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Until I Met You

Until I Met You

Author: Sarah Osas



Until I Met You PDF Free Download


True love they say happens to lucky people according to the saying "It's people in luck that fall in love". Meet D.D.A, Davidson DeVille Aziel, a real estate business mogul; opulent, domineering, hard boiled, power hungry. Love or meeting his true love is the last thing on his bucket list. His mom left his dad for another man and his grandpa died leaving his grandma depressed. All this incident scared him away from love but what happens when he meets Jacqueline Biden.....a talkative, bull in a China shop, super nice and pleasant, from a middle class home. "Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't like". What transpires when this fate hits this disparate, dissimilar, distinct, mismatched individuals. "Destiny is inevitable"
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Chapter 1

Jackie's P.O.V

The chirping sound of the birds outside my window and the screams of the kids in the hood made a terrible rhythm. Noise!!. I woke up from my sweet sleep due to that. Actually, I was expecting it. You won't believe the fact that I've being woken up like that for the past three days .

"This new area sucks!" I spat out and scratched my eyes down to its root.

I sat up on my bed just thinking about how terrible this place is.

"Arrrrgggghhh!!!" a loud scream disrupted my thoughts. I leaped immediately and ran out of my room like someone been chased by Zombies.

I jumped into the the next room that seems like the living room and panicked like a marathon racer.

Just then, Iris ran into the living room screaming.

So it has been Iris all along.

"Iris!!" I yelled furiously at her. She stopped screaming.

"A rat!" She said, surprisingly calm.

"Sister this is not the best house" She squeaked disgustingly.

Mom and Amber walked into the living room. They both held shopping bags. With the looks of things they just came back from the market.

"What happened?" Mom asked, seeing the angry look on my face.

"It's nothing Mom. Emm...Welcome" I said casually.

"What do you mean by nothing. You looked angry. Iris! What did you do?" She asked furrowing her brows.

"Huh! Mom... I didn't do anything. I saw a rat in the kitchen while surfing for what to eat" She replied innocently.

"Oh yes. Mr Jaq!" Amber said with a faux smile.

Mr Jaq??

"Who's Mr Jaq??" I asked.

"The rat in Cinderella. He told me yesterday that this is his home" Amber said.

"Excuse me!!. Stop all this charade and speak to me in non-mysterious ways pls" I retorted.

"Ok. Let me break it down for you. We're living in a rat infested house!!" Amber said rudely.

"I didn't know. This is the first time I'm seeing a rat in this house" I replied.

"Well this is mine. I sleep with rats, eat with rats, dine with rats, take my shower with rats, go to school with rats, smell like rats and I think very soon I'll start thinking and acting like a rat!!" She ranted.

"Amber!!" Mom tried calling her to order.

"Why don't you go out there and look for a job?. We can't live here..well if you can then you're free to but I can't. Okay? I can't!" She said .

I couldn't say anything. I was short of words, speechless. I just stood and watched her boiling with anger.

She really has a lot to say.

"Listen Amber.. I'm really sorry that you're in this mess, I promise to find a way out. I just need more time" I explained softly.

"Time isn't on my side sister. If you don't want to get a job. I and Iris would" She said.

"No.. you both will focus on your academics and nothing else for now" I said strictly.

"Been strict won't do any good here. Just get your lazy ass out of the house and work!!!" She barked.

Within a twinkle of an eye she received a resounding slap from mom.

Amber staggered.

"You should learn to respect your elders" Mom warned.

Amber ran into her room and banged the door angrily.

"Jackie!" Mom called softly.

"Pls mom" I stopped her and walked back to my room.

I slumped on the bed and buried my face in a pillow and thought about getting a job. Then my mind went to the Newspapers on the centre table.

There is always a job advertisement on the papers.

I walked to the sitting room in a flash and came back. I sat comfortably reading word for word.

I finally decided to go in search of'em all.

I freshened up and left the house in a jiffy.

I took the the fastest and quickest transport I know "the bus".

It was a long ride but it's worth it. I'll make sure that I manage to give them the best life.

Now!! the first company on my list Golden Star Enterprise. A Telecom organization.

I alighted from the bus ad stared at the name of the company... perfectly written and designed at the top.

I walked in with hope and confidence

"I hope I get this job" I mumbled as I passed through the door.

I walked straight to the receptionist

"Good morning " I greeted.

"Morning ma'am" She replied.

