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Would You Love Me

Would You Love Me

Author: Siliar



Would You Love Me PDF Free Download


Noo Sara shouted she couldn't beleave her eyes seeing that the man he loved so dearly is the one who killed her parents just now after marriage she couldn't believe that he was just aiming on killing her parent all over the time the most bad thing is that
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Chapter 1

There was a princess who lived in the castle with her father and mother

king and the queen

she was the happily person in the whole country because she could get everything she ever wanted her name was Sara

One day in the morning when she went to visit her parents on their chamber she saw them charting but before she could move any closer she over heard their conservation

My king I think this is the time we must tell her the truth if she found it by her self it could be worst

"But I don't think its a good idea

" My king she must know this earlier before anyone could tell her that we are not her parent and I don't want her to misunderstood us and what if she found out that we..........

"What?" Said Sara as she appeared

"Honey you are here ; said the queen

"Mom what is all of this are you saying that you two are not my parents

" You will always be our daughter

"I know that father and you two will always be my parent but don't worry i will never misunderstood you two wherever happens because you never abandoned me even you knew that I was not your daughter

All right then what is it you were about to tell us dear?

Its nothing I just wanted greet you two and I will take my leave now

Ooh wait I want you to get prepared for tomorrow

Where are we going?

It the hunting day don't you want to come with us?

Yes I want to ,I will go prepare my self then said Sara and left

Its good that I didn't say anything bad earlier what if she knew that because of that war we started caused her parents death I don't really want her to hate us I really don't want to lose our daughter, said the queen worried

Don't worry that won't happen she is our only child ; said the king looking at his wife

At the other day it was the hunting day they all travel and went to the hunting site then servants prepared camps near the forest and then later the king and his subordinate went in the forest to hunt while princess Sara and her mother


waited at the camp charting

Mom can I ask you a question?

Yes you can

Um I just wanted to ask you about my real parent I mean who were they?

Do you really want to know about them?

Ah its ..I shouldn't have asked sorry

No its okay dear its about your parent and you have the right to know about them

So who were they ? I mean what kind of people are they?

I don't really know much but after the last war your father found you at the middle of dead people and we didn't know who were your parents I'm sorry dear

No its okay

Let's not talk about this topic now okay honey

Yes you are right I think I want to get a fresh air I will be outside for a while

Okay you can go

Then Sara went outside and she found her maid


there waiting for her

Hey how long have you been waiting here

Since you went in my lady

You should've waited me in my camp the sun is too hot outside

I'm sorry my lady

Anyway I want to go some where

Where my lady ?

I want to go hunting where else

But my lady its too dangerous out there also you don't even know how to hold an arrow bow

Then I will teach my self today will you help me

But my lady your mother will ......

Don't worry we will come back here before she noticed anything

But.... all right

Let's go change clothes first we mustn't ware gowns

Okay my lady

Then they all go to change into men's outfits and secretly went towards the forest, when the rich inside the forest they stayed for a while looking for an animal to hunt and finally they saw a bunny

My lady look we found a bunny

Looks like its our lucky day ; said Sara smiling

Then Sara took her bow and arrow trying to hit the bunny which was a bit far from them but when she shot the arrow it just go two centimeters ahead not even close to a bunny

My lady I will go take it for you

When Hanna went towards it the bun shock and run away

Oh no you scared it what to do now

My lady I think we should head back now

No way I can't give up like this I'm going to follow it

But my lady we have to go

You just wait here I will go alone I will come back in a minute with a bun in my hands

My lady at least let me come with you

No way you will scare it again

My lady but......

Just stay here I'm not asking its an order

Then Sara went towards the bunny and Hanna waited there ,

Sara went to follow the bunny and suddenly she lost it and she decided to go back but unfortunately she had forgotten the way back she moved around for an hour searching for the way back but she was going even deep in the forest without knowing where she was going

At the other hand in the forest the king was aiming to the target it was a deer but unfortunately it run away so he decided to head to some were else when he moved forward like two foot an arrow was shot toward him but it missed him because he moved forward but the king didn't notice it because it was too fast and he didn't see it at all so he just went to the other place and finally the king had finished hunting he hunt a big tiger every one praised him and they all went back to the camps , when they arrived the king told everyone to rest because it was nearly evening also the king headed to his camp when he entered he found queen sitting near the table

My king you are back

Yeah it was really a great day

I've heard that already , you've haunted a tiger you are really strong

You really have good words to make me smile

I'm telling the truth my king

Okay by the way I didn't see Sara where is she ?

I think she would be in her camp by now

Is any one out there; called the queen loudly

Yes my queen ; said the queens maid Lisa as she entered

Go and call Sara, tell her that her father wants to see her

Okay my lady said the maid and left and after a few minutes she came back worried

What is it? Where is she, didn't I order you to call her?

Yes my lady but princess is missing and I can't find her anywhere


What is she saying where could the princess be

I don't know I'm worried that my daughter might be in danger, my king what should we do?

Don't worry I will order the troops to find her right away our daughter will return safely

Then the king ordered a thousand of troops to go towards the Forrest to find his daughter also he went with them and they all took horses

At the other hand Hanna was waiting for Sara ,she waited for hours and so she started getting worried so she started calling her loudly

My lady , my lady where are you

Then Hanna started looking for Sara but before she could go too far she saw a large group of people wearing solders clothes and when she looked closer she saw the king

Who are you; asked one of the King's bodyguards

I'm Hanna princess Sara's maid said Hanna bowing and show her respect

Where is she ? Asked the king

She ordered me to wait for her here but she didn't come back till now I'm starting to get worried

Which way did she go ?

She go that way ; said Hanna as she points a direction with her right hand finger

Alright the you should head back to the camp we will search for her

No let me come with you my king I can't go back I promised my self that I will take care of her now its all my fault that I lost her please I want to search for her too

Okay then let's go

Then they all started searching and at the other hand Sara was walking trying to find a way out then she heard a voice behind her then she turn around quickly to see what was it but when she saw it, she stunned and she started to shiver and she was trembling for fear it was a tiger in front of her ten feet away , then she tried to calm her self and she slowly took her arrow behind her back and a bow and started aiming an arrow towards the tiger bravely and then she shot it and its only fly one centimeters ahead and then it fall down

Oh shit I'm dead then Sara started running while screaming"help me"