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She Alpha Rising

She Alpha Rising

Author: J. Hildebrandt



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The enormous wolf gently pushed Jason aside, "I'm the source of your anger. You should fight me." The hairy claws raised in challenge, "I think you'll find me a worthy opponent." Kira remembered the few times she went hunting with her father, and they came across a feral trapped. He used to try and talk them down, and when he couldn't, he'd say, "I think you'll find me a worthy opponent." It was the final insult to the memory of a good man she killed in mercy. She launched herself at the massive wolfman and cracked him across the jaw with everything she had. The enormous wolf's head twisted and then snapped back to its original position. The glowing green eyes filled with amusement, and then a slight rumble came from the belly of the wolf, "Are you done, or do you need to continue this ridiculous tantrum?" "Stop talking like him," Kira redoubled her efforts and threw a flurry of rights and lefts, all of which had no effect on the lupine giant. The wolf gripped her in his arms and held her against his chest, and spoke softly, "The day you were born, your mother said, we've achieved perfection, Patrick. You were so tiny but perfect in every respect. I have had my hand in creation, and it still pales to what we achieved through you."
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Chapter 1

When the world was created coyote and wolf traveled around the world in their canoe enjoying creation. One day they came to a land filled with mighty forest teeming with life and they decided to stay for a while. The animals feared the two travelers  “We are but simple travelers, why do you fear us?” the wolf asked.

    A very concerned beaver crawled forward and said, “You are of the legend people. Horrid creatures with endless hunger. They eat everything in sight, including us.”

   Coyote saw the plight of the animals and said, “We came to explore and nothing else,” He paused, “Tell us more about the legend people.”

    The animals told them about legendary people who came from the south. Coyote and wolf agreed to investigate. They followed the devastation the legend people left in their wake. As they journeyed on it became clear the legend people would consume everything if they were left to their own devices.

   “What should we do?” wolf asked. 

    “What we always do; give the legend people a chance to change the wickedness of their ways. If they refuse, then we will take drastic measures.”

    “I agree,” Wolf said. 

    Each day they grew closer to their quarry. It became clear how dangerous the legend people were. The lush green forests faded into the distance, replaced with cold red stone and clumps of dying grass.     With no forest to protect the land from the heat, the animals left.

    “The legend people did this?” Wolf asked. 

    “Perhaps, let us not rush to judgment, old friend,” coyote replied.

    Soon they came to a great canyon filled with unnatural creatures. A smorgasbord of twisted forms and teeth. Bloodshot eyes filled with ravenous hunger watched them as they entered the canyon.

    A great beast with lizard scales and feathery wings landed in front of them. It bowed and showed off the lethal stag horns on its head, “I am the Piasa Bird leader of these misfit creations. What business do you have here?”

     “I am coyote and this is a wolf. We have come to ask you to stop eating so much. There are more beings in the world than you.”

    Piasa laughed at the pair, “Tell me something tender morsel, how do you plan to stop me? I am larger stronger and faster than you.”

    Coyote nodded, “I did not come here to start a fight but to appeal to your better side. If you continue eating the way you do, there will be nothing left to enjoy, and your people will starve.”

     Piasa laughed out loud, as did the other legend people. “This world belongs to us, if we wish to destroy it, that is our business. Lucky for you, I am not hungry, leave and never come back.”


Wolf and Coyote sat around their campfire and tried to come up with a way to deal with the legend people. “Now can we do something about them?” the wolf asked. 

     Coyote nodded, “Yes,” he replied, “The question is how do we deal with them? They are much bigger and stronger.”

    “It's too bad we can't use their hunger against them,” Wolf complained. 

    In an instant, Coyote figured out how to beat the legend people. “Wolf I have a plan.”

    Wolves' ears perked up, “I'm listening.”

    Over the next week, Coyote and wolf prepared a sumptuous feast for the legendary people and brought it to them. 

     “We have come to pay homage to the masters of the earth,” Wolf said with a bow.

     “We have brought you a feast you will never forget.” Coyote bowed next to his companion.

     Piasa sniffed the prepared food and nodded, “Your tribute pleases me. I promise to eat you two last when the time comes.” The legend people swarmed over the feast like hungry locusts.

      Satisfied moans and loud smacks of lips echoed through the canyon. The legend people found themselves unable to stop eating. Morsel after morsel was consumed. “Such wonderful food, I have never tasted the like in a hundred years,” the Piasa bird cried. 

    Several of the legend people tried to move but found themselves unable to lift a finger never mind their whole body. Bands of red stone appeared on their limbs, “What trickery is this?” Piasa shouted. 

    “What you are doing goes against the laws of creation. You leave the stony ground in your wake, so you will be sealed in stone forever.”

    The legend people cried out in anger and frustration as the magical food began to petrify their bodies. One by one, they became spires. With the Piasa bird being the last to turn. “I will have my revenge Coyote, and my people will return to consume the world.”

   Coyote nodded, “I will be waiting to stop you.”

   Piasa bird went to speak one more time, but his tongue had turned to stone and his face was frozen in anguish as he became aspire.

    Wolf turned to Coyote, “Do you think they will return?”

    “Where there is greed and foolishness, there will always be a chance.”

    “My descendants will aid you should the time ever come,” Wolf said. 

    “Let us hope it never comes to that.”