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The Omega's Redemption: Bought By The Mafia Lord

The Omega's Redemption: Bought By The Mafia Lord

Author: M_dee



The Omega's Redemption: Bought By The Mafia Lord PDF Free Download


Whips, bruises, Welsh's were all that Dora got in her daily life of living in her pack, but then she was sent out, banished into the human realm, where she knew no one, but who that would have ended up in the most ruthless Mafia lord hands, the most mysterious and cold hearted person among all men. Extract Whispers went round the room as they stared at the girl that looked scrawny before them, "auction price begins from 500 thousand" the auctioneer said hoping sell out the girl. "1million." Someone said raising his panel up causing Dora to look up with teary eyes unknowingly appealing a deadly predator. "I bid her 100 million." He said with a smile on his face as he had found a new prey to hunt daily.
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Chapter 1

A girl hurled up in a corner shivering at the cold air that came in through the window, it was winter and yet she wore a sleeveless top that can barely give warmth to anything and a torn skirt, her legs had sores underneath them as she continuously rubbed them together, trying to provide warmth for herself.

The girl shrunk back in fear when the door opened, as a huge man with bulky muscles appeared out of no where, pulling her by the hair, "Let's go." He said rudely, dragging her away from the room in an inappropriate manner.

When they stepped into the light, scars and bruises could be seen all over the girl's scrawny body, and her pale lips were chapped, with her face as white as a plain sheet of paper, she squinted her eyes trying to adjust to the brightness of the room since she had been locked away in that dark place for so long.

"Where are you taking me to?" The girl asked in a weak voice unable to understand what was going as they had passed by her original stop, where is taken to do all kind of work.

"Shut up you traitor!!" The guard yelled finally throwing her on a high platform in an open space which seems to be a training ground.

People gathered around looking at the girl like she was some piece of trash as some murmured within themselves.

This was her pack, people that she had once loved with her whole heart, now they only looked at her with nothing but scorn, disgust and hatred.

The girl who laid on the ground in that pitiful condition is actually Dora smith, a girl whom everyone envied since she was a little child, her mother, had been adopted by the former Alpha and Luna when they couldn't have a child, so that made Dora's mother the elder sister to the current Alpha, so of course Dora was treated well by other pack members.

But all that changed on Dora's 16th birthday when she shifted, the place she grew up to call home was now foreign to her and nothing more like a prison cell, if there was one thing the Moonlight pack abhorred the most were Omegas, the omegas found in the pack were mostly products from war, while she who is related to the Alpha ended up being an omega.

Dora's parents started to resent her for bringing shame to them, they never saw her eye to eye any longer, she was reduced to a slave in the pack house and was maltreated by pack members punished at every single mistake she makes, for the past four years she had been living in a dark hole with no hope of light ever shining within it.

The only person who stood by her during these times and never looked down on her is her-

'Pah' The sound of a slap resounded bringing Dora out of her reminiscent thoughts.

She held her cheeks weakly, as she felt a familiar metallic taste in her mouth, tears threatening to spill out as she wondered what crime she had committed this time around, when Dora saw who slapped her, her eyes widened in shocked as the tears she held in, rolled down from her eyes slowly.

"Sa..n...dra." Dora called out in a slurred voice still holding her cheeks, she hoped that she is mistaken, that it is the tears that clouded her eyes that made her mistake the person who slapped her for her dear friend Sandra.

Sandra was the only who stood by her side during the difficult times, so there is no way that she would believe that Sandra just slapped her like, maybe she was just pretending in front of everyone there.

"Are you okay?" A tall man with a buff body immediately ran to the platform and held Sandra close, "Don't let your emotions get the best of you, don't waste it on this traitor." It was the Alpha that spoke, Dora's tears dropped rapidly as she is now unable to control them any longer and she didn't bother to.

Hearing those words from your mate hurts more than ever, "I'm not a traitor, I didn't do anything." She muttered through her tears hoping that what was going on was just a dream, she clenched her hands on her dress trying to pinch herself awake, the sharp pain she felt from the pinch made Dora shed even more tears, she kept quiet with her head bowed trying to keep her emotions in check.

It was not a dream, everything that was happening is real, she looked up once more to see the intimate position Jackson, her fated mate, held Sandra, and it stung her heart, ever since her 16th birthday she knew that Jackson was her mate but he had never acknowledged her so nobody in the pack except Sandra knew.

"You liar, because of you my brother is in a coma!!" Sandra yelled through tears glaring hard at Dora like she wanted to tear her apart.

Desperate to explain herself to the person whom she thought loved her the most, Dora launched forward and held onto the hem of Sandra's dress, "Sandra please believe me, I'll never do anything to hurt you." Dora pleaded, she hated the look filled with scorn directed at her by Sandra.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" Jackson yelled using his Alpha voice before kicking Dora away from Sandra.

Dora rolled on the ground with her hands bruising from the roughly cemented ground, she struggled to get back up using her last strength to crawl to Sandra but was pushed away once more by Jackson, she just stood afar give them a hurt look, then Jackson finally spoke up.

"You were seen last night sneaking away to the enemy's camp, and by this morning they ambushed us and all the soldiers at the border are dead!" Jackson roared angrily stunning Dora, "I was locked away, you can check the CCTV footage, please believe me." Dora pleaded in her sorry state, "You want me to believe you? Then take a look at this." He tossed a phone at Dora hitting her right on the forehead causing her to wince painfully.

She endured the pain because she wanted to find out the throat and why she was being wrongly accused, Dora watched the video that played silently, unable to believe her eyes, the person in the video looked exactly like her but it definitely not her, what was going on?

"I... Sw...ear.. I was in the dungeon ask the guards, there is no way I can escape their sight." Dora stuttered in desperation looking around for the guards hoping they will speak up for her, she knew it wasn't her in the video and it didn't look edited either so who could it be, Dora's gaze landed on Sandra who was still snuggling against Jackson but she immediately shrugged off the thought.

"Lock her up in the dungeon, I'll pass my judgement later." Jackson ordered and the guards immediately dragged Dora away, she looked lifeless as her eyes searched the crowd till they finally landed on her parents, her face lit up with a tiny hope of flame thinking they will at least speak up for her, they should know her better than anyone else, but all she got in return was the look of disappointment and disgust which completely shattered her.

Dora was thrown into a cell, and not long after the 'click clack' of a heel was heard, Sandra immediately rushed to Dora with a pity expression on her face.

"Dora, I know you hate the pack so much but why will you this? So many people lost their family because of you." Sandra looked extremely sad as she looked at Dora, "I swear Sand-" "I know you're innocent Dora, you are so pure hearted how could you do such a thing?" Sandra said holding Dora's hands through the cell gates.

Dora felt a sense of hope light up within her, at least someone believed in her innocence, but she was soon thrown into confusion when Sandra's laughter resounded throughout the dungeon.