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Wild Beast

Wild Beast

Author: Summer Erin



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If it wasn't for that camping trip none of this would've happened. Maybe if I hadn't agreed to go everything would still be the same, but it's not. I wish we'd never gone. I wish that wolf was dead. . .
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Chapter 1

It all started that Summer when Anna invited me on her family camping trip. I accepted and it was all finalised. On the second week of the Summer holidays, I arrived with my luggage swung over my shoulder. We'd decided it would be best to meet in the car park beside the forest. There was a massive fence beside the car park that separated the woods and the city. It towered high above everyone, and it must of been at least 50ft hight.

Anna and her family had arrived before me and were waiting near the entrance to the forest. Anna rushed over once she spotted me flinging her arms around me giving me a hug. 'I missed you!' She said cheerfully.

'It's only been a week,' I laughed. She smiled letting go of me. She opened her mouth to say something but as she did her father's cold tone cut through everything. 'Alright, enough of that. Let's go already.' He shot me a look that read: 'I'm watching you' and turned to lead the way. His wife, Jullietta - Julliet for short, trotting behind him like an obedient puppy dog.

It was no secret that Anna's dad, Marcus, didn't like me. In fact, he made sure everyone knew. He was a well built man with a glare that saw right through you.

Her and I followed some distance behind chatting eagerly. 'We ought to do some night walks.' I said.

'And tell ghost stories!' She added excitedly.

'Aren't we a little to old for those?'

Anna gasped placing one hand to her chest dramatically. 'How dare you!' She said theatrically. And as our laughter died down we could hear her parent's raised voices clearly through the silence.

'We should of never let her invite HIM.' Her father seemed to spit out the word 'him' in hatred.

'I don't understand what you have against the poor boy!'

'He's sharing the same tent as her, and surely that's not a good idea!'

'We didn't exactly give him a choice on that though, did we?' Julliet seemed to finish the argument, and Marcus seemed to accept he'd lost.

After around 20 minutes of walking, eventually Marcus called out: 'Alright, this is the place.'

We were on a flat bit of ground with enough space for both tents to be placed. I rested my bag against a pine tree and out of the way of the camping area. Anna did the same, and we began to make our tent.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, we'd got both tents up and ready and all the things inside.

'Maybe we should start a fire? It's almost sunset.' Anna suggested.

'Alright,' Marcus agreed, 'You, boy, go fetch some firewood.' He ordered, serving me a sneer. I nodded quickly rushing off to grab the sticks. I returned shortly with an armful of firewood and the fire was soon lit. It created a luminous light and a welcoming warmth as we all huddled around.

It became dusk quickly and the air seemed to freeze. 'Me and Ethan are going on a walk now,' Anna announced. I arose to my feet following her. Her parents nodded as Anna flounced ahead of me. We walked far listening to the sounds of the nature around us. The howls of wolves could be heard for miles. 'Did you know, wolves howl to signal their location to others? Or at least, they do most the time.' She said looking up at me.

'Gosh, your so nerdy!' I laughed.

'Am not!' She protested. We walked further and further on.

Suddenly, there was snarling from behind us. The type that would come out from a rabid dog. Instinctively, we both spun round. There, right infront of us was a wolf. It had unusual blood red eyes and was abnormally massive. Twice the size of an average wolf. I felt Anna fumble for my hand, clasping onto it. Then we whirled around and fled. We could hear the wolf chasing after us. I don't think we'd ever run faster in my life until that day, or at least I know I hadn't.

With one look behind me, I decided we had to split up. There was only one wolf so it could only go after one of us. So, in the heat of the moment I pulled our hands apart.

'Split up!' I yelled. But, as we did Anna tripped falling backwards and landing on the ground. The wolf leapt over her. It already seemed to of decided that I was the target. I ran on disappearing down a slope. Unfortunately, I slipped on the mud created by yesterday's rain and landed in a heap at the bottom. A sudden flash of pain radiated through my body as the wolf bit down into my torso. I let out a cry of pain. Once the wolf had fled the next thing I remember was Anna was leaning over me. She was speaking to me, I think she was crying. She was telling me it would be OK over and over again.

Then, just like that, the world turned black.