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The Chronicles Of Aurora Chase

The Chronicles Of Aurora Chase

Author: J. L. Cooper



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Aurora Chase has lost everything. On her eighteenth birthday she realizes who she's meant to be. Along with gaining a mate and a beta. It's a coming of age for the alpha and learning to lead a team of werewolves into a battle that even she isn't ready for. There was not a soul around, even if I screamed no one would hear me. The cold wind bit through my thin shirt and I shivered not only from the cold but the fear of the unknown. Limbs from the trees swung back and forth from the force of the winter wind. The only sounds were the creaking of the limbs as if they would break any minute. I was utterly alone but yet I felt as though I was missing someone, someone very close and very special...someone I loved very much. But it was impossible; I had no one in my life, not a soul to run to. Not a soul to save me. I had to get up from the cold ground; I had to find a way out of here. Everywhere I turned though the forest became thicker. So, I turned in the opposite direction I woke up from and ran. Footsteps...they closed in behind me and I had to run faster. My bones ached and suddenly I was in pain. I looked down to jump over a ravine and before landing I turned into something much worse than anything I could've ever body was not how I knew. A shape took form and I now ran on all fours. My skin burned as snow-white fur covered every inch.
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Chapter 1


There was not a soul around, even if I screamed no one would hear me. The frigid wind bit through my thin shirt and I shivered not only from the cold but the fear of the unknown. Limbs from the trees swung back and forth from the force of the winter wind. The only sounds were the creaking of the limbs as if they would break any minute. I was utterly alone yet I felt as though I was missing someone, someone remarkably close and incredibly special...someone I loved very much. But it was impossible; I had no one in my life, not a soul to run to. Not a soul to save me.

I had to get up from the cold ground; I had to find a way out of here. Everywhere I turned though the forest became thicker. So, I turned in the opposite direction I woke up from and ran. Footsteps...they closed behind me, and I had to run faster. My bones ached and suddenly I was in pain. I looked down to jump over a ravine and before landing I turned into something much worse than anything I could’ve ever body was not how I knew. A shape took form, and I now ran on all fours. My skin burned as snow-white fur covered every inch.

"Rory! Stop running!”

Rory’s hand clutched at her throat as she sat up. Sweat covered her, matted her hair to her face and head. The dream was so real, they all were. Every dream was speaking or warning her in some way. Before her mother left, she dreamed she’d died in the woods behind the house.

Instead of dissecting her dream she decided on a shower and forgetting it altogether.

Aurora Chase glimpsed towards the gold leaf edged mirror hanging as tall as her five-foot-nine-inch frame. No secret, no more than a girl who has not yet reached maturity. At least it’s all she saw. She thought of her long blonde hair flat with no appeal to set her apart from the rest of the blondes of the world. Green eyes, reminding of her grass right before it turned from the fall wind. Her chest she thought as flat as her pale blonde hair sat high on her thin frame. Her slightly square jaw, strong straight nose, and full wide lips disclosed just how much potential she could’ve had if given more to work with.

She continued to stare at her reflection with nothing more than insignificance and wondered why at eighteen could she not have progressed more into a woman, leaving her childish features behind.

At last, she turned away from her reflection, thinking staring at herself all day was not going to change anything. She dressed in silence, placed her long straight hair high at her head in a ponytail, and added nothing more than a sheer layer of Chap Stick to her already peach-colored lips. As she made her way down the long hallway to the kitchen, she worried over the idea of no mother waiting there with a table full of breakfast like she was familiar with. But it was never to be again. Her mother left when she turned sixteen and never came back, not a word or letter.

What she could never understand is how happy she and her dad were, she never would’ve predicted this. At times Rory wondered if her dad just couldn’t stand to look her in the eyes...her mother’s eyes without thinking of her. At eighteen she knew well her family would never be again, she was alone to finish her senior year, and fend for herself. Her only saving grace was the credit and debit cards her father left her when he took off, they were more than well off and could afford to keep her in the things she needed. An endless supply of money to sustain her, too bad money wasn’t what made her happy.

Rory was alone and she grew accustomed to the feeling fast. She had no other choice but to rely on herself.

After stomaching the last of her cereal, she cleaned the remains of her breakfast, drank the last of the orange juice from the carton, and swung her backpack over her shoulder. On the way out the door, she grabbed her keys and walked out into the sunshine awaiting her. Even with the sad events of her life, she still enjoyed the open air, and relished in the scent of the woods behind her house.

The drive to school left Rory with an unstoppable feeling of detachment and doom. She sometimes felt things coming she didn’t understand and had dreams leaving her with unanswered questions. But this was all new and she shuddered as she stepped into the parking lot gritting her teeth at the self-absorbed people milling about the school grounds. Today she felt a change on the horizon and for Rory she didn’t know if it was a good or terrible thing.

She’d never been accepted by her peers, they always sensed something different about her as she did. They cast her to the side and never looked back, never gave her a minute to prove that she was just as good as them.

“Here we go.” Not even her eighteenth birthday could let go of the hatred she carried for her peers. With a glance around she noticed a group of guys hanging around the entrance hall of the school and they all glimpsed her way as if they were expecting her. But that was insane, she berated herself for indulging. Their hair was black as night, their eyes—just as black. They all stood over six feet tall. And they were all staring as she passed them walking into the entrance hall. Not once did they feel shame and look away but continued to stare and outright take her entire presence in without hesitation.

