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Rebirth into the Werewolf Princess

Rebirth into the Werewolf Princess

Author: Author Hopeness



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Hilda has faced numerous challenges in her life, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and in need of peace. She experienced abandonment from her father, neglect from her mother, and endured a traumatic event as a teenager. By the age of thirty, she had also gone through multiple breakups and job losses. The added burden of her mother's hospitalization and the resulting bills pushed her to consider suicide. On the night of the Red moon, Hilda made the decision to end her life by jumping into a lake. However, she unexpectedly woke up in a completely new world that she had no knowledge of. She was saved by Jonathan, the Alpha of Tribe Aa'nu, who possessed qualities of kindness, strength, bravery, and passion. Additionally, he was attractive. In this new world, supernatural beings such as werewolves and vampires exist as enemies. Hilda, now known as Princess Arsula of Tribe Aa'we, discovered that she was different from other werewolves as she was unable to transform into one.Despite being hunted by vampires, Jonathan took action to protect her by arranging a marriage alliance between Arsula's clan and his. Hilda graciously agreed to live as Arsula, hoping to find happiness in a new world, if possible.
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Chapter 1

The news of her mother's accident was devastating for Hilda. After all the suffering she had already endured, she didn't want any more problems. Unfortunately, it seemed like problems were drawn to her like a magnet, constantly coming one after another. She often found herself asking, "Why me?" but never receiving an answer. People around her, including her own mother, would tell her that she deserved the bad luck she experienced since birth.

Hilda had never received any positive comments or encouragement. She knew she was considered a loser and a bastard, but she never chose to be that way. It was just the hand life had dealt her. She felt like a lifeless body, devoid of any emotions, love, or hatred. She even attended psychological sessions in hopes of finding some relief, but nothing seemed to change.

For a while, she has been gazing at her mother's lifeless body on the hospital bed. Her mother's face was red, cheeks puffed, and covered in wounds as if she had been beaten to death rather than being in a car accident. She didn't question how her mother ended up in the car; she knew the kind of work her mother was involved in. Pleasing men in exchange for money. She vividly remembered how her mother would bring men into their home. Through this, she had even been raped by some of them. Hilda had sworn to kill the man if she ever saw him again, but he luckily died before she could take matters into her own hands. It was a lot for a young girl to handle, but her mother didn't seem to care. And now, here she was, acting as her mother's guardian. Hilda wasn't sure if she was pleased to see her mother in this condition or not, but she felt a sense of relief and also overwhelmed.

"Do you remember when you called me an ungrateful bastard and said that one day I would forget everything you've done for me?" she spoke to her mother's lifeless body, hoping that she could hear her even in her unconscious state.

Hilda respectfully expressed her surprise to her mother, stating that she couldn't recall any instances where her mother had done something for her. Consequently, she questioned why she should be the one to do something for her mother.

"but you constantly bring men into our home had disrupted my study schedule. Unfortunately, I have experienced traumatic incidents and have consistently failed my exams. This situation had left me feeling quite distraught. But you never cared about it" Tears run down on her face.

"I deeply yearned for your acknowledgement and love as your daughter, but it seems that you have never treated me as such. I am now left wondering how I can acknowledge you as my mother when you have made it clear that you do not see me in that light. Furthermore, I question why I should bear the burden of your mistakes. "

In a moment of frustration, she raised her voice, causing her words to reverberate within the room. However, as she realized that her mother would not respond, she began to weep uncontrollably. The pain was unbearable, and she even found herself repulsed by the mere sight of her mother. With a heavy heart, she rose from her chair and made her way towards the door, but not before turning to face her mother. Her eyes were red from the agony she felt, and tears continued to stream down her face.

"It's alright. You no longer need to concern yourself with me. I have decided that I will ensure we never cross paths again. In our next life, I hope we are strangers who pass each other without uttering a single word. I genuinely wish you a good life after this, although I believe you do not deserve my farewells."

Hilda emerged from the hospital, tears streaming down her face, seemingly oblivious to the opinions of others. She believed she had no right to judge or explain herself. As she walked through the night, she couldn't help but notice the joy surrounding her - couples capturing memories and enjoying romantic dinners. Yet, she had never experienced the love of a partner. On the other hand, she observed parents holding their children's hands tightly, a bond she had never known.

It seemed as though the world was conspiring against her, denying her a normal life like everyone else. She couldn't fathom what she had done to deserve this. As she passed a liquor store, she was drawn to it and impulsively entered. The warmth inside provided an unusual comfort. She purchased six cans of beer, placing them assertively on the counter.

"Excuse me, young lady. Please be careful". The man spoke and scanned each can while looking at Hilda. "Are you alright, miss?"

"Huh?" Hilda's face looked pale and drawn, resembling a living corpse. "Does it matter?" she replied.

"I believe it does" the man responded.

Behind Hilda, two young ladies were talking loudly enough for her to hear them.

"Oh my God! There's going to be a red moon tonight around midnight!"

