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Mated to the Moon

Mated to the Moon

Author: Soulreads005



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When Joe came of age to find his mate and did not, he searched every pack, attended every party but never found her. It's been three years now and he has lost all hope in finding her. Till he had a dream that changed his life forever...
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Chapter 1

They say Patience is virtue...

For good things comes to those who wait.

But as I stand in this dimly lit room illuminated by fragranced candles, It dawned on me that perhaps I have crossed the thin line between patience heading towards abandonment.

Does the goddess know I exist? I wonder as I stare at her carved image in this temple were I stand.

All my life, throughout my childhood, I had been told stories about the Moon goddesses most priced gift to her kind. A mate.

Someone carved out of once very soul. A souls other half.

Stories of the bliss the love, the strength and the wholeness this gift brings to the one who is counted worthy in the goddesses eyes. This feeling is said to be greater than life it self. For one's mate is the sole purpose for once existence.

I had watched how my father Loved his mate, my mother. I saw the look of adoration in my mother's eyes towards her mate. How their bond gave them strength and with it they built a stronger pack which I now rule over as the alpha.

I long longed to have someone I could cherish the same way my father did my mother. I was after all a product borne out of the purest of love. I have so much of it to give.

But the goddess has other plans.

To think a man like me won't get to have a mate? I had and still have the credentials of what it takes to be gifted one. I am devoted to the goddess and her ways. I'm strong, brave, even as far as being pure to a reasonable extent a hot blooded male like me can be at my age.

Unlike Victor my cousin who hated the whole idea of mates and even when to all length to make himself unqualified for one, I yearn for a mate. But no, he got his on a platter of gold! Even if it was twisted at the beginning. For three years I have patiently waited. Right after my coming of age ceremony but I never found her. I have searched everywhere, gone to other packs gathering but to no avail. Right now I feel defeated.

Kneeling in front of the moon goddess alter I lit up the prayer stick in my hands and with an heavy heart I say this prayers.

"Oh dear Goddess ,

I don't care who am mated to or what am mated to! I just want a mate. To love, to protect, to fill this gaping hole in my soul....

Goddess, what have I done not to deserve such a gift. What??..."

After all my inner screaming, requesting and pleading to the moon goddess, I was tired. I dragged my feet out of the temple and headed back towards the pack house. After going through some paperwork , It didn't take long for exhaustion to take over and soon fell into a dreamless sleep... Or so I thought....

Darkness....darkness is all that surrounds me in this unfamiliar place I find myself.

As I try to manover the thick fog of darkness, all I see is more darkness. Until suddenly, in the mist of darkness, the moon appeared and sheds light.

It was so bright. It's glow blinding to a man such as myself whose eyes already is accustomed to darkness. Yet mesmerizing that I couldn't look away.

Taking a straight root, I soon find myself at the bank of a glittering stream. Its scent is surprisingly like that of the sea. I could see the reflection of the moon and myself in it and I couldn't help but feel drawn towards it.

WereWolves are naturally drawn to the moon. It's our life source. It brings us peace, strength,hope...makes us feel like we are closer to the moon goddess herself . So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I feel drawn to this moon, but this attraction seems different.

I could feel my wolf stir, wanting to take a pick with an interest different from primal instincts. I know you could be fond of something, amused by things, love some things but the moon? This had me a bit confused.

Remembering what victor explained to me about his first meeting with is mate, I stood frozen in place.

When I said a mate, I didn't think the goddess will go as far as mating me to the moon! This has to be a joke.