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Fated Alpha: The Rejected Queen

Fated Alpha: The Rejected Queen

Author: K. Ashley



Fated Alpha: The Rejected Queen PDF Free Download


As Isabelle fights to claim her rightful place as the Alpha, she finds herself entangled in a dark and dangerous game. Being the daughter of the Alpha, it is her birthright to assume leadership when the time is right. However, not everyone in the pack is receptive to the idea of a female wielding power, including her own father. Forced by him, Isabelle reluctantly accepts an arranged marriage with a wolf of his choosing. But fate has a cruel twist in store when she is rejected and left to face the consequences of her father's decisions. Now, Isabelle has no choice but to comply with her father's terms until she is officially named the Alpha. Yet, she harbors dangerous secrets that could be exploited against her, and there is one relentless individual who relentlessly pursues her until he achieves his desires. In a world where the boundaries between duty and desire become blurred, the path to becoming a future Alpha becomes a treacherous minefield.
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Chapter 1

Isabelle”s Point of View

I had reached my breaking point; exhaustion and frustration consumed me. After completing my last class of the day, I caught sight of him: my father. He stood in the heart of the college campus, a towering figure, accompanied by another wolf shifter. This newcomer possessed a formidable presence, with his tall stature, muscular build, and penetrating dark brown eyes that seemed to peer straight into my soul.


My heart raced as I approached them, feeling the weight of my impending fate tighten around my neck. I knew what awaited me, and fear gripped me tightly.

My father spoke first, his voice unwavering and resolute. "Isabelle, you're well aware of the reason for my presence," he declared. The stern lines etched on his face signaled that this conversation wouldn't end favorably. He intended to impose an impossible choice upon me.

"You must agree to an arranged mating within our pack now, or else I cannot guarantee your position as the future pack alpha when the time comes."

Silenced by shock, I stood there, unable to utter a word. It didn't matter that I had anticipated this moment. I had hoped for the chance to sway my father's decision. I had been raised all my life with the understanding that my purpose was tied to this destiny. However, over the past year, my father had wavered, casting doubt on my future.

Part of the reason why I was sent off to college was to explore my options and determine if I had the resilience to follow the prescribed path I had been handed. Now, the mere thought that everything could be snatched away from me left me devastated.

"This isn't fair," I protested, my voice laced with frustration. "An unmated female can lead this pack just as effectively as one with a mate. No offense, Malik." I glanced over at the man who had accompanied my father.

"The discussion is over. These are my conditions. You can choose to accept or reject them, but I require your answer immediately. You cannot become the alpha without a mate. Too many within the pack harbor doubts, and without the bond of a mate, you won't possess the strength to defend yourself against those who would seek to usurp your position. It will be for the best this way. You'll have the freedom to pursue your desires. Consider it a hidden blessing."

I clenched my jaw tightly, my teeth grinding against each other. I couldn't see any blessings within his words. "When?" I managed to utter through my clenched teeth.

"The upcoming Black Moon occurs in fourteen months. You can complete this semester, and then it will be time for you to return home. This will provide ample opportunity for you and Malik to become better acquainted and garner support from the pack before my retirement."

"No, that's too soon," I blurted out, unable to contain my protest.

A low growl rumbled from my father's throat, and Malik's eyes widened with a cautionary expression that spoke volumes. I knew I had ventured into dangerous territory.

"You will obey your alpha's commands," my father snarled, forcefully reminding me of my position. "Neither Malik nor I will tolerate such insolence. As long as I hold the alpha title, your obedience is expected. Unless you choose to forsake your future. Is that your decision?"

I allowed my gaze to sweep over Malik, trying my best not to view him as a mere object. However, my father had reduced my mating to a transaction. Malik might have been fifteen years my senior, but age differences mattered little within the pack. Once we reached puberty, our aging process slowed down compared to humans. Apart from a few subtle lines etched around his eyes and mouth, he appeared almost as youthful as myself.

What troubled me the most was the close connection between Malik's father and mine. Had they devised this plan together during my absence, secretly grooming Malik to comply with their wishes? Countless questions swirled in my mind, knowing that today would not provide the answers I sought.

The alpha authority resonated in my father's voice, leaving me with no real choice. I had to embrace this arrangement or abandon my coveted position as the next in line—a position I had cherished in my dreams.

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head and mustered the strength to speak firmly yet respectfully. "No, Father. That is not the path I choose," I asserted, struggling to suppress the urge to unleash a torrent of profanity. For now, going along with their plan would grant me some time to explore alternative options. "I comprehend the expectations and accept your conditions. However, I kindly request to remain in school until my studies are complete, for at least another year."

My father narrowed his gaze upon me, contemplating my appeal. I held my breath, concealing my doubts as best I could. If he sensed any hint of disbelief, he would surely impose his wrath upon me.

"I believe that's a reasonable request. Those terms suit me just fine," Malik interjected, offering me a glimmer of relief. With Malik's support, my chances of persuading my father increased significantly.

Finally, my father nodded with a sense of apparent contentment, beckoning Malik to approach. A warm smile adorned Malik's face, a reminder of the genuine liking I had always harbored for him. In truth, my father could have selected a far less favorable match, and I found solace in seeing a friend standing by my side.

"To formalize our agreement," Malik declared, unveiling a moonstone ring and sliding it onto my middle finger as per our tradition. We then clasped our forearms together, sealing our commitment. I couldn't discern with certainty whether he felt genuinely pleased about the arrangement, but I detected no trace of coercion in his scent. He had willingly accepted our fate.

A delicate shiver trailed down my spine upon his touch, causing my heart to race as I struggled to process the whirlwind of events unfolding before me. Drawing closer, Malik placed a reassuring hand upon my shoulder, offering a gentle touch that provided much-needed comfort in that moment.

As I locked my gaze with his, an inexplicable sense of assurance washed over me. Despite my father's influence, I somehow knew I had made the right choice—for now. Both of us bore a responsibility to the pack, and together, we could strive to effect positive change. I could do this. We could do this.

But it would be on our own terms, not dictated by my father.