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My Mafia Dom

My Mafia Dom

Author: V. M. EnchantedArrow


General Romance

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Falling for him was the last thing my heart desired. Being his was a dangerous game. But the more I know I can’t get enough, I can’t stay away. He is mine and I am his. Our hearts are bound forever, and I am ruins for all else.
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Chapter 1

Today was the day I thought. The day everything would be different. I will wake up drive to King’s Modeling Agency, audition and make it big. How I thought everything would go down was not at all how I expected it to go. I have been preparing for this day my entire life. In middle school I had decided I wanted to be a model. Everyone of course laughed and thought it was cute. What they did not know was that it was not just some middle school dream of what do you want to do when you grow up? But it was actually what I really wanted to do. I started to pay attention to my appearance, and my health. Every chance I got to be in front of the camera, I was there. I practiced in front of the mirror for hours just posing.

In high school my makeup was always flawless and my hair was always on point. I was the popular girl in school that every girl wanted to be and the girl every guy wanted to date. When senior year came to an end my classmates had already applied to the college of their dreams. Others got into Ivy League University’s, but me I applied to the top modeling agency in New York. Of course my friends laughed and said you’ll never make it. It’s almost impossible to be a model, especially King’s. But I wasn’t just about to give up because they thought I couldn’t do it. In fact it made me want to try all the more, and see their face when I am featured on the next big star magazine.

And now here I am in New York City ready to face my dreams and work hard and not stop until I achieve it. Today was my audition for the first shoot I was to see if I made it.

I got out of bed grabbed my phone and called my best friend. I heard the phone ringing and then she picked up.

“Omg girl, today is the day huh”

“Yeah I got my audition in a few hours.”

“Girl, you know its going to be hard, I don’t want you to get your hopes up. I just want you to know what you are getting yourself into. Do you even know who own King’s. Like have you heard the stories about the man behind the name.”

“Yeah, I know I’ve heard stories, but again they are all stories.”

“Yeah, but no one except for the insiders has ever seen the man, and those that do they say he’s has this stare, and he’s extremely cute. They also say that he’s kind of mean. Do you ever wonder why no one have ever seen him. Like this man is filthy rich, and he doesn’t even talk to the models that work for him. I’ve also heard that he has offered jobs to people that he thinks are not fit to be models but are fit to work for him in the offices. Have you heard those stories?”

“Yes I have but you know how long I have been working on this, and my portfolio is far more impressive than most people’s and I also have had some big name photographers take my photos, I really do think I have a shot.”

“I think you do have a fair chance too, but I also think you should look at the alternative, what if you don’t make auditions and are just offered a job there but not as a model, would you take it?”

“Well if I didn’t make it, yeah I think I definitely would, it would maybe help me get a modeling career in the future, but right now I am just trying to think positive and not wanting to think of the alternative. But I have to go for now to get ready, I have to leave in a few hours.”

“Call me as soon as you’re done to let me know promise!”

“Yes, I promise, you’ll be the first to know!”

“You better, bye girl!”

“Bye” I said as I clicked the end button on the phone. I thought about what my friend said, the alternative would not be so bad but it would sting, and that is why I cannot think of the alternative and just think about the prize. I remember my mother said to me before she died, that if you think of failing, you will fail, but if you set to succeed, you will go far in life. I navigate through my phone to find the last message my mother left me before I got in the shower.

“Darling girl, I want to remember when life gets tough I will always be on the sidelines cheering you on, and when you think you can’t go on, I will pick you up and carry you to the finish line. Try, try again, and never give up. I love you baby girl and I am so proud of you.”

A tear rolled down my face as I whispered, “I’ll make you proud mom.”