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His Girl!

His Girl!

Author: Palisa



His Girl! PDF Free Download


Cristal White is a country girl who finds her self kidnapped by human traffickers. Though she and others get rescued by soldiers, a lot happens during this rescue mission that she finds herself pregnant with the ruthless general's child. What will happen to Critical and the child?? Will the general marry her or suggest abortion??
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Chapter 1

My name is Crystal... Crystal White! I am 17 years old and I have been kidnapped for a month now. I don't remeber how I got here, I don't even know what happened to other students!

The last thing I remember is being attacked by many musked men at school.

Everything happened at a soccer field during an interschool competition.

One minute we were cheering for our boys...the next minute we were screaming and running like headless chickens as teargas containers fell like rain everywhere!!

I passed out from inhaling too much of the gas and when I woke up, I was in a strange bedroom of two with a girl on another bed. I sat up to take a sip of water to ease my parched throat. She's my roommate!

Apparently she is Miranda from Legendary High School, while I come Kingsgate High School. The two schools usually have competitions every now and then on different sports.

Although it was my first time meeting her here, she has been nothing but a sweetheart. She is kind, caring and easy going. Some times she acts like a spoiled bred..but all in all she's a good kid.

Miranda and I both have black hair brown eyes and have a similar hight. The only difference is that she has a modeler's body... everything is just enough on her, A cup-b size for breasts, a tiny waist, a small round ass and small curves, just enough.. I swear if I were a man I would marry her!

Well me on the other hand, I have a cup-c breast size, though my waist is tinier than hers I was gifted with wide hips and a huge round ass! I am an easy going person who can talk a lot though Miranda takes a crown!

Right now am sitting on bed just thinking ............Miranda badges in!! She takes deep breaths to calm down.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask sitting upright. With a slight frown on.

" have got to see this!!" She says pulling me to the door. She then turns and looks at me in annoyance for dragging my feet when she is eager to show me what is happening. " Would you harry up??"

She says anxiously with a flustered face which triggers my curiosity. Increasing my pace I ask,

"What happened?? Can you atleast tell me so that...." I stop midsentence with mouth wide open as I stare at the scene before me!

There stood Anna! One of the girls we were kidnapped with.. with a toothbrush in hand. My eyes pop out of my face...... She is covered in blood on her face and hands, while before her lays a blood drenched Jeanine who looks like she saw a ghost, covering her chest with her right hand.

Is Anna trying to kill Jeanine? This is unbelievable because the two girls have been like sisters since we arrived!! They were inseparable until Anna was taken away a few days ago by one of the gaurds here.

No one knows where she was. She looked different, though I couldn't pinpoint where or how!!

"What happened? What has Jeanine done?" I ask one of the girls there.

"No one knows...she just returned a while ago and started screaming 'you murderer' while attacking Jeanine." She whispers pointing at Anna! Her name is Pearl by the way, she looks petrified.

" Anna please...put.. put that thing away!! I really don't know what you are talking about! And my name is really not Nicole" cries Jeanne while dragging her body towards a wall.

Anna looks at us and looks startled before dropping the toothbrush to the ground." Who are you? Where am I? What's happening?" She asks while looking around in surprise and scared, she shivers upon looking at Jeanine before running away.

'Things just keep getting wierd everyday!!' I think. This is not the first time someone leaves and comes back with a strange behaviour, and later disappears.

Suddenly a siren rings!! Gaurds start marching to us and everybody starts running to their respective rooms while screaming. The unlucky ones who find themselves in their way get bitten by the guards.

Miranda and I close our bedroom door shut.

"Crystal, what do you think happens to all those who keep disappearing?? Am really scared." She comes to my bed and hugs me tight around my waist.

" I don't know! Do you think maybe we can escape?" I ask hoping she says yes.

"I don't think I have it in me!! What if we get caught? I just hope my father will find me. I just don't think I will be able to stay sane much longer with everything going on."

I don't blame her. Anybody with common sense can tell there's no escaping. We are trapped underground, there are no windows and only two heavily guarded doors.

My family is poor, even if they want to find me, am sure they can never do anything besides dreaming about it.

There's five of us left, fifteen other girls have been taken to God knows where!

" Crystal do you think they are killing everyone?" She askes looking scared as if she just discovered something big and scary. "Maybe they are selling their organs!....or Maybe they are feeding wild animals with their bodies...or maybe even.


" Miranda please!!! Would you keep your wild imagination to yourself? I don't want to know what you are thinking" I snap at her while stoning to the bathroom.

I stare at my reflection for a while before I splash my face with cold water to cool myself... God knows I have been trying to keep my cool

Every passing day I feel like my nerves keep getting worse and I can't help but wonder what will happen to us! Though I try to keep my cool on the surface, my mind is a mess, with Miranda crying and acting like a kid, it gets hard for me to calm down.

I decide to take a shower to cool my nerves but my mind keeps going back to Anna and Jeanine. Jeanine was badly wounded...Anna on the other hand looked like she lost her mind!!

"Aggg!!" I groan in frustration. " What the hell is going on? What the hell do they even do to everyone? I think am loosing my mind!"

After talking a shower for an hour, I find that Miranda is fast asleep. I wear a t-shirt and I get in bed holding her in my arms. "Am sorry about earlier!" I whisper before falling asleep too.


I turn over only to fall off bed. I stand up annoyed.. ready to whip someone's ass for pushing me off 'my bed' only to realise am alone in there. "What...?? It's 10:30am already?" I scream in shock. Sigh! "And she didn't bother to wake me up?" I murmure heading to the bathroom.

