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Lexis High School

Lexis High School

Author: Authoress Tee library



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Alexis Coker is African American girl who lost her multi billionaire parents on her fifteenth birthday, as an only child of her parents, she is the heiress to her her parents fortune. For that reason, her father's relatives turn against her and persue her to steal her parents wealth, making fifteen year old, traumatized Alexis to run into hiding, vanishing into thin air. A Year after, Alexis travels to New York City in America to start afresh, she is awarded a scholarship to study in the best and most expensive school in the state and in the country. Lexis High School is School to the wealthy, powerful, influencial and a lot of children from Royal families attend Lexis High School, children of business tycoons and children of presidents. Lexis High was a school of luxury, it had the best of the best, it was truly a school of the wealthy. Alexis was open to the experience of the new life that awaited her, but it wasn't as easy as she thought, the school was wonderful, but the children attending the school were horrible kids, but luckily Alexis was ready to take on the challenge. She meets two best friends in New York City, Ariana and Ariel, and they would be her friends for a very long time. Alexis meets some adversaries named the three goddesses of Olympus, Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite their leader, who was the daughter of the Schiller family, owner of Lexis High School. When Alexis thought things couldn't get worse, it just did. There was a group of five influencial, powerful, wealthy and handsome boys who were the hottie of Lexis High School. They were called the Aces, Alvin, Alfred, Aaron, Allen and their leader Alexander Schiller, the only son and heir to his family's Dynasty and was currently the owner of the School. Alexander is a handsome, arrogant, pompous, bad boy, who is willing to step on anyone to get what he wants, he meets Alexis and isn't pleased that she wasn't willing to bow to him, he had never seen anyone with such boldness, he was willing to go to any extent to make her bow. But Alexis was going to back down, she was going to fight this no matter how long it takes.
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Chapter 1

Enemies Within.

When she arrived home, everything was as she had left it, everything was in order, but something was missing, there was no joy, no happiness, where was the echoes of laughter? The smiles and the feelings of happiness? They were all gone. Alexis walked towards her father's study, Agnes had noticed her anguish and decided to followed her.

Alexis, Dear. Are you alright? She asked concerned. Do you need anything?

Can you give me my parents back? asked Alexis coldly. You can't right, then NO.

This isn't the end of the world, she said. You have people who love you, we are here for you.

For how long? Alexis asked staring at Agnes. You can't be with me forever, one day you have to go home, to your family, to your children. But my parents would never leave me, that's why they are my parents.

Everything is going to be fine.

Is it? I wonder how, said Alexis. Because I don't see how, Twenty-first of October was supposed to be my day. The happiest day infact, but it's now the worst.


I am talking here, Alexis rudely interrupts. I didn't even get to see them that day, they were already in Dublin. I didn't even get to speak to them, I didn't get a happy birthday from them. On their last day, I couldn't even get a memory of them.

Alexis, don't do this, You are going to hurt yourself. the maid adviced.

This Vase is from Japan, from five hundred years ago. Alexis said touching the acient artifact, it cost great grand father, twelve million dollars to get this.

Yes, it Did.

It cost so much. she said, playing with it. But it can't buy my parents lives.

Be careful, it's very expensive, it's an antique.

No matter the cost, my parent's life cost more. She said knocking the vase to the floor, so I don't want it.

ALEXIS! screamed the maid in horror. You could have broken it, thank heavens, your father filled his study with rugs, or you would have destroyed something so priceless.

My parents were priceless, she said. Besides I have documents of every expensive and antique property in this house, I could tell you the price. Maybe you can buy it, but I am selling it at this year's cost, Fourty million dollars. Can you afford it?

Alexis, you have to pull yourself together, said Agnes, holding Alexis. Destroying or selling off the properties, your parents and ancestors worked so hard to get, will do you no good. This is the time to pull yourself together, this is the time to be strong, don't let anyone hold you back.

Excuse me. said another maid coming in, you have visitors.

Tell them, I will be there. Alexis said.

Alexis quickly pulled herself together, she didn't know who the visitors were, so she had to make a good first impression. She walked towards the living room to greet her extinguished guest, the minute she saw her visitors, the pretend smile on her face vanished.

Sitting on her expensive, high quality sofa was her father's most trusted lawyer, Mr Clearwater. But the presence that irritated Alexis was that of her father's relatives, step relatives, there were the same ones who were at funeral, she knew they had ulterior motives for coming.

Alexis tried to comport herself, she wasn't going to let them get the best out of her, they weren't worth it. Suddenly she spotted a set of luggages, next to the door, what the this mean? Did they intend to stay here? In her family's ancestral home? The mansion built on the sweat and blood of her ancestors, she wasn't going to allow this, No.

