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Submit to My Supreme Wife

Submit to My Supreme Wife



Submit to My Supreme Wife PDF Free Download


Anita Haillet dutifully heeded her mother's advice and pretended to be incapable of doing anything for a decade. Once the ten-year period elapsed, she returned to the Haillet family. However, to her dismay, she was betrothed to the worthless son of the Benson family. Ralph Benson, a prodigal who squandered his time and lacked any sense of purpose, had been indulged even more recklessly by his family after becoming disabled. This only further transformed him into a spendthrift young master who possessed no understanding of the value of money - or so everyone believed. Refusing to accept the arranged marriage, Ralph was determined to locate the girl who had once saved him, someone he could not forget. Little did he realize, that girl is none other than his intended bride...
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Chapter 1

It was a cold night in Dromont City, Blytheman Hill.

"Mom, for the past ten years I followed your request and acted like a good-for-nothing in front of everybody. Now that the ten years are up, I will return to the Haillet family tomorrow..."


Suddenly, the harsh sounds of tires rubbing against the ground rang out in the quiet cemetery.

The sound came from a man who staggered out of the car whilst hugging his abdomen.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people in black rushed towards him while shouting.

"Hah! Keep running if you can! How long do you think you can run away for?"

The pack of men exuded a menacing aura as they steadily closed in on Ralph Benson.

Ralph squinted his eyes slightly.

While he was enduring the unbearable pain coming from his bleeding abdomen, he wondered if he was going to die there on that day.

Despite his situation, Ralph sneered arrogantly with a pale face, "Hah! Just with you guys' capabilities?"

The leader of the black-clad men ignored Ralph's taunts with a cold expression. He started attacking Ralph with ruthless and swift strikes!

"Yeah, it's just us!"

As soon as he finished speaking...


A stone accurately hit the edge of his knife, causing a crisp sound to ring out in the quiet cemetery.

The dagger in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, causing fingers to throb with pain, and he even staggered backward a few steps!

"Who is it?" The man in black growled.

"How noisy! You guys are disturbing my mother's rest," Anita Haillet replied in a cold voice with her back against them.

When the dozens of men in black heard her arrogant tone, their eyes darkened dangerously.

Even Ralph's sinister eyes were filled with astonishment.

Based on Anita's youthful voice, Ralph assumed she was a young girl and wondered how could she be so skillful at such a young age.

After all, everybody hunting him currently were all well-known killers throughout the world. How could a small stone of hers push one of them back a few steps?

"You're seeking death!" The leader of the men in black growled and attacked her, with the other men in black following closely behind.

Anita frowned unhappily when she heard that and the coldness in her eyes grew deeper.

"Watch out!"

Ralph's pupils suddenly contracted when he saw the group of men charge towards Anita.

However, just as he thought Anita was doomed, his eyes suddenly widened, and his intense eyes were filled with disbelief!

All he saw was the sight of the dozens of men in black falling in front of her in unison before they could even make a move.

How was that possible?

Ralph raised his eyes to look at Anita, only to see her still standing in the same spot glaring coldly at the group of men at her feet.

If he hadn't seen her withdraw her hand, he would have thought everything was an illusion.

Meanwhile, Anita sternly looked at the black-clothed men lying on the ground and said in a frigid voice, "Why aren't you getting lost?"

"What did you do to us?" One of the men in black fearfully asked while looking at Anita like she was a demon. He never thought that he would be defeated by a girl!

The most infuriating thing was that all of them fell down before they could even see her actions.

All of them could not wait for an explanation but had lost their breath.

Ralph watched Anita sprinkle a handful of powder on the group of men and saw them faint one by one without any sound.

Ralph stepped forward and stood at the bottom of the stairs. Then, he raised his head, looked into Anita's cold eyes, and sincerely said, "Thank you."

However, Anita glanced at him casually and dismissively replied, "I didn't mean to save you."

So there was no need to thank her.

They all deserved to die since they interrupted her conversation with her mother.

Then, Anita respectfully patted her mother's tombstone and softly said, "I'm going now. Rest in peace."

She walked down the stairs and brushed past Ralph.

In response, Ralph looked at her back and asked, "What's your name? I'll definitely repay your kindness."

However, Anita acted as if she didn't hear him and continued walking away without acknowledging Ralph.

Suddenly, with a "bang", Ralph fell to the ground without warning.

Once again, the whole cemetery fell into silence.

Despite Ralph fainting, Anita showed no intentions of stopping since she didn't want to meddle in other people's business. However, a gust of wind suddenly blew around her...

"Mom, do you want me to save him?" Anita looked into the distance and murmured.

It was quiet, but the gust of wind suddenly stopped.

At that, Anita chuckled and softly muttered, "I ain't no saint, and I never really thought about saving you. But since fate has it this way, well..."

Changing her stride, she squatted down and swiftly attended to Ralph's injuries. She stopped his bleeding before she stuffed a pill into his mouth.

If Ralph were awake at this moment, he would have realized that this pill was worth millions on the black market, yet here it was, seemingly priceless.

After Anita finished treating Ralph, she looked at Ralph's handsome features for a moment and tilted her head.

Then, she got up and left without hesitation.