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Heartthrob Superstar In Love But Tyrant In Revenge

Heartthrob Superstar In Love But Tyrant In Revenge

Author: Wild Cat



Heartthrob Superstar In Love But Tyrant In Revenge PDF Free Download


Born in a political family is not easy as its luxurious life break the rule of the system and pay the high cost of honesty. this story tells how the Mayor of the city 'Sejool'(an imaginary city) and his family are stuck in the political game, even daughters have to pay the cost for this there is no one brother in politics the lust of power will the sisterhood and love survive in this game? The famous Talaal idol was well known for his rude behavior in the industry women are crazy for him, after marriage he changed his self a lot for his mate. his life was completely peaceful until the death of his wife he returned as Tiger who will engulf the murderer and tortured until the death Marwa did not like Talaal at first because the media rumored that he is a "playboy" the incident took place at home which is unexplainable so she took all the blame for the honour of the family and accept the invitation to hell (a marriage proposal) please give a chance to book you will enjoy it
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Chapter 1

"Proceed" the judge ordered in the Courtroom

the prosecutor picked up the file from the authority table and was about to hand over the documents to judge and play a clip which was adequate made her pay for her crime when a sixty years man who was seated at the spectators' seat of the court gave a gesture of denied he kept the file and picked up another one.

"my honour! this is proof that she is innocent she didn't give any testimony because she was frightened of robbers.

yes my lord! that's not a preplanned murder" suspect Marwa Jalaal was stunned she was thinking of the end of her life after concede but the climax was not ended, the prosecutor conceded the trial

"two robbers entered the bungalow of Mayor at daytime from the backyard. before entered they hacked all the CCTV cameras, alarms of the Bangalow which ring when someone jump into the house by climbing the wall of the backyard, due to their hacking the system the interrogation team could not find any footage of

the day of the incident"

Marwa could not believe it, she gave them a statement that she killed her but how did the whole story changed suddenly

"They robbed the set of Diamond of Maria Jalaal wife of Jalaal Hussain and some cash, here is the copy of F.I.R submitted by Maria Jalaal" he presented the file to judge Maria was thinking when did she complain.

"They knew at that time the whole bungalow empty so they chose this time to theft, they were about to leave from the spot but unexpectedly Samina entered the room at the wrong moment she caught them red-handed,

she was the witness of the crime so they can't allow her to escape so, they killed her brutally, when her daughter Seerat Talaal the wife of Talaal Abbas saw this they killed her too" he hand over the documents to judge

"My lord! As you can see in these pictures, the footprint on the floor of the living area and the fingerprint does not match the family member of Jalaal Hussain" he added

"But fingerprints were matched," Marwa thought

this news was published in newspapers and telecast on television people were waiting for this news eagerly nation wanted to know who killed the wife of superstar.

"The court released Marwa Jalaal the documents proved her innocence She was frightened after watching two dead bodies at home so, she could not explain, a judge ordered to create a special interrogation team to find culprits," a Reporter said

"how it may be possible! it can't be true! I did so much effort to destroy this asshole mayor family, who did this! who dare to interfere in my vengeance..!" a woman who was watching this news on television she was gasping after threw vase on screen it was looking she failed bitterly her anger was on peak she was shouting, breaking the stuff she was gone mad

After the trial she hugged her mother tightly and broke down, his father caressed her head and console her he was broken on her tear he wanted to wrap her in his fin so nobody could harm her nobody could be accused her and for that crime, she does not belong

"Your eyes had swollen from excessive weeping" she separated from her mother and put her head on his chest.

"Everything will be fine" Jalaal consoled her he was distracted when the phone rang

"I want to meet you please come to the farmhouse I texted you the address" his father read the message on his phone.

"Let's go home" the media was waiting outside to question them but guards controlled them the mind of Marwa was stopped working the suffocate environment she grabbed his father arm tightly both parents protected her

"Will you not come with us," Maria asked Mayor Jalaal while getting into the car

"You just take her home I have some urgent piece of work" he closed the car door.

The car entered the farmhouse Marwa's father got out of the car a man was standing in front he is a bodyguard who took him to a room and left

"do you know everything has a cost, nothing is free in the world" he followed the voice of the man to the balcony he saw his back

"what's the cost?" he signed the blank cheque he giggled

"After watching the scenery of the courtroom.. do you think I need this..... ? he caught a glimpse at the cheque and ignored it like a trash

"The bank balance I have, I don't think so you have half of it, and you will pay my cost like this?" he gave a devilish smile and showed him a file which made him frustrated

"so, what do you want? I can do anything for my daughter"

"really! will you pay for it?" he was confirmed by him

"yes please say" he requested

"In my eyes, revenge is like an eye for an eye a loss for a loss I want to sleep with your lovely daughter just for one night," he said without hesitation in front of a father about her daughter

"How dare you! pervert ashamed on you" he grabbed him by the collar

"my dare dare she killed my wife pregnant with a four-month child? she was so eager to sleep with me " he roared like a lion and played a video on mobile

"Yes!... I... killed... her I killed my sis" she confessed and a drop of tear fell on the table

" But why, "the prosecutor asked while putting down

" because I love Talaal Abbas and she was blocking my way" she answered

his hand was loosened on the collar after watching the video

"you have just two days think about it carefully prepare her mind I am not used to waiting" he fixed the collar and lift a black colour file from the table

"you!" He grounded the teeth

"you just saw what I can do to a guilty one whose every evidence was against her and a big thing her testimony video, was sufficient to punish her but I changed the whole game by showing fake evidence so, what's the thing that I can't do," he said while show of the file in front of him

"I will torture her till death" he warned him watching at his eyes he threw the file on the table.