Good morning, Mr Clearwater. Alexis greeted. What brings you here?

Can't you see us? said one of the women, why so rude? Didn't that Korean mother of yours reach you?

It's Alright, Rebecca. said another, she is just a child, I am sure, her mother didn't teach her, that's why we are here?

Rebecca, Rachel, it's enough. said the only man amongst them, she doesn't know us. Young lady.

Yes. Alexis said, trying so hard no to be rude.

My name is Pa Abraham, these are my sisters and cousins. Rebecca, Rachel, Faith, Naomi and Ruth. Your father's relatives.

I know who you are, said Alexis, I just haven't met you in person. Good morning.

We are truly sorry about your parents.

Thank you. Alexis said, trying to force a smile. Mr Clearwater, you still haven't told me why you are here?

Ah Yes, I am here to read the will and testament of your father.

What? Alexis said surprised, My father just passed away, this isn't necessary.

Well Mr Clearwater said, those were your father's orders, he instructed for his will to be read immediately after his death.


Go on, said Pa Abraham, very excited. Read out our brother's estate.

Excuse me Mr Clearwater, said Alexis, I would like to speak with you in person.

Of course, he said.

What is that supposed to mean? You don't want us hearing the property of our brother?

He's not your brother, Alexis stated. Come to the study.

Alexis walks into the her father's study, ignoring the whispers of her unwanted guests, this was something private, they didn't have to be here. Alexis couldn't imagine what they wanted, if it was what she thought, then she was in for a family battle.

You called me, Miss CEO.

Yes! She asked, Why are they here?

Well, he said. They had seen me with your father before, so when they saw me at funeral, they asked me why I was here? And I told them, I thought you had invited here.

Well I didn't. Alexis said fustrated, I already have enough to deal with, I don't need this delinquents in my parent's house.

What do you suppose ma'am, the lawyer aaked inquisitively.

You just have to read the will infront of them. Alexis said, they already know why you are here and I don't intend to hide in my own house.

Alexis and the lawyer stepped out of the study and went back to the living room were the relatives sat, possibly never wanting to leave. Alexis didn't have anywhere to sit, all her father's relatives, each took a sofa, so she decided to stand, she'd rather stand than sit with any of them.

Read the Will, Alexis commanded.

Of course, said the lawyer.

Alexis shut her eyes, this was the moment of truth, she knew she was going to get everything belonging to her parents, but she intended to know the reason why this barbarians were here. If it was what she was thinking, then she was going to have to prepare for the worse battle she had ever faced in her young life.

This is reading of the will of Alexander Coker and Adesuwa Anita Baker Coker. The lawyer read out, according to the deceased, all the billions, the properties, the businesses, the investments, the companies and the houses in every corner of the world. The cars, planes, helicopters and jets, ships, the cruise ship, yachts and the submarine. Both the great and small, the expensive and cheap, new and old, all the belongs of the Coker couple, even to the tiniest screw belongs to their only Daughter, Alexis Coker, Heir to the Coker Dynasty.

Thank you Mr Clearwater, Alexis said. I am eternally grateful for your help.

It's my duty, but there are about ten properties purchased by the deceased. informed the lawyer, one happened to be a birthday gift to you, an island on the coast of the Pacific and an early partnership to a school.

Yes, I am aware of that, she said. What about it?

Someof property papers have your name on. He said, but your father just acquired this properties and didn't have enough time to transfer ownership to you.

Oh, alright, since the papers are with you, I want you to transfer them into my name. Alexis said, I hope to get the paperwork in a week.

I will do my best.

Hold on for a minute. said Rebecca, Aren't you forgetting something.

NO! Alexis said staring at nothing in particular. What could I be forgetting.

Well then, Rebecca said. if memory has failed you, I will gladly remind you. We haven't received a share to the property.

What did you just say? Alexis said exasperated. You wasn't a share to my father's property? my ancestral fortune?

Yes, if I was tightly heard.

Well you are not getting anything from my family's fortune, Alexis said defiantly. My parents didn't hand it over to me, so that I can give it to you.

What audacity! Naomi said. Didn't they train this girl?

How could they, said Rachel. If our brother had just married an African woman, this wouldn't have happened. But instead he had to marry a woman without culture or virtue.

How Dare You! Alexis said more exasperated than ever. How dare you defame my mother like that? Even in death, I won'tet any one insult her. So if you have something to say, then say it to me.

We have already spoken, pa Abraham said. We just want a fair share of our property.

And may I ask, why in heaven's name, would I do that? Alexis demanded.