
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Emmy_logz2



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Well, like any other virus affecting the world, this one came all too sudden and with little control. Early morning on Monday, I prepared my son Javi to go to school. I packed his lunch, water, and breakfast for the whole day. It has been a routine for years that it only takes me an hour or so. At exactly 6:30 am, I led my son to board the school Van to go to school. I said hi to the school driver and the teacher on duty before going back into the house. I had so many things to do. I was done with laundry and heading to the kitchen when I heard shouting's from outside. We live on the third floor, room number 205. My husband worked at a research facility. For the last few days, he had been busy and had little time to spend with us. Which is normal regarding his line of work. Saving people's lives I rushed to the balcony to see what was happening, and I was stunned. People were attacking each other. It was weird. When two people attack each other, then it may be normal. When a whole lot of people attack and bite each other, then it's something else. My neighbor was also on the balcony looking outside. "What's happening?" I curiously asked the neighbor Before she could answer me, her husband came rushing to her and bit her on her neck. I was shocked and shouted at them. "What are you doing? Let her be?" He could not hear me. And that's how it all started........
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Chapter 1

Well, like any other virus affecting the world, this one come all too sudden and with little control.

Early morning on Monday, I prepared my son Javi to go to school. I packed his lunch, water and breakfast for the whole day. It has been a routing for years that it only takes me an hour or so.

At exactly 6:30 am, I led my son to board the school Van to go to school. I said hi to the school driver and the teacher on duty before going back in the house. I had so many things to do.

I was done with laundry and heading to the kitchen when I heard shouting’s from outside. We live on the third floor room number 205. My husband worked at a research facility.

For the last few days he had been busy and had little time to spend with us. Which is normal regarding his line of work. Saving people’s lives

I rushed on the balcony to see what’s happening and I was stunned.

People were attacking each other. It was weird. When two people attack each other, then, it may be normal. When a whole lot of people attack and bite each other, then it’s something else. My neighbor was also on the balcony looking outside.

“What’s happening?” I curiously asked the neighbor

Before she could answer me, her husband come rushing to her and bite her on her neck. I was shocked and shouted at them

“What are you doing? Let her be?” He could not hear me. I shouted more loudly which attracted his attention. His eyes were weird. Which made me took few steps back. We may be separated by half wall but still it scared me. The eyes had no pupils. They were yellow. It was so scary. I intended to run back inside when he jumped towards me from the other balcony.

Luckily for me, he fell off the balcony which scared the hell out of me. I looked down where he fell and I was surprised on how easily he stood and walked with broken limps. I looked at the wife who was lying down on the floor dead. At least that was what I thought at first. She abruptly woke up and tried to come to me aggressively. The good thing the barrier was there. She looked as if she had lost her soul.

“Oh my God. What’s happening?”

I ran inside and locked the balcony door.

The TV was on and breaking news was highlighting. The news anchor said that the Flu infection has spread all over the city and people should stay indoors until further notice. The signs and symptoms of people who were infected should be observed. Fever, vomiting, headache, Nosebleed, eyes turning yellow. So far, there was no vaccine or medication that can help with the virus.

“Oooh my son… ooh ...No...No I have to get him.”

I ran quickly to get a piece of paper and wrote down a note for my husband just in case he come back today. I left the note on the table where I know it’s easy for him to see.

I try calling my husband but he’s not picking. I then call the driver and class teacher and they doesn’t pick up as well. Things are becoming messed up. The only thing I could think about is going to the school and get him.

I pick up my phone and car keys and leave in a hurry. I make sure to lock the door before running down the hallway carefully. From what I saw from my neighbor, earlier, I did not know how many in the building have been affected.

The good thing was the elevator was still working. I proceeded to the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

Immediately the door opened “ding” I charged toward my car. It didn’t have time to look around just in case they were many. I know my actions were fooling but at that time it was sane.

There were infected people in the underground garage but not many

I had to sneak around and get my car out. I opened the car door silently and entered with urgency. I had no time to waste my heart and mind were all on getting my son back home. Whatever happens next I didn’t care

I ignited the car and drove out of the garage. From the mirror I could see the infected following behind me.

I drove passed the infected trying to maneuver between them and got out of the community estate. The chaos were all over the street and driving around was hard. On the main road I could not drive an inch. A head, there were lots of card that were abandoned.

It seemed that there were lots of traffic and people could not drive and opted to go on foot. The car were full of clothes, bags, and foodstuff. Everything most people prepared for an escape was there. It seemed I was the only one didn’t know what was happening.

I had to leave the car on the road and run. The good thing is the school was not far from home.

I walked for a while and I saw the school van which picked up Javi in the morning stranded on the road as well. Imagine what I felt. A sharp sensation in my stomach “weak”. I was as if my whole body was in shock. I didn’t know what happened to my son.

From the look of it, the van was abandoned. The driver’s door was wide open so was the slide door on the other side. There was no one in the car and it looked like they ran for it. My son’s lunch bag was there but the backpack was missing. Which further backed my speculation. They left in a hurry.

With the evidence, they must be alive somewhere. But the question was where?

The driver’s phone was still there

No amount of words could describe the despair I felt at that moment.

With danger everywhere, I didn’t know where to begin with. No trail at all on whatsoever happened on the road.

I looked around and maneuvered through the vehicles. I was scared to jump when I heard a snarling sound behind me. One of the infected was behind following me. Where he come from I did not know. But I believe he was among the people on the vehicles that did not make it.

I didn’t know what to do with him and just hurried off. He was a slow one.

Looking around carefully I could see trail of footsteps going on the same direction. That gave me hope. If I could follow the route, maybe I’ll be able to find them.

I picked sharp rod lying on the road and followed the trails. I thank the rangers training I had acquired in high school. The camping in the forest, how to track trails and also looking out for animal traps. All the skills that I thought I have no use on them, become useful

A call come through on my phone and I received it without looking. I heard my husband’s voice from the other end.

“Honey, where are you? I am on my way home. Stay inside. It’s dangerous. Don’t go out.”

“Honey, I am not home. I am looking for Javi. Their van was abandoned on the highway. I found a trail on the Karura forest. I don’t where they are heading to but I might find Javi. What should I do?” Before he could reply, my phone was disconnected.

I checked and noticed the cell network was not connected.


I tried calling it was not going through.

“What am I going to do?”

I followed the trailed for a long while until I found few dead infected on the ground. From the look of it, they were stabbed on the head.

The trail become a bit chaotic here with too much movement on the ground. It also seemed not long ago. The thick black has not clot yet

I followed few of the trails until I got them again. In the middle of the forest was a house. It seemed there was a family living there. It was quite from outside. Even the birds that were usually chirping in the forest were quite.

One thing I learnt from the ranger training is the birds are warning creatures. If they are quite an unusually quite then run for your life.

I walked cautiously making sure I do not step on the twigs on the ground. Making as little sound as possible. The good thing I had worn my sweatpants which makes me feel comfortable as well as a sneaker.

I approached the house with caution. I didn’t know what will happen or who are inside the house. I was not sure whether the people inside were alive or infected. Most of all my anxiety was whether I will find my son in there. I have been walking for two hours following the trail and was exhausted.

Not being used to walking made it even more tiring for me. The only motivation and adrenaline booster I had, was my son.