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Her Sacrifice

Her Sacrifice

Author: IUA



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Synopsis Brigette Iris Mckenzie is a martial artist college girl who has a goal of becoming a Veterinarian someday. Her patience and hard work to pursue her chosen field was all dedicated to her mom who's very fond of treating wounded and injured animals. However, in her last year of College, a group of four men transfered into her school that brought distraction to her especially for Brigette who noticed their features as 'different' and intimidating. One night when she returned home, she caught her mom staring into the calendar particularly in the the day where moon and sun was about to meet. For her it was the most awaited part of the year but little did she know that what she was waiting is a life changing decision that turned her normal life into something extraordinary, resulting her to be more curious, to be unique, to be brave and causing her to mend 'her' sacrifice.
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Chapter 1


"If there are three things I learned from what happen, first, that is the fact that love won't obey our expectations for its mystery is pure and absolute. Second, love is indeed crucial and takes a lot of sacrificing because as they said, great love comes with great responsibility. And third, there's nothing much stronger than a heart of a volunteer. I don't want to sleep. I just want to tackle the wood and be swarmed by the mist within. I don't want to be found. If he is nowhere away from me then I'm willing to be lost and embraced the solitude of his heart. I don't want to be hailed. Hailing my name without him makes me just play the obligation in my hands. He's my escape, my oasis from the depth of shallow darkness, my supposed to be rival, but my love, I miss you."

"You look glorious." She gazed directly at him, as she was about to witnessed the momentous day of their life.

"Please don't make this hard for the both of us. Let's go, the wedding is about to start." He said.

"I still have a question."


"Will you love me from the rest of my life?" She asked.

"No, because I will love you from the rest of mine."


Early in the morning, as the sun was shining above through the damp street, the busy cars were passed all the way around, the radio was on and LANY's song is being heard around the house as it is hum by Bridgette, as she waits her mom whose inspecting her physically.

Long wavy hair, rosy cheeks, a big blue eyes and a kissable thin lip. Her mom then, shift her gaze below examining what she was wearing. A Denim skinny jeans, a black sweater on top partnered with her white converse.

"Mom~" She was about to complain when her mom outspoken her.

"The beautiful smile Brige. Come on, it's your first day of school."

"In fourth college year~"

"Still your first day." Her mom shut her the second time. "Come on, just one."

Sighing, she slowly fake a smile to satisfied her mother's expectancy about her every 'first day'. However, instead of giving her a cheerful thumbs up for trying so hard, her mother grimace in annoyance, and so she just dropped the pretention.

"Mom, my smile has nothing to do with my every first day, so let me just be myself this last 'first day' of mine, alright?" She said and chuckled before grabbing her fresh red apple from the kitchen counter.

"I know, I know. I just, miss my little girl during her every first day. Smiling like crazy, and excited to meet new friends. I can't believe it's your last first day of school now." Her mom said teary eyed reminiscing the memories of her every first day.

"Mom, I will always be your little girl. But this time, I know now when to smile." She said and smiled cutely in front of her mom which make her laugh.

She wholeheartedly bit her red apple and gaze to the digit the clock was pointing at. "I gotta go now mom, I'm sure you don't want me to be late on my first day."

"Yes, of course. Thank care okay? Call me if you need something and don't be hard on your Martial arts training."

"Alright mom. I love you."

She hugged her mom, kiss her cheek and pick up her bag before leaving, shutting the door behind her. She hopped inside the car her mom gave during her 18th birthday, and although she doesn't know where does she get the money for buying such a brand-new car, she happily accepted it.

As she was tackling the pavement of Winterbelle down to the central town where the school is located, she found herself being so excited as she perceived that this kind of phase is what she anticipated upon going back to school. Aside from she could be united with her best friends again, the early tuning of LANY's song in her car while driving is one of her favorite part of the day. She parked her car outside of school, get her bag and went out only to realized that there are a load of students entering the school gate which is unusual. Winterbelle is just a small town and most of the students prefer to study on Burgeon University than in Winterbelle Community Colleges. She waited until the path is no longer crowded and walk herself, examining her given schedule she doesn't pay attention before.

The school is no modern. The buildings are old fashion and just renovated from time to time. From the gate, is a short pathway to the main building of five consecutive floors with five room each. The first floor is for professors, the guidance and the Dean. The way to the upper floors is a wide staircase from the end to end of the corridor. The second floor is for Humanities, the third is for Medicines, the fourth is for Businesses and the last floor is for Literature. From the main building is a side by side chamber. Every chamber has six floor with only one wide room. The right chamber consist of the Library occupying the first and second floor, the study area, the art room, the music room and the Media arts publication room. The left chamber consist of the clinic, the laboratory, office of the student councils, a study area, computer room and stockroom. Behind the main building and the chambers is a wide auditorium for school activities such as Acquaintance, Exhibit and Intramural, the cafeteria, a soccer field and a garden in which her group prefer to stay during vacant time since freshmen year.

