With our family, chaos seems to follow when we're around too many supernaturals.

Dad gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead before stepping back through the portal. I closed it behind him, feeling so happy to have the pearl this year. Now to just check in, get my dorm, my schedule, and settle in.


"Nova, wait up!"

I turned to find Andy running up the curving pathway towards me. She fell into step as she approached me.

"Are you ready for class? I'm looking forward to learning more about how to heal with fire. Not many can do that, you know?" She smiled, her black hair had grown a lot over the summer, flowing neatly below her shoulder blades. She has uncle Ash's same sky blue eyes, but her mother's elven beauty, with rosy red lips and pink cheeks.

"Shit, today's Wednesday? I don't know why my brain thought it was Thursday. I grabbed the wrong books," I groaned in complaint. "I'll be right back. Save me a seat?" I asked her, running back towards my dorm.

"Sure thing!" She smiled, only showing me her beauty further.

I ran up to the second floor, where my dorm was. Seniors get first floor, juniors second, sophomores third, and freshmen fourth. I could hear low moans coming from the direction of my dorm. I swear I just left. How the hell did Jessica get a guy in there already?

"Harder, Gus, harder!" I could hear her yell through the door.

Dammit, Augustus, I told you not to fuck my roommate.

Augustus is the biggest playboy around. If she's beautiful, he's fucked her. With those long curls, golden eyes, and strong features, there's no girl that doesn't fall prey to his charms and good looks.

Jessica moand again, sounding like she was enjoying herself immensely. I swallowed hard, fighting off the curiosity of how it would feel to be under Augustus. I banged on the door, unable to open it.

"Hey, assholes, I need my books!" I yelled at them, a clear fury in my tone.

The moaning didn't stop, letting me know they weren't planning on ending it for my sake.

"Hey!" I continued banging on the door until books emerged at my feet from the shadows. Augustus, Ares, and their younger sister, Jesse, have the best control of their shadows than any other shadow weaver at this academy.

"Not the right ones, Augustus." I told him, seeing them disappear, another set taking its place. "Thanks a lot, jackass."

The anger in me was boiling over, but I had to hold it back, letting smoke blow out of my nostrils. I'll have to handle it later though, and let him know exactly how badly he messed up. I grabbed the books in a hurry, running across campus to the fire building.

The orangey red building could be seen anywhere on campus. The tall, ever burning fire on the roof, showed what creatures took classes there: phoenixes, fire elves, dragons, and kobolds

fire faes

. Some classes are specific to each species, while others teach us all how to wield fire in general. I rushed past the main door, bumping into a couple of people as I ran.

"Sorry!" I yelled back, not turning around.

I made it with a couple minutes to spare. I can't be late on the first day of this class. Andy flagged me down, of course, sitting at the front row. I shouldn't have asked her to save me a seat. I slapped my forehead, wiping my hand down my face in complaint. I dragged my feet over to her, taking the spot between her and some dark haired hottie. Okay, so maybe this won't be so bad. Andy immediately grabbed a loose strand of my blonde hair, pinning it back into my loose, low bun.

"Thanks." I smiled at her.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it. I'm surprised you didn't portal." She smiled back.

"I forgot the stupid pearl in the room." Damn this morning.

"Sounds like you." She laughed.

"Shut up, I'm not that bad." I laughed, knowing that was a bold face lie.

"Who do you think grandpa Nate got to teach this class?" She asked me curiously, staring at the back door where the teacher would enter. Grandpa Nate took over as the dragon councilman last year, helping in creating this academy.

"No clue." I shrugged.

"It's Vanora Lincraft." Dark-haired hottie butted into our conversation.

"As in the Vanora Lincraft, of the original dragon family?" Andy sounded so excited.

"The one and only." His pink lips curved into a smile.

He had shaggy short black hair, pale skin, and narrowed eyes. He had a strong jaw and a serious, mischievous look about him. He gave Andy a little smirk, that only made me find him sexy. Right as I was going to say something, Ms. Lincraft walked in, announcing the start of class. I could feel the power radiating from her. Her dragon was strong, causing Ryoko, my dragon, to stir inside me. Ryoko loved to challenge anyone strong, getting me in trouble a lot. Thankfully, we were strong and well trained, beating most everyone we challenged.

"Good morning, and welcome to healing fire class. Considering there is a whole class for this singular fire, you can be sure that healing fire is the hardest to master. I'm here to teach you and guide you into mastering this in just one semester. We're hitting the ground running!" She looked out over the rows of seats at each of us. She crossed her arms, leaning back on the edge of her desk. "Who here has had some experience with healing magic before?"

Andy and I were the only ones to raise our hands. She eyed us, appraising us by just our looks. She arched a brow, probably suspicious of our claims.

"Why don't you two come join me up here for a demonstration?" She motioned for us to come up.

Andy stood up right away, her positive demeanor kept her from seeing what this really is. She's testing us, our ability, our power, our resolve, our guts, all of it. I sighed, but followed Andy to the front.

"Which one of you has more experience in healing?" She asked us.

"Nova has the most experience with healing fire." Andy quickly responded, thinking she was helping.

"Perfect, let's see it." She smiled. I was about to ask her what I'd be healing when she slashed Andy's arm open.

My siren surfaced, hissing at her, with dragon scales and talons out. Her eyes widened in surprise for just a moment before she shook her head at me.

"You better hurry and save your friend before she bleeds out." She pointed to Andy, who looked a little gray now.

I quickly refocused my anger, remembering everything that grandpa Nate taught me. I casted the same green fire, focusing all my healing magic inside of it. I placed it over Andy, making her wound heal. It was taking too long, and she was losing blood faster than the wound was closing. Ms. Lincraft stood beside me, placing her hand over mine and guiding my magic further. Andy's wound healed in less than a minute after that.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" I snapped at her, not frightened by the fact that she was a teacher.

"Your magic needs improvement, although you're further ahead than I thought you'd be. Your friend was never in any real trouble. I would have healed her, if you couldn't," she explained, like that made it okay.

"Thank you, Ms. Viseron. I'm already aware of your magic, thanks to your father. And just so you know, you're further ahead than Ms. Boyd here, so don't sell yourself short." Ms. Lincraft got one last dig in on me before sending us to our seats.

'Let's challenge her. I'm sure I could take her!' Ryoko suggested.

'That's a terrible idea, and you know it.' I scolded her. 'We can't challenge a teacher. Besides I know you're strong, but you're not original-dragon-descendant strong, so cool your jets there.'

"I think I'm going to hate this class." I murmured when we sat back down.

"Don't hate it on my account." Andy smiled. "I think I'm going to enjoy it."

"Of course you will." I sighed.

This is going to be a long semester.