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The Omega's Tamed Demon

The Omega's Tamed Demon

Author: YueSama



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Since time immemorial, two forestanding races of the beings that inhabit the Wisterne Continent, have been in an unending dispute. They say the Demons prowl the living, corrupting and enticing their souls into oblivion. And the Werewolves receive a gift at the dawn of every Healing Ritual, in the exaltation of their venerated Moon deity. - Himari Orion has dreamt of the Healing Ritual since she turned fourteen, hoping she can bring pride to the Pack’s Gamma family with the transformation into her wolf. On the night of the coveted ceremony that occurs once a decade, she’s pronounced an Omega, a derogatory title stigmatized by the rest of her kind. The impaling aftermath leaves her hollowed and left with a shriveled ambition. Wrongly accused of orchestrating the ‘Darkling’ sudden attack on her Pack, she’s forced to flee, having none other than the Prince of the Demon race across the riverbank, saving her life. Zorien Virote is one of the last remaining High-tier Demons and a prodigal son to the Royal family; an uncontestable warrior set to guard the riverbank and eliminate all were-beings upon sight. He is driven by a ferocious distrust for women, forcing him to end the lives of all his mates until he stumbles into the runaway she-wolf he’s been observing since her conception. “You’re the goddess’ chosen, Himari. No harm will come to you, and you’ll live to fulfill your destiny.” An ancient Black Flame that incinerates all Demons into ashes…Will Himari be able to heal the wound inflicted upon this peculiar Demon? And will Zorien take on the responsibility to kill his final mate and choose the victory of his race over his tender love?
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Chapter 1

Himari’s POV.


Standing outside the supposed building I’ll be living from now on, I gulp, wearing my perplexity as I peer up at the rickety two-story building four feet away from my position.

It’s situated behind the Packhouse and for starters, the porch looks so old and practically falling apart, with gathered patches of moss here and there. Then there’s the fading paint on the body of the house, giving it a very sickly appearance. ‘Oh boy, this is my new house?’

Truly, Omegas aren’t regarded with any form of respect at all. I let out a sigh and stroll towards the porch, climbing over loudly protesting wood that makes my face glow with intense heat from embarrassment. ‘What a rather profound declaration of my arrival’.

I just hope I haven’t disturbed the occupants inside. I feel my chest rising and falling towards the possibility of indeed doing that and as I drop my luggage on the floor next to my feet, the door suddenly comes open to present a pair of funny sea-blue orbs.

“Ah, you must be Himari. Do come in, you’re welcome”.

Uh, I blink at the older lady before me, all glittering smiles and warmth as her lovely dimples reel in deeply.

She pushes her short dark strands behind the shell of her ear and softly shakes her head to say, “I know, it gives you the creeps at first. You’ll get used to it before you know, and it won’t bother you once you’re all settled in”.

Before I know it, she was already picking up my luggage and shutting the door behind me. An enticing smell comes wafting into my nostrils and stirring my stomach enticingly.

I already had a face-full breakfast earlier but, what is this foreign delicacy evading the air?

The woman meets my gaze and chuckles, “I’m Elsa by the way. Greg must be preparing breakfast again. We didn’t know if they’d let you have a meal before you leave, so we sorta pushed him into it. You’ll eat with us, right?”

“Huh? Ah, oh- Y-yeah. The aroma already chased the food out of my system” I reply nervously, not sure how I’m to suddenly start speaking to someone I’m meeting for the first time. Seeing the soft smile on her face though tells me I can be free with her and lower my guard.

Elsa shows me to a room upstairs and quite in alarming contrast to its outward appearance, the place seems so warm and welcoming. All renovated with lively milk and brown walls, white linen long curtains, and a sturdy staircase leading to the landing above. The floorboards are rich plywood and the windows, with clean arched panels. I had assumed the interior décor would be as appalling as the outside.

Can’t judge a book by its cover.

“Be down in ten, the meal should be ready by then,” Elsa notes last before closing the door and padding down the corridor.

I let out a heavy breath and flop down on the spring mattress. Glancing quietly around the simple bedroom, I can’t help the picture of my room forcing its way in and making me begin to compare and contrast.

A distant smile stretches my lips as I stand up and pick my luggage from the floor, placing it over the dressed mattress. The night before had been a commemoration of my cruel fate. A coveted ceremony that only occurred once a decade to celebrate the majesty of the Moon Goddess and pray for the growth, protection, and prosperity of our lands, had been celebrated and during the auspicious Healing ritual, it was declared to the entire Pack, of my derogatory status as an Omega.

I gently pick up my carefully folded clothes out of the box and place them in stacks on the bed. Turning around to see the tall wooden wardrobe, I walk towards it and bring the doors open, looking inside to decide what will be kept where.

“Pretty nice- oops! I’ll be late for breakfast” I suddenly recall Elsa’s statement and quickly move to the door.

I trace the summoning aroma to a kitchen downstairs, fighting my appetite as I walk in. Elsa by the sink sees me and smiles widely, waving me over with her hand while the other is wet and grabbing a kitchen towel.

