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Ephemeral Echoes

Ephemeral Echoes

Author: Aphroditeex



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In the glittering world of New York, Emily, a hardworking woman, shares an unforgettable night with billionaire Alexander Sterling. Their one-night stand turns into a life-altering secret when Emily discovers she's pregnant. Unaware of the connection, she decides to face motherhood alone. As fate intervenes, their paths cross again, revealing the unforeseen ties that bind them—a child they share. The story explores love, sacrifice, and the complexities of unexpected connections that transcend wealth and status.
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Chapter 1

"I'm not in the mood to party, Leo. I want to rest," a girl named Emily spoke as she was being dragged by his friend to go inside the bar where their other friends are enjoying the friday night and leisure time. Emily was wearing a simple outfit, this was not her usual outfit when she is going to the bar and she is not used to it. She usually wear something backless, tube top, or crop top with a heart shape on the chest, not a turtle neck longsleeve and a black trouser.

"You're just saying that because it has been 2 months since you didn't go with us here, let's enjoy the night, Emily!" Leo said and dragged her even more to the entrance of the bar. As soon as they stepped their foot in the loud background music welcomed their ears. Since it has been 2 months of not going there it seemed like she was still a new person in the bar. She squinted her eyes as the vibration of the music went inside and knocked her eardrums.

There were a lot of people. Some of them are at their table drinking some hard or just liquor to enjoy, some were standing while holdng their drinks and chatting to their friends, some were kissing at the very corner of the place, and some were dancing at the stage while the DJ was enjoying the fact that the crowd enjoyed his playlist.

Leo was Emily's friend since high school, until now they have their own work, they are still best friends. Leo was working in pharmaceutical company as a head pharmacist, he sometimes became the doctor to them even though he was not really a licensed doctor who could treat patients and are authorized to prescribe medicines. However, he has knowledge in terms of medicine, of course, that was why he always become the google who they can ask what are the usage and how to take a specific medicine.

Leo was holding her left hand and dragged her towards their table. He fetched Emily earlier at her work saying he would send her home since her car was broke and was at the repair shop, estimatedly, she will get it back 2 weeks after. Unknowingly, Leo had a plan in mind that he will send Emily at the bar and party with them because she kept on refusing after she went busy to her work.

Not from a distance, Emily saw her friends sitting and chatting to each other. There was a huge Red Label on their table and an iced bucket, and a shot glass. She wandered her eyes and saw some of her friends dancing and grinding on the stage with a strangers, she just shool her head. It was still early in the evening and some of them are tipsy already.

"Hey, busy girl. Now you can't refuse huh?" Miranda, short black hair wearing a strapless short red dress, exclaimed and as she tapped the vacant seat beside her gesturing Emily to occupy it. The latter shrugged and just smiled at her. "How's being a Radiologist girl of the group? You're so busy, what's up?" Eunice asked as he tapped Ivan to open the huge Red Label at the center of their table, Ivan did so, but as it was really huge, tall, and heavy more than a 1.5 bottle, she gestured the water to transfer the Red Label into a tower instead. Later on, the Red Label was removed and it was replaced with a tower. Ivan poured everyone's shot of glass and gave it to them.

"To the busy Radiologist girl, you deserve this," Ivan said and gave her shot glass. Emily furrowed her forehead as Ivan joked about it and held the shot glass on his hand.

"Drink it up!" The group yelled to her. The shot glass was filled with Red Label, literally full. She gulped as she imagined herself what would happen to her after doing what they wanted. But Emily was not the type of person who is Kill Joy, she drank the Red Label on her shot glass in one chug, she raised it with an empty glass that made her friends yell into happiness.

"How's being a Radiologist?" Besie asked while they were the two left at their table. Majority of their friends were dancing at the stage with a random stranger while flirting with them.

Emily worked in a hospital as a Radiologist. She has a lot of patients that were scheduled everyday that was why she is always exhausted and does not have time to party.

"Super exhausting. There are a lot of patients everyday," she said, paused, and drank her liquor, "but I love what I am doing," Emily continued and smiled. "How about you?"

"Happy working as a veterenarian!" Bessie giggled. She was a an animal person, she loves animals ever since that was why she pursue animal medicine. Aside from that, her pet died when they were in highschool and that time she kept on blaming herself because she can't do something for her pet. Unfortunately that moment, her dog got a heart attack at midnight and there was no available veterenarian, she tried to contact her past veternarian clinic but it was not available, and she ended up just waching her dog died in her arms.

"That's good to know. I'm sure Cookie is so happy for you," Emily smiled that made Bessie did too as she held her the pendant on her necklace. It was a small circle pendant, inside of it was the smallest portion of Cookie, her dog's ashes.

"I hope so too, " their conversation was cut, they both went into silence. Minutes passed, it seemed like Bessie got bored, she stood up from the table and told Emily she will just meet someone at the stage. She was left alone in the midst of the crowd, Emily wandered and wandered her eyes as she kept on looking after her friends.

Even in the darkness and in the ocean of people, her eyes got locked at the man sitted on a stoll at the bar counter. She did not know what happened to her eyes but she could not removed her gazes on him. She gulped and poured herself an alcohol, minutes passed, and she found herself still looking at the man, but that moment he was already talking to a guy, seemed like his friend.

Every move of his lips, she found it hot. Her breathing became narrower as she stare at his lips. Emily rolled her eyes and put down her shot glass and reluctantly went to the bar counter and approached the guy.

"Mojito, please," she said to the waiter as she sitted on the stoll beside the guy. The latter probably shocked on her sudden presence and moved his head towards her, Emily felt it and looked back at her.

"Hi," she said and waved her right hand a little. She was not doing it seductively, just a chill and normal wave. The guy just stared at her and she did the same, Emily's eyes were a bit naughty because it was moving on its own. From his eyes, to his nose, and his lips, and back again to his eyes. A light flashed at them for a couple of seconds only but that seconds made her look at the deepness of guy's eyes.

Green eyes.

It has been 6 months since the last time she did this.

"Are you with...someone?" Emily asked shyly. The guy nodded slowly and pointed his friend at the side of him, that guy waved and smiled at her, she did the same. "I'm with him," He said softly. His voice brought chills on her spine, it was the hottest thing she ever heard, well, she heard a lot of man's voice but his was different. Extremely different.

"You want to go to my place?"