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His Girls

His Girls



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One night gives her beautiful twin girls. One night makes her fall in love. One night was all she got. Because with a few words he breaks her heart.
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Chapter 1

I use to hate doing the dishes. Absolutely hate it with every single fiber in my body. Now it kind of soothed me. It was my quiet time where I could just let my mind wander. Was it sad my me time was when I was doing dishes? Maybe, but thats where I'm at in my life.

I jumped dropping the plate I'd been cleaning which created a giant splash when the cries of my children sliced through the air. My heart automatically went into panic mode making me rush out the kitchen ignoring the fact my shirt was completely drenched.

When I reached the toy covered living room I was greeted by the sight of my twin girls who had some how completely wrapped tape around theirs hands and each other. They'd tapped themselves together. How? Why?

My body sagged in relief and exasperation. "I don't even understand how you guys did this." I muttered throwing my hands up. They continued to cry as they both struggled to escape the web of their own creation.

"Stan!" I yelled moving toward the girls. I shook my head as I tried to unwrap them but it was obvious this was going to be difficult. My own wide eyed oblivious twin came striding from the hallway.

"What happen to I'll watch them!" I yelled frustrated. Stan gave me a sheepish look and shrugged his shoulders as he took in the scene he let happen.

"I had to go to the bathroom I figured they would be fine for five minutes."

"Five minutes is like three hours to a toddler.They are literally always into something and you know this. " I yelled.

"Where did they find tape? I didn't even know we had tape." Stan asked picking up the empty roll the tape had once been wrapped on. Alyssa an Alecia both struggled and I felt my hair drop once I noticed it was also in their hair. This was gonna suck.

"Forget it I'll go find the scissors." Stan sighed giving up on helping me detach them from each other. I sat back on my heels and shook my head at my girls. Life was certainly never boring with these two.

They both had long curly brown hair unlike my jet black wavy locks. I'd braided each of their hair this morning in pig tails but after an hour they had already manged to mess them up. Now I had to deal with getting tape out of it. Honestly I wouldn't even know they were my children if it weren't for their aqua blue eyes.

It always made my heart twinge with sadness when I looked at them. They were defiantly their father's children. Just one look at them and anyone would know.

Almost two years ago I went to a high school party thrown by our class president. It honestly amazed me how none of the school faculty either didn't know or care enough to see he was the biggest drug dealer in our school. His preppy clean cut attire just seemed to give him a pass. I mean if you look the part and make good grades who cares if you sell to the freshman.

I'd been three drinks in when my bladder had demanded I go to the bathroom when I knocked into a hard chest. I nearly fell on my ass as I wobbled in my heels. Who ever had been just standing in the middle of the hall way was bout to get an ear full. I'd forced myself to focus through the drunken haze just enough to cuss this person out when I realized who it was.

Adain freaking Sanchez.

The one guy I'd manged to avoid my entire high school career.

He was part of this really rough crowd that didn't even get fazed when cops came into the classroom to arrest them. They would all just smile in the sinister kind of way and go along with them. I'd once seen two of them fight in the parking lot once and it had been terrifying. I thought they were actually going to kill each other if they hadn't been pulled apart. All of them seemed to love the color black and not to mention the tattoos.

I heard that the community they all lived in had a tattoo parlor that they all went to at the age of 13. They all just scared me. So of course I stayed the hell away from the leader of the group.

Sure he was insanely hot, they all were but no girl outside of their community had ever even gone a date with any of them before. They were uncharted territory.

So when I saw Adains face I instantly started to plead for my life in my head.

I'd actually never been that close to him before and realized he had the most stunning green eyes I'd ever seen. He was famous for his short temper not to mention all the fights he'd been in his people and mine.

He always had this dark aura around him that screamed back off.

I had instantly started to apologize fear making me shake. He wasn't known for hurting girls but he wasn't exactly nice either. My feelings were too fragile to go up against him, he could probably make me cry with one word.

Expect he didn't say anything. He had lifted his hand and placed it against my cheek creating those spark like feelings again. A odd emotion crossed his face and then he leaned down and kissed me like the world was ending.

I didn't exactly remember taking my clothes off but one second I was in the hallway the next I was naked laying on a bed. His kissed me brought forth feelings I'd never felt before. It all happen so quickly that I hadn't even had the time to be nervous.

The next morning I woke up alone and cold in a room I didn't recognize. I never allowed myself to cry over what happen. I shouldn't have expected more from someone like Adain but it still hurt.

I'd been a one night stand probably like all the others girls he slept with. It hurt to think of him with other girls but I knew it was true.

I had no idea why one night with this guy seemed to cause me to fall in love but it had. It wasn't till I got home and my brother mention a mark on my neck. I'd rushed to the bathroom to find teeth marks but the weird thing was they looked years old.