
Let’s Read The World

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REMEMBER!! IT JUST A FANFICTION!!! There's one country, where's modern and royal mix. Some people use gadget and some of them use an old things. In that country also, have princess and prince. Some of them is princess and prince and some of them not. One guy name Kim Taehyung's a famous model and idol. Who live in modern way. He never hate royal way. It all because of his mother. Kim Jennie, a princess that only want a free life. She always think how good is modern way. She always want to try it but her parents didn't let her to do it.
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Chapter 1

Arynas is a beautiful place. It unique because it has a modern and royal mix up.

Some people get along but some people are not.

"Let's all of us stand up and welcoming our King and Queen."

The people start to stand up and clapping their hands.

Two married couple walking slowly follows by their princess behind.

A blonde—brown hair, a beautiful yellow dress, and her golden crown on her head.

Everyone whispering about her beauty. She walking, following her parents step.

Soon they arrive in front, they turn around and facing the crowd.

"Our King Hyun and Queen Juny." Their right hand announced.

The Queen and King sit on their seat.

"And lastly, our princess. Kim Jennie."

Everyone clapping their hand. Jennie sits on her seats and sigh.

Nothing to be a clap of.

Jennie rolls her eyes. Her mother saw it and gently kick her ankle.

Her mother mouthed 'Behavior' to her.

"Fine..." Jennie mutters.

The party begins and they just watching. Jennie hates this party. Every party that they held, always boring.

Suddenly, someone calling her.

"Jennie!!" Jisoo whispers.

Jennie look back and it was her best friend. Kim Jisoo. She is the kindest princess she ever met.

They have been friends since the child already. Jisoo has a relationship with someone named Jin.

He lives in a modern way and works as a famous successful doctor.

Jennie signs her to wait for a while. She nods. Jennie looks in front back.

"Umm..mother, father." Jennie calls.

The parents look at her.

"I..uh...I need to go to the restroom for a while." Jennie smiles.

"Aishh, always have excuses whenever we like this." Mother sigh.

"I wouldn't take it too long." Jennie says.

"Fine. You can go, sweetie." Her father says.

Jennie bowed and went back.

"Jisoo!!" Jennie hugs her arms.

"Let me guess. You use 'restroom' again, right?" Jisoo smirks.

"Hehehehe. I am." Jennie chuckles.

"You should change your excuses. They will be suspicious." Jisoo says.

"I will. So, anything?" Jennie asks.

"There's a concert more like a party being held." Jisoo informs.

"Woahh!!! Really!?" Jennie yells.

"Yes. Jin told me. He going to that party and me too tonight. So, you comin'?" Jisoo asks.

"Totally!!!!" Jennie squealing.

"Great! But...don't forget wearing a mask or sunglasses because people might notice you." Jisoo reminds her.

"I will. Wait for me outs—" Jisoo cuts her before she finished.

"I know, Jennie. We have been doing this for years." Jisoo chuckles.

"Sorry. I kind of...excited for it." Jennie smile sheepishly.


"It so nice to meet you King Hyun and Queen Juny." Jennie's uncle says, Alex.

"Us too, brother." Hyun replied.

"Look at Jennie. She looks beautiful and already grown up." Alex's wife says. Her name we're Madeline.

Jennie smiles and bowed. Those two married couples have a son named Liam. He, Jennie, and Jisoo already being friends for years.

"Yeah, growing up but unmatured." Liam smirks.

Jennie glares at him. Their parents laugh.

"Enough kid. You can have fun together while we have to sort something out." Juny says.

They nod. Their parents walk away leaving those two behind.

"So, anything new?" Liam asks.

"Well, everything is the same." Jennie shrugs her shoulder and walks.

"Really? Sneaking out in the middle of the night, having fun at night, and traveling at night?" Liam smirks.

Jennie closes his mouth and glares at him.

"Shhh!! Don't say it too loud!! People will hear it." Jennie scolds her.

Liam laughs and takes off her hand.

"Not me who will responsible for it. It was you." Liam points at her.

"Can't you support your cousin?" Jennie asks.

"I never did." Liam joked.

"Fine." Jennie raised her hands up. Liam burst into laughter.

They went to her room and close it. Jisoo in there too, reading her book.

She already dresses in long black pants with a blue hoodie.

"Jisoo, you already done?" Jennie asks.

"Yeah. You can take your time." Jisoo says as she outs down her book.

"Hey!! Noona!!" Liam yells.

"Hey, Liam. It so long I don't meet you." Jisoo says.

"Yeah...I know. My father keeps teach me how to be a king and something else. It torturing me." Liam groaning and fell himself on the bed.

Jennie went to change her clothes.

"Oh, come on. Of course, he did. You are the only son in their family. What? You want your 5 years old little sister to be a Queen?" Jisoo being sarcastic.

"You are no fun." Liam pouts.

"Whatever. Anyway, you want to join?" Jisoo asks.

"Join what?" Liam asks. He sits up.

"There will be a concert. A lot of people will attend!!" Jisoo squealed.

"Let me guess. You girls go to the concert without asking for permission?" Liam asks.

"You guess right." Jisoo chuckles.

"You both really into a modern way." Liam chuckles.

"Don't you feel bored in a royal way? It!! No colorful!! No freedom!! No...EVERYTHING IS NO!!" Jennie went out of her changing room.

Liam's eyes widened soon he saw her. She wearing a green crop top with blue ripped short jeans.

"Woah. You gonna wear that?" Liam asks.

"Yes." Jennie smirks.

"She loves showing her skin." Jisoo says.

Liam chuckled. Jennie grabs her bag and her handphone that she bought in secret.

"Wait. I'll join. Besides, my family and I will sleepover here." Liam says.

"Okay, but are you only gonna wear that?" Jennie points out.

"No, honey," Liam smirks.

He takes off his coat and his bow. He fixes his hair and unbuttons his shirts.

He wearing a black t—shirt inside so it okay.

"Done." Liam smirks.

"You really good at fashion." Just and Jennie say.

"I am." Liam smirks.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!!!!" Jennie yells.