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Her Four Mates

Her Four Mates

Author: Amal Ait



Her Four Mates PDF Free Download


A Supernatural Reverse Harem. MMFMM Extract: "We're meant to be, Annabelle. You can fight the mate bond as much as you want, but it doesn't mean that we're going anywhere. We will never give up on trying to makes this work. We have always been yours and you're ours. Forever will be.."
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Chapter 1


My wolf Ania's paws thunder against the damp ground as I fasten my pace, giving my wolf absolute control. It would have felt freeing and euphoric to be out in the wild like this. Soft breezy air tickling my fur, hard but moist soil between my paws.

Yet, it wasn't.

The wards of my territory are breached.

As I stop to gather my breath, a faint delicious scent in the air fills my nostrils and my vampire side resurfaces wanting to be let out.

I curse under my breath feeling my wolf's emotions fill the place as I sprint through the dense forest.

And I get closer, the unidentified scent becomes more noticeable in the air around me. However, it's not the only prominent one. I lift my snout in the air and inhale deeply. My eyes widen and my heart stutters in my chest..


A lot of blood.

My wolf howls in agony for some odd reason, but I don't stop running. In fact, I speed through the trees avoiding hitting any or tripping over the branches and rocks, seeking to identify the reason for the sudden worrisome clogging my heart.

'Focus you stupid human someone needs our help' Ania growls at me, equally panicked.

'Oh, the so very heroic Alpha coming to rescue'. I retort feeling significantly concerned but not expressing or showing it to my pretentiously smartass of a wolf hide.

'Do not mock me nor my title, you useless mortal' Ania bites back.

'Mkay, bye bye, now. Wolfie. Love ya!'

I cut my link with Ania off unable to hear her loud howls and growls anymore, and try to gain control over my vampire side that's lusting for blood.

This unknown person's scent was turning my wolf into a rabid monster and my vampire side into an even worse one. It was normal that I have craved the tasteful crimson liquidity. Goddess knows how long it has been since I last fed.

But I needed to be level headed and not fall victim of my whims. Someone was hurt and I'll be damned if I let my hunger and bloodlust control me.

I see myself at the wanted destination as I shift back. A glare and a frown are my only friends sticking by me as I stand as naked as they come. The hurtful transformation of my form dimes down the pain it brought, as the rage I feel distracts me from it.

Stopping in my tracks nothing would've prepared me to witness a boy-no, a man's body in a pool of his own blood. His torn clothes and beat form makes my heart ache for some reason.

Identifying him by his scent I realize that he was....a wolf, more specifically, a rogue Omega. I concluded. My ears twitch ever so lightly as I catch the faint but still present beat of his heart making me sigh in relief.

My nerves ebb significantly at the revelation but why? Why the hell do I care about a damn rogue. An Omega that was not even my goddamn responsibility?

I didn't fucking know, was my answer.

An absolute weakling that was trespassing on my territory was whom I was fucking worried about. Goddess help me, I'm on the brink of losing it.

My frown deepens.

Glancing at the two tall lanky figures standing on each side of his head, my anger skyrockets to an unimaginable amount and then I scent it. They were none other than vampires.

More specifically the fucking royal dogs, or guards as a normal person would say, if their stupid navy blue and black attire didn't scream it. Their glowing red eyes and matching fanged maniacal grins sure did.

"Woah there! You should leave, Beautiful. Pretty girls like yourself shouldn't be seeing this," Idiot number one says taking a few steps toward me when he notices my presence.

Smirking maniacally, his eyes unrelenting as they start roaming my naked form settling on my breasts and licking his disgusting lips, a sharp fang tugging the flesh in a what I assumed to be a seductive manner.

Fucking pig.

"He's right, Dolly. You should leave. Women shouldn't be witnessing such horrendous things. It's not good for the faint of heart like yourselves, ya know!" Idiot number two mutters staring at my body like a piece of meat as well.

A misogynistic trailer trashy twin.

I was soo going to enjoy ripping them apart for touching what's mine.

I'd burn their damn dicks off before I- wait, I- what the hell? Where the fuck did that sudden possessiveness come from?

I shook off my thoughts with a groan.

Don't overthink it, Anna. You don't want your pretty little head to hurt if you think too hard, darling.

My mother's words are on repeat. A broken record that booms with a silent cry for help as her last words she said to me before the night she took her life replace every thing I was thinking about.

I wanted to let my anger out on these assholes for hurting....him.

And with that as my final thought. I crack my knuckles, my pointed white fangs out making an appearance. Nails sharper than a thousand blades and eyes blood red shining with menace and hostility and I grin at the two idiots evilly.

Letting some of my power out. My aura screams sheer dominance and power as I surge with my alpha and vampire strength and strike. Blood rushed through my veins. Heart pounding in my chest as I feel the bloodlust replenishing me.

Fuck it feel so good to hurt someone who pried on others.

'Crazy psycho bitch' Ania grumbles when I let our connection lay open again. The forced door between our minds opening once again as she rolls her eyes at me.

'Oh, you fucking love me'. I laugh out loud convinced that she really did but didn't often say it..

'Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now, fuck off, will you. Focus on not getting killed, human' she hisses.

'Sheesh, who pissed in your Cheerios- sorry, I mean dog food?' I laugh loudly at my own joke making two pairs of eyes assessing me like I was the crazy one stop breathing for a moment.

"Catena," I command, my order done with as the thick veins of the old trees surrounding us push through the soil and effectively warp around the two dimwits leaving them a spot not daring to move. Unanswered questions weaving through their eyes but not voice any.


The two bitches understood the assignment--and that was good-I was tired as fuck and wouldn't really like to follow their sorry, pathetic asses or have to interroegate them until I had them in custody. Chasing someone in the middle of the goddamn night wasn't exactly ideal. Even for a supernatural. I didn't want to waste my energy on them.

Not that they'd get any far.

'YOU FUCKING CUNT I'LL KILL YO-' my wolf screams enraged and I cut her off with one last laugh.

I turn to meet the two pairs of eyes with a smirk loving the fear they were emitting in thick waves charging my rage and bloodlust. "Let's have some fun shall we?" I state boredom lacing my tone.

Licking my fangs and making their eyes widen as the horrified look of panic coating their features send a euphoric feeling through my veins. I then smile gently confusing them as two of the strongest members my pack make an appearance ready to take them into our torturing chambers.

They messed with the wrong Alpha.