" I guess I have to explain my night class to mom." She uttered as she saw her last subject scheduled at 6pm which means she could be home at 7 to 8. As she was thinking in which stair she would use, someone suddenly called her.

"Hey! Brige! Wait!" She turned around and saw Nathan, her childhood friend whose pursuing College of Law.

"Hey, how have you been?" She asked.

"I'm good. Just a little nervous you know? I can't believe we are now in the last college year that sudden! It's like, I'm stuck to our junior days where you're always chase by a peacock in Aunt Gomery's field~"

"Hey! Stop mentioning it!" She said annoyed.

"Why not? It's my most treasured memory with you but yeah, your a martial artist now and you do the punch punch, yah! " He said while motioning the punching style and she just rolled her eyes but is happy that her childhood is somehow, worth to remember. They talk about random things way up and gradually separate directions, Nathan on the second floor while her on the third.

"Block A- Alpha." she uttered loudly and scan the banner in every door until she found it in the last room near the staircase on the right side, opposite to the stair she used. Well, At least she knows now which stair is she going to take the next time, she said to herself.

Just as she was walking, her phone vibrated and she pulled it out from her pocket to check. It was a text message from her best friend Laide, saying she's already in the room waiting for her. She grinned as she felt how much she missed her. They never had time to spend during vacation since Laide spent her rest of months in Granola Manchada with her family, and so they only communicated through calls and text.

Forcefully, she was about to open the door when it happens that someone open it from the inside by a broad, tall, and masculine figure in a black shirt that stop her from entering that makes her glad for she is sure that it might be her who slam on the floor if she hit him. She gazed above the towering figure and found herself nearly stop from breathing not just because the broad body belonged to a fine-looking man whose intently looking at her but because his eyes is something different. It is like a black hole, swallowing her soul in the depth of darkness through the storm of his obs and so she leave his eyes not wanting to be disappear from normality. His hair was jet black, his posture was on equilibrium, his tan skin fits perfectly and over all, she couldn't decline the fact that this man in front of her is something, peculiar. Out of a sudden, the man cleared his throat.

"You're hindering my way." He said coldly.

She snap herself back to the reality and fixed her posture feeling a bit of embarrassment.

"Sorry." She moved on the side and let the man move freely but then thirty seconds passed, and he doesn't even create a single step. Doubting, she took a look at the man who is still staring at her.

"Is there still any problem?"

"From what clan are you?" The man asked and step forward, closing the distance.

"What are you saying? What clan?" She asked curiously, hiding the admiration she just confess earlier. The man look at her directly in the eyes with a ranging uneasiness.

"Nothing. Stay away, I hate your presence." He said looking at her up and down before walking away leaving her dumbfounded on the spot.

"What is his problem? " She whispers to herself and right off, her frustration rise up due to the inconvenient words the man just threw out. She entered the room, roamed her eyes and saw her classmates as usual, having their own worlds about things that doesn't interest her. Some of them greets her, and wish her a good luck to her upcoming martial arts competition next month and so she acknowledge them, trying to hide the embarrassment she just felt.

"Brige!" She wander her eyes and immediately, her mood brightened as she saw her best friend Laide running towards her and give her a tight genuine hug.

"Laide! I miss you!" She said and hug her Laide back.

"I miss you more!" Laide replied.

"Oh come on Laide, give Brige a break." A manly voice said which she found out to be Ericson.

"Looks like brige had practiced well for the competition. She looks skinnier but broader than usual." Another man said which is her other best friend, Tomas.

"Oh right. Looks like we're going to have a great martial artist best friend here." Laide proudly said.

"Come on guys, it's still me. I just practiced almost everyday that's why." Brige explained.

"Martial artist slash Registered Veterinarian, that's so cool! Oh by the way, I heard your mom is a great fur mom Brige. My mom likes her company so much. She's the one accommodated Harper in Julian's Animal Welfare. " Ericson said.

"Uh yeah, mom told me. She said Harper is great dog."

"And also a great shoe wrecker."

She sit on her chair that is on the left side beside the window, on her right is Laide while the boys are behind them in the last row. A minute later, their professor appeared, introduce herself to everyone, and started the discussion which she was enjoying because she can relate too much, thanks to her mom. She was busy taking notes when abruptly, the man popped up to her mind and how he just make her feel embarrassed. At the end, she wiggle her head and erase the negative vibes the man sent in her and just put a satisfying words in her mind. A great person are those who's feet are on the ground but still shining through. Mocking people just because you have the look doesn't make you high-standard.