“Come sit over here. Everyone, meet our newest” And she’s looking at me expectantly, probably to introduce myself.

I feel so nervous, having all eyes looking at me as I begin to fumble with my fingers. I’m not so used to people and I often behave shy and too reserved for my good. It’s a complete contrast once I get so used to you though.

I try to balance a shaky smile on my face, briefly sweeping my shifty gaze over their faces as I make to speak in an itchy voice, “Um, Hi...I’m Himari, it’s a pleasure”.

Thank goodness, my voice didn’t stutter. And to my surprise and ease, warm smiles settle on their faces and I flush foolishly. “Now, don’t stand there, child. Grab a seat quickly” A softly laughing voice beckons and I flinch out of my nervous state.

There are just eight of them around a large long table, splayed with yummy grilled toast and warm chocolates. And must I say, I seem to be the only youngling among them. Like, these people are so much older than I am. Other than Elsa who appears to be in her early thirties, and the former Pack warrior, Greg, who’s around the same age, the others are elderly.

“Heard you discovered what you are at the ceremony the night before, must’ve been a traumatic event for you. Poor thing” An elderly woman beside me suddenly says, bringing the events from last night rushing into my mind and I stiffen and lower my head as the steam emitting from the rim of my mug of chocolate smears across my face.

A moment of silence follows as if they all realize it's a sensitive topic but the voice comes again, sounding tender and empathic as she goes on to say, “It’s not a stigma to bear nor a curse upon us like the rest of the Pack thinks. They’re just ignorant because we’re different in ways they can’t comprehend and they shun us for their impatience and ignorance. Then again, how can you find patience for what you don’t encompass in knowledge?”

I lift my head at those moving words and meet her warm honey-brown orbs that stare at me with immense calmness and empathy. I might not be used to interactions between people, but I know kindness when I see it. And this person, these people, expel a warmth that makes me feel welcomed and not alone.

“I tell you one thing, they’re just afraid of what they can’t understand, so they decide to get rid of it. Not like they can just up and dispose of us though” Elsa’s rough voice speaks from across the dining table, drawing my attention to her stuffing her mouth with a toast.

She quickly munches it down, making me blink in surprise and the others rattle with soft chuckles. Greg at her side, shakes his head, and lifts his mug to his lips as Elsa swallows and leans forward to continue, “Rare is simply special, don’t let them make you believe otherwise. Being an Omega doesn’t deplete our biological make up- it’s not some deficiency either” And she’s stuffing her face again.

Amazing, never have I seen a grown-up woman eat like a starved man. She’s just being herself, I guess.

Elsa still wants to speak again when her mate gruffly corners her with a stare and she fakes a weak smile. Greg appears to be the quiet one of the pair, with an introverted aura encasing his muscly frame. He looks at me, pale greens calmly staring through curly red bangs. It’s now I notice he hasn’t spoken a word since.

“You don’t have to listen to Elsa’s gibberish. It’s a personal opinion, but I feel Omegas are just as vital to a Pack as Alphas are.” That’s all he says in a guarded voice, with no leakage of emotion whatsoever and I just nod to his words, not quite sure what he’s implying.

“You’ll confuse the child when you put it curtly like that, Greg.” Another elder says with laughter, making me light up a small smile. They’re trying to make me feel comfortable and I appreciate it. So I brace myself for the little I can muster as I speak amidst the merriment at the table.

“T-thanks, you’ve all been so nice to me even when I remain shut-in like this” I express sincerely, glimpsing at their faces as my smile grows in proportion to the heat rising onto my cheeks. It’s the best I can piece my gratitude and with the smiles on their faces, my intentions have been understood.

The table soon gets noisy afterward, with Elsa riding her mate’s gag on her mouth as she rants about her displeasure with the Pack’s traditions and rules. I return to my room to unpack the rest of my things, later heading back down to help with lunch. The rest of the day passes quickly and I’ve completely settled into my new home.

The next day comes with a panging worry. I have to attend school and this means facing crowds of mocking faces and snickering comments. Gripping the hem of my sweatshirt, my legs wobble with defiance as I take each heavy step toward the Pack’s high school.

My heartbeat alone is wrecking my eardrums and clogging my throat with anxiety like never before. And as I near the wrought iron gates, peering up at the large brick building on the other side, life seeps out of me at a shuddering call.

“If it isn’t the latest Omega in town”.

My mouth runs dry at the snickering voice, and my body gives in to light trembles as I listen to ruffling feet approaching. It’s too early for this, how can I meet them right after my arrival? I grind my teeth, anxiety piquing to the top of my head.

“How’s your new home? Had any nightmares last night?” He seethes, blatant mockery in his poisonous voice and I hear the laughter of his friends and fist my shaky hands at my sides.

I won’t let them get to me. As their insulting laughter ensues, I make a run for it, rushing through the gates and zipping towards the school's main building. Not like this will help matters, but I rather not have the Alpha’s son and his gang roasting me right off the bat.