Few minutes later I heard to the hall to find Miranda with two other girls sitting together. "Hey guys!! Where's Jeanine and...Anna?" I ask them before sitting down.

" We don't know! They are both gone!" Responds Angela with a small sigh escaping her slightly parted lips.

"What? What do you mean they are both gone?" They look so dispirited and I understand what they are going through. No one responds so my shoulders slump down in dispare.

How was I even able to sleep with everything going on? And to think that I actually overslept...I look at each of their faces to find dark circles under their eyes excluding Miranda ofcaurse.

I feel terrible... useless even! Tears sting my eyes and start forming a fload..I try pushing them back but that only makes them come running down my cheeks. I wipe them away fast but more just keep coming.

"What is wrong with my eyes? These damn allergies!" I say sniffing my nose while try really hard to contain my tears but fail miserably until I decide to just let them fall.

Non of the girls say a word which am glad of. I look at them only to find that they too are no better than me.

I notice food on the table, I think Mirand brought them here for me before I arrived, that's why I love her. I pull them closer to me and start stuffing them in my mouth as I continue crying my eyes off

I am almost done eating when I start crying like a baby with food still in my mouth! "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaashahahaha Ahhhh!" I don't care who is watching, all I want now is to drawn in my own tears.

Pearl tries to sooth my pain by rubbing my back which only makes me cry louder.

Despite my little drama, non of the guards pay attention to me, which am glad of because nothing good ever comes out of being given attention here.

After a while we just sit there in silence


The next morning Miranda and I head to the hall for food, Pearl and Angela find us on the way and we all walk together. We take food and start eating in silence. I can tell we are depressed and are waiting for the inevitable moment!

Pearl and Angela look like walking zombies.......pale skin, dark circles under their eyes... disheveled hair. Man!!!

We walked back to our bedroom still in silence.

I had no idea Pearl and Angela were following us to our room since I was leading them from the hall earlier! We are all sitting on my bed, so I decide to close my eyes for a while.


I find myself in a weird room, chained to a pole while big fat ugly men surround a scared naket me. They look at me with hungry disgusting eyes while uttaring vulgar words.

I feel nothing but hopeless as I have fallen in their hands. I try desperately to hide my bare body but nothing works. "Ah...I really want to keep her for myself!" One of the men says.

" No man!! Don't be blinded by lust...look at the bright future! We could make a hell lot of money from selling her." His friend says while walking towards me in slow steady steps. Greed and excitement for being rich is written all over his face. This makes me wigle away from him in fright as tears start falling endlessly down my cheeks. I really don't want to cry but I can't help it. " Come on baby girl I don't bite I promise! Let me have a touch." Stretching his hands to my boobs. I shut my eyes expecting his sickening touch...which never came. Many men start laughing at me ...evilly circling me, I jump out of bed drenched in sweat. I look around to realise it was just a dream.

Miranda seems to have been woke up by my sudden movement. "Are you okay?" She asks still looking sleepy.

"Yeah! It's just a dream!!" I say hopping out of bed to take a shower. It's already 06:00 anyway, I doubt I'll be able to sleep again.

A few minutes in to the shower I am startled by her joining me. We take turns to wash each other in silence!! I must admit it feels great having her hands on every part of my body. I have never had any one pleasure me at all but she seems to know what she is doing.

I think we are just bathing each other until she starts kissing me, it takes me a while to respond to her advances.

Her lips feel great on mine. She starts toying with my breasts which causes a slight moan to leave my lips. My hands trail from her shoulders down to her beautiful ass and she moans! I don't know why, but that moan of satisfaction pumps my confidence and I find myself wanting to please her too! She kisses the conner of my lips and starts giving me wet kisses from my neck down to my already excited breasts. I have never felt so good in my whole life.

Her soft hands move to from my breasts to my ass as she went down on her nee. Her kisses trail down my stomach to between my legs. Miranda parts my legs and goes deeper between my legs. The moment her wet soft toung slips between my folds, a loud moans leave my lips and I shiver a bit. My legs feel like jelly. Randa kisses my lady cheeks bit by bit then later toys with my already erect clit before licking every single spot down there. At this point no one else exists but us two. She eats me up with so much eagerness I am beginning to think her life depends on it. I feel am losing balance so I hold on to the walls as I feel a strange sensation building up at the pit of my belly. I curl my toes and throw my head back with a long loud moan leaving my lips. The excitement is getting too much for me...then I feel it !! The explosion of excitement throughout my body...wave after wave!! It leaves me feeling tired but happy. After licking my pussy dry Miranda stands up looking satisfied. I kiss her lips wanting nothing but to give her the same pleasure. A few minutes later we leave the bathroom, only to remember we have company. I feel so embarrassed staring at their surprised faces. Miranda pushes me to a desk, completely ignoring them. She gets us matching track pants and running shoes.

A sound of the siren ringing startled us but we ignore it!! Who cares if this building goes down on fire anyway.

I perk up my ears to listen to what could be going on outside when I hear footsteps getting passing by the door.

'wiiiiiiiuuuu wiiiiiuuu wiiiiiuuu...!' the siren goes on.

You know curiosity some times!! So i walk out of the room just as a bloody dead body drops right in front of me. I scream out in fright.

Looking up, I see a man that a soldier uniform? I am terrified of him but my feet stay rooted as he approaches me! All four of us look at the man before us.