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Mommy, Run Away the CEO Daddy Quickly

Mommy, Run Away the CEO Daddy Quickly



Mommy, Run Away the CEO Daddy Quickly PDF Free Download


She fell into his bed by mistake and was overwhelmed by him. "You vain b*tch!" After that, she finally married him as she wished, but she didn't know that it was the beginning of life. It was a deal between two wealthy families. They had fallen into each other's trap and could not give up. By the time he finally found out that she was his angel, it was too late. Three years later, fate once again sent her to him, bringing with her a small version of herself. Ling Xiaoran couldn't help but burst into anger. "Damn woman, did you run away with a ball?"
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Chapter 1

The room was shrouded in darkness and was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

Only a small lamp was on at the head of the bed. The dim light shone on the messy big bed.

Su Ting looked at the man on her body with blurred eyes. He had a strong chest, tight muscles, and a healthy wheat-colored skin color, which attracted every mature woman.

In particular, there was a unique comfortable warmth on her chest and a faint familiar smell, which made her even more intoxicated.

There was an inexplicable desire surging in his body. The feeling was so strong that his hot brain had gradually lost its mind.

In fact, there was still some clarity in her heart. Su Ting knew who this man was, so she was willing to let herself sink in.

Although he had the reputation of being a "wife" and was indifferent to women, he didn't even remember her. She loved him so much that she lost all her dignity.

It was probably the happiest thing in her life to be able to lie under him. So she ignored the indifference and distance in the man's eyes, even with a hint of disgust.

"It's so hot... ah... I... I want to..." There was a stir in her body. She couldn't restrain herself and could only hold his arm tightly, muttering unconsciously.

The man frowned, and confusion and confusion appeared on his handsome face.

"What do you want?" A deep voice slowly came out of the man's mouth.

Why did she come in? What happened? Where was she? Why didn't she come?

This little woman in front of him, no, could only be called a girl. From her appearance, she was no more than 20 years old.

It could not be said that she was so beautiful that she could topple cities and countries, but her pure and sweet facial features were enough to make men indulge in her. Her body was well developed, but a girl's age already had the charm of a mature woman.

Different from her tender age, her white and tender oval face was glowing with a red light and her eyes were blurred. It seemed that she had been drugged.

As for himself, if it weren't for his tough control over the military and the army over the years, at this moment, he would have ignored his image and pounced on the tiger.

Even so, it was not much better. A moment of clarity in his mind could not resist the desire of his body.

"It's so hot. I really want to take off my clothes." As soon as she finished speaking, there was a crash. Su Ting had already torn off the only one-piece dress on her body, revealing her naked body.

It seemed that she felt that it was inappropriate, so she quickly covered her chest with the hem of her skirt. Even so, she could not avoid the sudden appearance of the spring light.

The man's eyes darkened a little, but he was still a little rational. He grabbed her arm and asked sternly, "Who gave you medicine? Who allowed you to enter this room?"

Damn it, the person who asked her out was obviously her, but why was it this little girl who came in? And she looked crazy.

Damn it, that damn woman even drugged him. What on earth was she trying to do?

The man in front of her had deep eyes. His eyes were very dark and pure, like a deep pool, attracting people's attention.

Su Ting's mind was completely confused. A lot of reflections appeared in her eyes. But before she was completely defeated, she called out a sentence from the bottom of her heart, "I love you!"

"Do you love me?" Hearing her words, the man sneered. "What do you love about me? You love the status of the Madam of Chief of the Ling family, don't you? You are a bitch who covets vanity."

As she spoke, she reached out her hand and pinched Su Ting's chest. She was very forceful and seemed to be punishing her.

This kind of physical contact caused a stir in Su Ting's body. "I... I feel so uncomfortable..."

Su Ting murmured unconsciously, her hands moving along her collarbones and slowly touching down, while her body was twisting wildly.

For a man, this was undoubtedly the greatest torture.

"Don't move around, or you'll feel worse." The man lying on top of her immediately held her in his arms.

At such a young age, Su Ting curled up in the man's arms, but this physical contact made her even more uncomfortable.

"Good brother, I... I feel so bad." Her eyes were already filled with tears, and her naked body was rubbing against his chest.

The man looked at her cheeks and could no longer control his own reaction. He pressed her down again. "Do you want to get rid of this kind of pain?"

All the self-control had dissipated. Since it was you who sent it to me, of course, I would not care about the consequences. The man no longer thought about what kind of hidden conspiracy it would be. He just wanted to do it according to his inner needs.

"Yes." The little girl nodded her head hard. She needed to find a vent to vent the heat in her body.

Before she could react, her strong arms had already wrapped around her tightly, pressing her against a strong and wide chest, and her hot lips tightly sealed her.

"I... you..." The words were mumbling in his mouth, but when she opened her mouth, his agile tongue had already rushed into her mouth and kept sucking.

Su Ting put her hands on the man's chest and tried to push him away, but she couldn't bear this comfortable and cool feeling.

Gradually, she felt that her whole body was burning because of this kiss. All her senses were excited by the strange touch and surrendered to the hot flames.

When her soft skin leaned against his hot body, she heard a man's deep and hoarse roar. A tearing pain came from her thigh. She wanted to scream in pain, but was sealed by his mouth and swallowed all the sounds...

Su Ting couldn't remember what happened afterward. She only knew that she was in great pain at that time, and there was a heartbreaking pain under her body. This kind of pain was beyond words.

The man's movements became more and more violent. She felt that she could not stand it anymore. The pain had gone beyond her limit.

Although she later experienced the so-called pleasure after being played with by drugs and men's not very brilliant skills, for Su Ting, the memory of this night was not sweet.

The only reason why she fell into a coma was that she was too tired from the pain.

When the first dawn came, Su Ting had already woken up out of habit. Over the years, she had developed a good habit of living on her own. There were many birds and insects early in the morning. She always packed up and stopped to eat breakfast leisurely before going to work.

However, the feeling of waking up today was different. She felt weak and weak, as if she had been eaten by someone.