"Oh, really?" The other girl exclaimed. Hilda glanced behind her to catch a glimpse of the blond-haired girl who almost scared her.

Hilda didn't look well or pleasant at the moment. Her beauty seemed faded and wrinkles were visible. She appeared creepy and older than her age. The blond lady not only looked at her strangely and shocked, but she also terrified her. If it weren't for the shopkeeper speaking, Hilda wouldn't have stopped staring at her. The lady was beautiful and intelligent. She exuded wealth, and Hilda wished she could be her.

The man kindly mentioned "miss your belongings".Hilda took her bag of beers and passed by the blond lady before leaving the store.

As she walked, Hilda opened her first beer and continued drinking until she had consumed five. Despite her misery, she remained silent and found solace by the lake, sitting alone on the sand with her beer. Alone, always alone, observed others who had companions by their side.

Gazing at the calm lake, Hilda saw the reflection of the sky and its stars, creating a mirror-like effect on the water. She stood up, knelt by the lake's edge, and saw her own reflection. She despised her appearance, finding it terrible, horrible, and disgusting. In frustration, she slapped the water, causing small waves and letting out a scream.

Despite her anger and sadness, Hilda found solace in the act of sobbing and tracing her fingers in the sand. She felt alone and unheard, with no one to support or listen to her. She believed her life had reached its end, and continuing to live would only bring more pain. With a heavy heart, she made the decision to end her life, dreading the pain that tomorrow would bring.

In her intoxicated state, Hilda struggled to stand up but managed to steady herself. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, fully aware of the gravity of her decision. Slowly, she walked into the water, feeling it rise around her body.

Under the dark night sky, a rare red moon cast its reflection on the water, causing Hilda to pause and admire its beauty. It was the most stunning moon she had ever seen, and for a brief moment, a smile graced her face.

I find solace in witnessing the beauty of things before my demise.

Hilda gracefully submerged herself in the water, allowing it to envelop her completely. She made no resistance as she struggled to breathe, watching her life slip away until it finally ended.


In the territory of the Aa'nu tribe, 1000 years ago, it was hunting season. Victor and Edan, in their werewolf forms, stealthily hid in the grass, waiting to prey on deer. Though they couldn't communicate verbally, they could hear each other's thoughts.

"Let's split up - I'll go left and you go right. Together, we can catch it," Victor assured his buddy.

Edan agreed and began heading to the right, while Victor went left to surround the deer.

"I'll count to three, and then you scare off the deer. It will run towards me," Victor suggested once again.

Edan expressed some doubt, asking, "Are you sure this will work?"

"Trust me, I'm a hundred percent sure. I know how deer behave," Victor replied confidently, eagerly anticipating their dinner.

"By the way, do you think Jonathan is taking too long?" Edan inquired.

"Who cares," Victor exclaimed. "Just focus on what I told you, Edan."

Edan cautiously approached the deer, not wanting it to escape. The deer seemed peaceful, enjoying its meal - soon to become theirs. Edan growled and startled the deer, causing it to veer in the direction Victor had not predicted. They both chased after it, determined to catch their meal.

Victor growled and transformed into his human form, with Edan following suit.

"Ah! We were so close!" Edan expressed his frustration.

"It's alright, Victor. We'll get it next time. No hard feelings," Edan reassured, approaching Victor calmly.

"It's all your fault, Edan. You scared it away when you were supposed to..." Victor paused, unable to find the right words.

"What do you mean, Victor? How is it my fault when I made sure it would run off on your side?" Edan complained. "Listen, man, it's not our fault that we're not skilled hunters. If Jonathan were here, we would have had a better chance at catching that deer."

"And where is Jonathan now?" Victor questioned.

"He's at the lake, most likely," Edan shrugged and began walking towards the lake.

"I just don't understand why he likes to spend his time at the lake when it's hunting time," Victor demanded.

"He's waiting for someone, that's what he always says," Edan scoffed. "Isn't that funny?"

"Funny? More like he's gone mad. He's the Alpha of our pack, and he spends most of his time by the lake looking for... someone?" Victor spoke, still filled with anger.

Upon arriving at the lake, Jonathan was observed standing at the bank, attentively watching it. Despite Victor and Edan calling out to him, he remained distracted until Edan forcefully grabbed his shoulder. Jonathan turned to his friend with a smirk.

"Did you catch anything today?" Jonathan inquired, causing their faces to become serious.

"Perhaps next time," Edan replied. "We should return to the base."

Victor, on the other hand, remained silent, still convinced that Jonathan was the reason he couldn't catch the deer. He found Jonathan's waiting game frustrating. As everyone turned to leave the lake, Victor remained standing and noticed something floating on the water. Utilizing his keen eyesight, he realized it was a human body.

"There's someone in the lake," he announced. Edan and Jonathan stopped in their tracks, but it was Jonathan who reacted swiftly, without hesitation, and jumped into the water.

Perhaps the person he was anticipating was someone special, a girl, possibly his mate.