The sounds of chatter, closing lockers slamming shut and laughter throughout the building of students walking about the halls had her forgetting about the group of guys. She spent her entire life creating a bubble around her, not allowing herself to bring unwanted attention. But today, there was something different; today she felt the presence all around her. She couldn’t explain it but there was something about the guys she saw out front. One that stood in front of the group, a leader. Instead of an empty stare he took her completely in as his eyes roamed every inch of her. He seemed familiar in a way but that was ridiculous, she didn’t know any of them. Yet still his eyes held her for a passing glance and inside she felt herself warm to the already familiar aura of him. If she wasn’t as spastic when it came to people, she might’ve even introduced herself but as it is she is as spastic as they come. Meeting new people was not in her DNA.

For some strange reason she felt the presence of a warm body. As she glanced over her shoulder, the boy who stood out among the entire group was now walking in step with her just a few feet behind her. Her body tightened with tension, and she fought back an urge to stop and confront him.

The unstoppable feeling of anger took her, but she did her best to bite down the immense bitter anger she felt. Anger was something she could relate to, but this type of rage was beyond her comprehension. With each new step though she could feel her anger dissipate and now she could focus more easily.

English class—it would’ve been her favorite if she hadn’t been afraid to participate. Her teacher, Mr. Langford, taught class with an abundance of passion. He wanted the participation of everyone. Disgusted by her own intimidation by her peers, she eyed the blackboard that contained sentences and diagrams. She knew the answers without much thought and then looked back down to her notebook that she doodled on while she waited for class to begin.

Lines in her notebook began to squiggle in front of her as her head began to pound. Rory’s classmates began to wave as she swung her head from side to side. What is happening? Her insides felt as if someone lit the furnace beneath her. In as quick as it came on it left her body starting from the tips of her hair to the nails of her toes. Rory panicked but there wouldn’t be a sufficient reason for her to give the teacher so she could leave. Unless she vomited her guts up right here in front of everyone, that would be embarrassing.

All talk and commotion ceased, she looked around to see what held everyone’s attention and that’s when she noticed a few of the boys from the group outside, one who she thought to be extremely attractive. He had a particular attractive swagger about him, authority, and confidence. She liked the way he controlled his movement and saw to it that he exuded all that through his demeanor. What she liked most was his eyes, they seemed to see the real her.

“Hello.” The dark-haired male sat beside her, and she had to look around to make sure that no one had sat beside her while she wasn’t looking. But he looked directly into her eyes and smiled generously, showing two large dimples on either side of his cheeks.

“Hello.” She quietly replied and looked back down so as not to swoon over his mega-looks.

“My name is, Seth Graff.” He held a large hand out to her, but she couldn’t follow through with a simple request, she simply looked away from him. “Have I offended you somehow?” He chuckled.

“No, I’m Rory.”

“Well nice to meet you, Rory.” She glanced around to see that every pair of curious eyes was on them. Her eyes closed while she gritted her teeth, how could she ward off his attention without bringing more attention to her?

Seth opened his mouth as if to say something else but Mr. Langford walked in, demanding everyone’s attention. The lights dimmed and he rolled in a TV cart in front of the room.

“Nice.” She heard him whisper but pretended not to, nonetheless.

Romeo and Juliet appeared on the small screen and Rory sunk deeper into her chair.

“Do you get into these movies?”

She began to feel weird as her body temperature rose in frustration. Her face flushed as the blood left her face. She wanted to shut his mouth for him so that she could lose herself in her favorite Shakespeare piece. But so that she wouldn’t do what her mind was racing to act on she gripped the seat in between her legs and continued to look on towards the screen.

She’d never been the violent type but today claimed all rationality from her as she fought for control of her own actions. But there was something that felt like it was clawing its way up. Fatigue knocked at the back of her eyelids as she fought against laying her head on her desk. There was something different about her today, but she didn’t know what.

The hour passed by and she began to peel herself out of her seat when Seth stood and offered her a hand. “Can you just go away?” She asked as she stood and swung her backpack over one shoulder. Her exit could’ve been more dramatic if one jock strap hadn’t stepped in her way—knocking her back a few steps.

Her body twitched as she fisted her hands at her sides. She was about to lunge forward when Seth’s hands went around the tops of her arms. “How about I walk you to your next class, keep you out of trouble.”

“How about you take your hands off me and stay away?” She seethed. She turned to see where the jock strap went to, but he’d already gone from the room.

“Man, are you always this tense?” His hands slid away from her arms but raised his brows towards her when her muscles flexed underneath his touch.

“No, just when you’re around.” She left him laughing but never gave him a second glance. There was something going on with her, her head pounded along with the thrum of her heart slamming against her chest and the rapid beat of her pulse.

Rory made a sharp turn to step into the restroom. The reflection in the mirror frightened her. Her hair swung over her square and straight shoulders, her eyes were brighter, her lips fuller, and her body seemed more intense as if muscles rolled underneath her stomach in the size of paint rollers.

She leaned closer to the mirror and caught the unmistakable white, straight teeth. There had always been a small gap between her two front top teeth. But there was none of that. They were straight and white; the two eye teeth on both sides however had lengthened only slightly. She stumbled back hitting the wall behind her. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she fought to remain calm. She wanted to scream for someone to come to her—even Seth Graff would do, she wanted to run out of the school and go home where she could be left to her insane thoughts.

She wanted her mother.

The bell rang above her, but she still didn’t move. In a few minutes everyone would be in their classrooms, and she could sneak out of the building.

The door opened and her eyes lifted, they followed up a pair of strong legs, lean waist, and strong chest...Seth.