"How may I help you?" She asked nicely.

"I saw your job advertisement on the morning papers so I came here for the interview" I said.

"I'm sorry but that job has been taken" She said apologitically.

Stunned at what she said "Thanks" I said and walked out.

The job was taken... just now!!!

Well it all happens for a reason.

One down, two more to go.


Saddened at the fact that at the end all I have to say is bad news. All three organizations either have someone or I'm not qualified enough due to not having experience.

"Why me??" I said to myself as I sat on the roadside bench.

It was getting late already , the sun is almost coming down and mom will be dead worried if I don't get home on time.

I was weak and helpless but I still stood up. Different thoughts filled my mind. I couldn't give my family the best... I wasn't able to make Mom proud, Amber happy and Iris comfortable.

I walked towards the road and never knew that a car was coming until I felt something hit my body with full threw me up and I hit the ground hard then I blacked out.


Mom's P.O.V

l folded the clothes which I washed and arranged them in my wardrobe, Iris was helping me.

I wonder where Jackie is, I haven't seen her around the house.

Perhaps,she went to get something important.

I heard music playing, hold on! That's my phone's ringing tone.

I went to the living room and sighted my phone on the centre table. I was right , my phone was ringing. It was Jackie's call , I picked the call.

"Hello Jackie , how're you?" I asked .

"Hello , is this Mrs Biden?" a female voice questioned.

"ye..yes ,who is this?" I questioned back.

"I don't have time to answer that question , come to the DDA hospital " the voice said.

"Why should I come there without knowing who you are? " I retorted .

"Your daughter had an accident " the voice said.

"What!!" I yelled with shock written over my face and Iris ran to me with a worried face

"come to DDA hospital right now" the voice said and the call was cut when I was about to say something.

"Mom , what happened? " Iris asked.

"Jackie has been involved in an accident" I said with my lips quivering.

"What!! , where is she now?" Iris panicked.

"DDA hospital" I said as I slumped on the couch helplessly with tears running down my face .

"Mom get up , there's no time for tears , let go" Iris urged me .

I got up and bolted out of the house with iris till we got to the road and flagged down a cab.

we got inside and the cab zoomed off.


In the hospital......

Jackie's P.O.V

My vision was blur at first was it brightened in a matter of seconds. I felt extreme pain in my head and my legs.

I turned my head to the right and I saw an old lady sitting there.


I sat up and looked around.. I was in the hospital!!

With the way it looked, it seems it's a private hospital.

"I don't have enough money for a private hospital" I mumbled to myself.

"It's alright dear. I've taken care of that" She replied with a smile.

She heard what I said??

"Emm... I don't seem to have any major injuries so can I go home" I asked tiredly.

"Home?? Are you alright? Dear, you're tired and your injuries are internal. You need rest dear" She said persuasively.

"it's kinda late and my mom would be worried. My sisters might come looking for me from the town" I explained.

"I think that's sorted out. I already called your mom here and she's on her way" She said.

"If you had watched before crossing the you wouldn't have put your mom through this " She added.

I remembered how I was rejected from my job and everything they said about me not being qualified.

"Well everything I did was for my mom" I said tearily.

"including the accident?" She asked and I chuckled and sniffed.

"Except that" I answered.

I wiped my tears and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I needed a job.. now my mom is coming here what am I gonna tell her. That I didn't get a job, that I wouldn't be able to pay the rent, the bills and my sisters college fees" I spoke hopelessly.

"What's your name dear?" She asked quickly.

"Jackie" I replied.

"Full name?"

"Jacqueline Biden?" I answered in a question.


"Would you like to work as a PA ?" She asked.

Huh?? Considering my situation is that even supposed to a question?

"Madam? you?" I said confused.

"Have you heard of D's Estates?" She asked.

D's Estate... that one of the best estates in the United States.

Does she know anyone there??

"Ma'am... That's such a high class place" I said really scared.

"It's owned by my grandson" she said and I gasped.

She handed me a card ... which had the office address on it and gave me another with her home address on it.

"Just be at any of these addresses as early as possible" She said and I began to cry.

"Ma'am why me?" I asked surprised.

"I don't know either. I just have a good feeling about you.. a really good one" She said.

"Thank you ma'am" I appreciated.

"It's okay" She replied calmly.

She caressed my cheeks and left the ward.

Thank you Lord!!!! you have used this accident to favour me.

I can't wait to break the news to my mom.