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Indebted To The Billionaire Alpha

Indebted To The Billionaire Alpha

Author: Stellz



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When the debt of Freya Lomie's neck was almost driving her crazy, all of a sudden she started getting an envelope filled with money from an untraceable location. Three times she got the same exact envelope, filled with $20,000 which not only could bring her out of the slump of debt, but could also seal her fate, with just four words attached to it, "...You..." "..Belong..." "... To Me...” Freya ignored the warning sign, paid off her debt, and lived a comfortable life, a year later, a knock was heard on her door, a man stood before her, his eyes dark, lips pressed Inna firm fine line, the moment he let out the word, Freya knew her life would never remain the same again. "I am here to collect You"
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Chapter 1

" Miss Lomie Come in, please.” My boss, Mr Trevor, waved a hand at the two chairs facing his desk. “Have a seat, Freya” He said, not bothering to look me in the eye as we both sat in silence, my heart was beating fast as I sat in front of Mr Trevor, I had seen that look before, when Ava was taken off the work list, I was fortunate to be in Mr Trevor's office, giving him details about his schedule for the week.

Few weeks later I learnt why Ava was taken out of the office list, she refused to give in to Mr Trevor, in return he had her fired, and I took over the position, he never tried such attempt with me, but sitting in his office, I could not describe what I was feeling, fear? Anticipation? Adrenaline? I don't know.

“Mr Trevor, what is the issue?" I asked, not liking the silence in the office.

He slid into his modern black leather desk chair and then unbuttoned his suit coat, He tugged at the cuffs of his pressed white button-down shirt, cleared his throat. “Well, Miss Lomie, I’ll cut right to the chase.

We’re letting you go, I’m afraid. It’s nothing to do with you — it’s simply that we’re streamlining our workflow, and as the newest, and least experienced member of our team…well, your services have become somewhat superfluous.”

I blinked. Twice. Three times. “I’m…what?”

“Superfluous. It means—”

“I know what superfluous means. I just don’t understand why this is happening. Just last week Mitch said I was next in line for a permanent position—”

Mr. Trevor cut me off with a raised hand. “Mitch was incorrect, and I do apologize for the misunderstanding. You see, he had a rather unfortunate habit of making promises he had no authority to make, and no wherewithal to keep them.

He, too, has been let go.” A discreet clearing of his throat indicated the subject was closed. He opened a drawer and withdrew an envelope. “Your final paycheck, Ms Lomie, It includes a two-week severance allowance. You’ll clear out your desk immediately. Should you require a referral, you may submit a request in writing through the appropriate channels.”

I shook my head. “No, please—Mr. Trevor, you can’t do this. I need this job, you don’t even know. I’ve never been late, never failed to do my job better than anyone else in my pool. Please, give me a chance—”

“Miss Lomie. Begging will not change the facts. The matter is closed. You were assigned to us through a temp agency. Temp, meaning temporary. As I said, this isn’t a punishment. We are not firing you—we are simply letting you go now that your position is no longer necessary. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a conference call in a few moments.” Mr. Trevor arched an eyebrow at me expectantly.

“Fine.” I stood up, smoothing my navy pencil skirt over my hips, turning away. “Prick.”

“Excuse me?” Mr. Trevor rose to his feet, a fist clenched at his side. “What did you say?”

I lifted my chin. “I said, prick.” I used the same condescending tone he so often affected. “It’s a derogatory term meaning penis. Meaning, you…are…a…dick.” I turned away again, and grabbed the doorknob and twisted it.

I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. “Now, now, Miss Lomie, You don’t want to go name-calling, do you? I can very easily call your temp agency and make sure you never work in their pool again.” His fingers tightened on my wrist, and I felt his breath on my neck. “And…you know, there may be one way you could keep your job. Possibly even get that permanent position you mentioned.”