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My Billionaire Badboy Husband

My Billionaire Badboy Husband

Author: J.Z Evans



My Billionaire Badboy Husband PDF Free Download


-Loving someone who doesn't love you back, that thing hurts. But you know what hurts more? Loving someone who's already in love with someone else.- "I love you so much..." She murmured against Calvin's lips. His heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to jump around and scream. "But you are bad, you keep playing with my feelings." She pouted. Before he could get a chance to think anything, she kissed him sloppily. His brain stopped working. It wasn't the first time someone kissed him but it was different. Butterflies attacked his stomach. He kissed her back instantly, pouring in all of his passion and longing. He got on top of her, her hands played with his silky hair. Their tongues fought for dominance and in the end, he won. She was such an amazing kisser but he had to stop. It was wrong, she was drunk. She groaned when he pulled back panting softly. "I will see you in the morning." He kissed her forehead once again and stood up. He was feeling such happiness that he never had felt before. Maybe that is how loving someone felt like. But what she said next, made Calvin's heart drop to the lowest pit on the earth. "You're bad, so bad... Raiden." ***** Loving family, lots of money, amazing friends and dream job. Blair Andrews had all of these, what many would call a perfect life. Until one day, when her determination led to the downfall of her family business. Now she had only one way. To get married and make everything right. Being married to a media claimed badboy, Calvin Cartier, while possessing love for her boss Raiden Kingston, she was in a tough place. However, fate had something more planned for her. Being chased by the people who killed her parents, a traitor inside her own lair and a close ally hiding a big secret from her. This is her story.
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Chapter 1

"Now you may kiss the bride." Blair held her breath when she heard those words. The man in front of her lifted her veil, she took a glance at his handsome stone cold face. His beautifully unique eyes showed no emotion. He wrapped one of his long arm around her waist and cupped her face using another making her look up to him. He was so tall, even in four inches of heels she had to crane her head up to look at him.

"Congratulations wife" his raspy voice said before he connected their lips. He gently sucked onto her lips while tracing them with his wet tongue. She felt her knees weaken, it was unlike something she had ever felt before. But as good as it felt, she could not bring herself to kiss him back. She always dreamt of having her first kiss with the guy she loved. But there she was, giving it away to a person she met for the first time while her first love watched in between the guests.

So how did she end up being in that position? Let us go back few weeks:


The group of 6 people in formals clinked their glasses that were filled with expensive wine. The team of lawyers celebrated their victory over a complicated case.

"Let's have a heads up to our MVP of the day, Blair Andrews!"

Blair showed a shy smile at her co-worker's comment. She had been receiving non stop praise from her team after the previous day's court hearing. She was happy, not just because she won the first ever case of her life but also because she was pretty sure she had impressed Raiden.

Raiden Kingston was the leader of the same team, the founder of K.S Law Firm. He had put together a team of most competent lawyers, and didn't regret having Blair with them. In just six months of practice, she managed to lead and win a case which was halted for years and was reopened at her request.

Since day one, she had been his center of attention. Not only for her gorgeous visuals, but for how hard working, dedicated and smart she was. He touched the side of his blazer. He could feel the soft material of the red and white silk scarf. He decided it was the time to go for it.

Blair waited for everyone to leave so she could do what she was planning to. Tell him what was in her heart. For the 18 months she had worked there, he had been an amazing senior, always supporting and guiding her. She didn't realise when her admiration turned into something much more.

Finally, they stood there alone. Just the two of them. "I proud of you Blair, really." He patted her hair and stretched his cherry red lips into an admiring smile. At first he wasn't sure weather to give her permission to reopen a dead case but seeing her strong will, he had to agree. She smiled thankfully.

"Mr. Kingston, I want to tell you something." She pressed her lips together, gathering all of her courage. But before she could say anything, her phone rang in her pocket. She declined without even looking at the caller ID.

"I wanted t-" it rang again and again. She bit back a curse and sighed internally. 'Damn you phone!' Raiden let out a handsome chuckle.

"You should take that." He pointed to her side pocket where her Taylor Swift ringtone was ringing.. Defeated, she finally picked it up.

"What do you want?"

"Come to the hospital, right now." Her cousin's grim voice spoke over the phone. She panicked at his tone.

"Aaron, what's wrong?"

"Dad had a heartattack."

Her heart dropped. After the death of her parents, her uncle had been her father figure, guardian, friend, everything. He always treated her like his own, she couldn't think of anything happening to him.


"Calm down please ma'am."

"How can I calm down when we are on the verge of bankruptcy!?"

She could hear her aunt's voice scream at Mr. Park. She sat there next to her uncle's unconscious figure, holding his hand. Seeing him in hospital clothes with needles in his hand, broke her heart. He got a heartattack after getting that shocking news. She let a silent tear run down her cheek.

"Shhh, nothing is going to come out from crying." She could feel Aaron's warm hand caressing her back, trying to comfort her.

"You," Her aunt Martha came up to her pointing an accusing finger. "Don't try to act all innocent now, this is all your fault! I told you not to follow that case!"

Blair tried to speak up but only a muffled sob came out. Martha was right. It was her fault that their business collapsed in matter of hours, it was her fault that her uncle was in that condition, everything was her fault. She should have known about the consequences before proceeding with that case.

"Aunty I am sorry, I was jus-"

"Just what!" Martha screamed. "Are your dead parents more important to you than us?" She had hit the spot. Blair once again suppressed a sob, the thickness in her throat was choking her. She realised that her stubbornness to investigate her parents death had lead them to this situation.

Byron Chase was a dangerous man, she knew it. Many had warned her not to go against him but she stood her ground. While investing her parents death, the case took a complete turn when his history of sexual assault came into picture. Multiple women came up to her and that's when she decided, she would fight for justice.

Though she won the case, Byron's sister used their influence to force most of their shareholders to drop their shares. And they agreed, reason was simple, the Chases weren't the one to mess with. Yet, she still let her emotions cloud her judgement.

"Mom enough," This time it was Aaron who spoke. "You're stepping on the line." In response she scoffed loudly, showing her disappointment in her son.

"No Aaron, she is right, it happened because of me. I am the one at fault."

"Now listen here, make your existence worth for once. Since you have ruined it and you have be the one to fix it." Martha's eyes shot daggers towards her. Her rough tone pierced her heart with hundreds of needles.

"I will do whatever it takes to make things better." Her eyes were desperate, almost begging. She wanted to help them out after the mess she made. She was determined to do everything in her will. But what Martha said next, left her dumbfounded.

"Then you better prepare yourself, you are getting married."